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Donald Trump the next USA President ??

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:33 pm

The only thing that has stopped Australia is the fact that South Korea and Japan will acquire a Nuclear capability if Australia did.

But now that North Korea has Nuclear Weapons, that is less of a consideration now and Trump is only posing as further encouragement for these 3 countries to go down the Nuclear road. In fact, it could even be US Trump policy.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Londonrake » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:46 pm

Paphitis wrote:The only thing that has stopped Australia is the fact that South Korea and Japan will acquire a Nuclear capability if Australia did.

But now that North Korea has Nuclear Weapons, that is less of a consideration now and Trump is only posing as further encouragement for these 3 countries to go down the Nuclear road. In fact, it could even be US Trump policy.

Perhaps of interest: ... ong-un-us/
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:01 pm

Paphitis, it’s a shame you just deleted your last post, (16.4*) it was quite enlightening! It did at least demonstrate you read what I post ..... even if you’re sulking and won’t reply! Poor loser? :roll:

Going simply on memory:

Your twelve submarines can fire cruise missiles, which is of course a fundamental requirement, but they are conventional not nuclear. But they are now vulnerable to satellite jamming and false signals, as well as ant-missile missiles. Nuclear capability is the Australian intent even though, as you said, you are signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty ..... which as you said, you can tear up at any time. So much for honouring treaties then?

You don’t explain where these nuclear missiles are coming from but I assume Israel(?) as you have now fallen out with the US? I doubt the US would supply them anyway as this would again breach the terms of the NNPT? If they did .... it would become a nuclear free for all! Israel is of course already designated a rogue nuclear State along with India, Pakistan and North Korea and their arsenal of nukes is the world’s third largest. So tearing up the NNPT would make Australia a rogue state as well. How does this fit in with your NATO commitment?

I find it rather confusing that Iran, that is proven to have no nuclear capability, is ‘put on a warning’ by the US Hawks for testing a relatively short range missile and yet, presumably they are prepared to turn a blind eye to Australia equipping themselves not only with illegal nuclear missiles but the means to launch them .......... from your submarines. Although as I said before, being diesel could limit their range and make them much more easily located by Russian/Chinese satellites. Even a snorkel these days has a signature.

As for your country’s approach to the problem of illegal immigration, I think it has merit. They are doing what Trump wants to do and of course those that voted to leave the EU; protected borders being a major element in the election campaign to leave the EU. If you are caught as an illegal in Australia, you get no second chance, perfectly logical in my book. But with Australia having so much empty space I would have thought that controlled entry and defined location if accepted as a refugee, could be handled with more compassion and empathy. After all YOU were all immigrants once ............. and most of the original immigrants were also criminals! :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:49 pm

Paphitis wrote:It might interest someone that Australia is the only country that is able to acquire Nuclear Weapons legally despite the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. The NPT actually excludes Australia from any obligation to remain Nuclear free.

Australia is basically singled out under the NPT to be allowed to become a Nuclear Power.

Can you provide a link to support that claim?

The NPT states the following:

At present, there are five Nuclear-Weapon States under the NPT (United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China). Under Article IX.3 of the NPT, a country may accede to the treaty as a Nuclear-Weapon State if that state “manufactured and exploded a nuclear device prior to January 1, 1967”.

Note, if you have quoted correctly it says '.....manufactured AND exploded...... ........ not OR .... so that is a bit of a questionable conclusion.

Australia qualifies. In the 1950s and ’60s, Australia hosted a series of nuclear tests conducted by the United Kingdom and Australia conjointly. These nuclear explosions were conducted on Australian sovereign territory with the active participation of Australian scientists and military personnel.

You hosted them yes, but you did not manufacture them nor did YOU, as a country explode them. You were hosts only to the event, you may have participated but the whole operation was controlled by the UK Ministry of Defence (?).

As Australia actually detonated multiple devices prior to 1967 in joint tests with Britain, on its own soil, it can acquire Nuclear Weapons.

A questionable conclusion! It would hold more credibility if you provided a link. I can't find anything that supports this.

The Shortfin is a Submarine that can launch missiles from its 24 ICBM silos. It can also launch Tomohawk Cruise Missiles which is the intention.

Australia is also the largest producer of Uranium.

It is only by choice that Australia has no Nuclear Weapons. If Trump politics continue and Australia arrives to the conclusion that it needs a Deterance (to North Korea, China and Russia) of its own, then that can change instantly.

Of course it can but that does not make it legal in International Law or within the intent of the NPT. Australia would still become a rogue state.

Which explains the expensive Shortfin subs. These subs are being bought at a price tag exceeding a Nimitz Fleet Carrier, because it gives Australia a launch capability and platform.

You have mentioned the price tag several times .... is that particularly significant?

I read something the other day that said the Russians are developing nuclear powered torpedo's that travel at many hundreds of miles and hour, with almost limitless range, which can be programmed with several submarine 'signatures'. The problem with warfare today is that in the time it takes to build these huge complex and fancy platforms, technology that can defeat their capability is then one or two steps ahead of the game.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:13 am

" Federal judge in Seattle temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban nationwide
A U.S. judge on Friday imposed a nationwide hold on President Donald Trump's ban on travelers and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, siding with two states that had challenged the executive order that has launched legal battles across the country

U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle ruled that Washington state and Minnesota had standing to challenge Trump's order, which government lawyers disputed, and said they showed their case was likely to succeed." ... story.html

I wonder what Trump's response will be , could it be YOU ARE FIRED !!!
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:31 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The only thing that has stopped Australia is the fact that South Korea and Japan will acquire a Nuclear capability if Australia did.

But now that North Korea has Nuclear Weapons, that is less of a consideration now and Trump is only posing as further encouragement for these 3 countries to go down the Nuclear road. In fact, it could even be US Trump policy.

Perhaps of interest: ... ong-un-us/

Yes I saw that and took this as a positive sign that Trump has some brawn behind him. This was very positive and very important.

Also positive were the new tranche of Iran Sanctions and that Poontin was told that relations will depend on Crimea.

Looks like the equilibrium is being restored slowly slowly.

As to Nuclear Weapons, Trump has indicated that he wants other States to acquire them - Japan, South Korea and Australia. It's about being self reliant. The same policy is said to apply to NATO States. He wants strict adherence to the 2% GDP on Defence rule.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:It might interest someone that Australia is the only country that is able to acquire Nuclear Weapons legally despite the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. The NPT actually excludes Australia from any obligation to remain Nuclear free.

Australia is basically singled out under the NPT to be allowed to become a Nuclear Power.

The NPT states the following:

At present, there are five Nuclear-Weapon States under the NPT (United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China). Under Article IX.3 of the NPT, a country may accede to the treaty as a Nuclear-Weapon State if that state “manufactured and exploded a nuclear device prior to January 1, 1967”.

Australia qualifies. In the 1950s and ’60s, Australia hosted a series of nuclear tests conducted by the United Kingdom and Australia conjointly. These nuclear explosions were conducted on Australian sovereign territory with the active participation of Australian scientists and military personnel.

As Australia actually detonated multiple devices prior to 1967 in joint tests with Britain, on its own soil, it can acquire Nuclear Weapons.

The Shortfin is a Submarine that can launch missiles from its 24 ICBM silos. It can also launch Tomohawk Cruise Missiles which is the intention.

Australia is also the largest producer of Uranium.

It is only by choice that Australia has no Nuclear Weapons. If Trump politics continue and Australia arrives to the conclusion that it needs a Deterance (to North Korea, China and Russia) of its own, then that can change instantly.

Which explains the expensive Shortfin subs. These subs are being bought at a price tag exceeding a Nimitz Fleet Carrier, because it gives Australia a launch capability and platform.

Just to highlight this post as the NPT actually excludes Australia as a State that has already developed and tested Nuclear Weapons prior to 1967.

Australia doesn't need to tear up the treaty to acquire nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons in Australia have claimed Australian lives literally. Few people outside Australia know that.

As to the technology, Nuclear Weapons are actually easy to build. The hard bit is the Missile with the range. Australia has been developing rockets since the 1950s. Visit Woomera and see.

But it is easier to buy off the shelf. And they can get whatever they want from the US, Israel, Britain and France.

Relations with the US are pretty rock solid. A phone call with Trump won't change that. And Trump has decided much to his chagrin, that he will take the 1250 illegals and honour the agreement. That indicates that Trump does not want to harm America's relationship with its most trusted ally.

The Shortfin is a Nuclear Powered Submarine. It is designed specifically as an apocalyptic end of days weapon and can easily carry 24 ICBMs and launch Tomahawk Cruise Missiles with a range of 3500kms from its torpedo tubes.

What will go in the 24 vertical silo launchers is unknown yet. But if you ask me, Australia is hedging its bets. It is buying technology that will allow it to go Nuclear. In the interim, it will house conventional ICBM which can be tipped with a Nuclear warhead. Missiles with a range exceeding 10000 Kays.

These Shortfin are considered to be the best Submarines on the planet, even better than the Los Angeles Class. They can stay submerged for 6 months as well. They cost 5 billion each.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:21 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Paphitis wrote:It might interest someone that Australia is the only country that is able to acquire Nuclear Weapons legally despite the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. The NPT actually excludes Australia from any obligation to remain Nuclear free.

Australia is basically singled out under the NPT to be allowed to become a Nuclear Power.

The NPT states the following:

At present, there are five Nuclear-Weapon States under the NPT (United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China). Under Article IX.3 of the NPT, a country may accede to the treaty as a Nuclear-Weapon State if that state “manufactured and exploded a nuclear device prior to January 1, 1967”.

Australia qualifies. In the 1950s and ’60s, Australia hosted a series of nuclear tests conducted by the United Kingdom and Australia conjointly. These nuclear explosions were conducted on Australian sovereign territory with the active participation of Australian scientists and military personnel.

As Australia actually detonated multiple devices prior to 1967 in joint tests with Britain, on its own soil, it can acquire Nuclear Weapons.

The Shortfin is a Submarine that can launch missiles from its 24 ICBM silos. It can also launch Tomohawk Cruise Missiles which is the intention.

Australia is also the largest producer of Uranium.

It is only by choice that Australia has no Nuclear Weapons. If Trump politics continue and Australia arrives to the conclusion that it needs a Deterance (to North Korea, China and Russia) of its own, then that can change instantly.

Which explains the expensive Shortfin subs. These subs are being bought at a price tag exceeding a Nimitz Fleet Carrier, because it gives Australia a launch capability and platform.

Just to highlight this post as the NPT actually excludes Australia as a State that has already developed and tested Nuclear Weapons prior to 1967.

Iran, under The Shah and supported by the US and Israel, were developing nuclear weapons at that time ..... how come they are not allowed to even have their own defensive conventional missiles ..... but Australia now craves to have nuclear weapons and according to you can do so with impunity? Double standards again!' :roll:

Australia doesn't need to tear up the treaty to acquire nuclear weapons.

Of course not ..... Australia is a coat-tail hanger of the 'Exceptional nation ...... international rules don't apply.

Nuclear weapons in Australia have claimed Australian lives literally. Few people outside Australia know that.

Few people outside Australia would be interested.

As to the technology, Nuclear Weapons are actually easy to build. The hard bit is the Missile with the range. Australia has been developing rockets since the 1950s. Visit Woomera and see.

Except you have no nuclear industry ...... so you have sod all to put on the top.

But it is easier to buy off the shelf. And they can get whatever they want from the US, Israel, Britain and France.

Yeah ..... they were selling them in My Mall in Limassol this week and at a discount BOGOF..... all made in China though!

Relations with the US are pretty rock solid. A phone call with Trump won't change that. And Trump has decided much to his chagrin, that he will take the 1250 illegals and honour the agreement. That indicates that Trump does not want to harm America's relationship with its most trusted ally.

He has to have some where to send all the troops the Japanese, Indonesians and Philippines are throwing out ....... only Australia is daft enough to pay for the privilege. I think you will find that Israel is the US's most trusted ally? :roll:

The Shortfin is a Nuclear Powered Submarine. It is designed specifically as an apocalyptic end of days weapon and can easily carry 24 ICBMs and launch Tomahawk Cruise Missiles with a range of 3500kms from its torpedo tubes.

What will go in the 24 vertical silo launchers is unknown yet. But if you ask me, Australia is hedging its bets. It is buying technology that will allow it to go Nuclear. In the interim, it will house conventional ICBM which can be tipped with a Nuclear warhead. Missiles with a range exceeding 10000 Kays.

These Shortfin are considered to be the best Submarines on the planet, even better than the Los Angeles Class. They can stay submerged for 6 months as well. They cost 5 billion each.


Proof you don’t have a clue what you are talking about. You talk through the hole in your rear end!

On 26 April 2016, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced the Shortfin Barracuda, a conventionally-powered variant of the Barracuda-class nuclear submarine by French firm DCNS, as the winner (of an evaluation process)’

Nuclear propulsion has been ruled out due to the lack of an indigenous nuclear industry in Australia and public opposition to nuclear technology ... nt_project

It's an 'end-of-days' weapon alright ..... its already obsolete! So ..... it is not nuclear; so it can't stay submerged for 6 months, it needs a snorkel; the Tomahawk is coming close to its 'sell-by' date I think; 5bn but Australia has bought the cheap version with a diesel engine, I hope you asked for a discount. :lol:

Oh ..... and they won't be ready until 2025 !!!! But I am sure China and Russia can wait for you. :lol: :lol:

Koala .... stick to the Boomerang ....... and your didgeridoo ......... it's much safer. :lol: :lol:

Thank goodness all Australians are not stupid, brain dead warmongers like you. :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:05 am

" US Department of Justice formally appeals Trump travel ban ruling"
The US Department of Justice is formally appealing a federal judge's ruling which suspended President Trump's travel ban.

Judge James Robart had questioned the constitutionality of his controversial executive order, which blocks citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US.

Thousands of travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen have been scrambling to catch flights to America since immigration restrictions were lifted nationwide on Friday night." ... g-10757123

Is there any doubt that America still is the Land of Opportunity ? Thousands are flogging to get to the USA not to Dubai, Emirates, SA or elsewhere in the ME.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:57 am

" Judges reject Donald Trump's appeal to reinstate his travel ban"
Judges have rejected Donald Trump's appeal to have his travel ban immediately reinstated.

Federal Judge James Robart halted the ban on Friday after questioning the constitutionality of the President's controversial executive order, which blocks citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US and all refugees.

The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on Sunday denied a formal request by the US Department of Justice to lift the ruling.

Instead, it gave the Trump administration until Monday afternoon to file more arguments for its emergency appeal."
Judges have rejected Donald Trump's appeal to have his travel ban immediately reinstated. ... n-10757211

This becoming a ...circus, a boofhead or a breath of fresh air :lol:
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