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Donald Trump the next USA President ??

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:19 am

Paphitis wrote:Well the would have been a lot of activity at The Australian Embassy the last few hours.

Maybe they are packing their bags? :roll:

Apparently a few Republican Gongresan and Aenators from both the GOP and Democrats were calling to convey friendly and diplomatic messages towards Australia and repair any damage that Trump may have caused. The most notable is McCain who seems to be setting himself up as Trump's opposition. At last the Democrats and GOP are forming some kind of power block which is showing early signs of opposition.

Typing errors are increasing ... are you taking your medication? :wink: I repeat, McCain is NOT an American that deserves respect, he is a proven traitor and is always ready to conspire with the US's enemies.

However, there should be ramifications and consequences to Trump's behavior otherwise his approach will not be moderated. Australian Troops should not be sent to Syria to participate in the fight against ISIL. Australia should perhaps split from the coalition and just continue with some Special Forces in helping out the Kurds. Go it alone.

Split from the coalition? You mean leave NATO? That sounds like a good idea to me.

All Australian Ships including the HMAS Adelaide should split from the 6th Fleet and head towards Osrael and just hang there for a while. America's access to Pine Gap should also be restricted.

Yes I am sure 'Osreal' , who ever they happen to be, would welcome you. More tit-for-tat, diplomacy is obviously not your strong point?

RAAF F-18 super hornets to also detach from the US JSOC.

I really don't think you will be missed that much! ... 07cb6be191

When I quote the Huffington Post ....... you reject it s a credible source ...... now it is? :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:36 am

Paphitis wrote:Not to mention the fact that Coalition troops in Syria will be the biggest military disaster in decades. I can't fathom to think Maddog will support a 10 to 20 year commitment and occupation of Syria.

They have not exactly been a roaring success in any other theatre of war of late ..... why should Syria be any different? You get success and a shorter conflict if you have the support of the population, it also helps if your enemy is not continually resupplied by foreign governments. You deal with Iraq ..... and let Russia and the Syrian government deal with Syria .... legally! :roll:

Our troops will be there for a long time. A long long time and we will be losing soldiers constantly from DAESH attacks. This isn't a war you can just go and carpet bomb like Aleppo. It's house to house, village to village and farm barn to farm barn.

I thought you were going to 'Osrael' or back to Australia? Repeat: Aleppo was not carpet bombed ...... no more than the coalition is currently engaged in 'carpet bombing' Mosul.

It's the con of the century to believe DAESH will be defeated. Russians want us there because we are the only ones with the resources to fight such a war. They can't do it. Or they are smart to try and get us into Syria.

Russia is cooperating with the US to tackle Daesh. It has previously been agreed by just about every one on this Forum, that Daesh/ISIS/ISIL, can NEVER be defeated,..... they can only be degraded! I don't think the Russians have asked for your help in Syria ..... they do not need your help as their successes so far indicate.

America should go it alone. Australia, France and Britain need to be very careful about Trump's pipe dream about him fixing these kind of problems.

Trumps approach has far more going for it than anything other coalition members, including Australia, France and the UK have come up with so far. He is moving toward cooperation against a common enemy ..... rather than the previous course of confrontation. A view you seem to favour? :roll:

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:47 am

Australia is almost as big as America, in land size with just 25 million population.
Why doesn't Australia accept refugees currently held on Australian soil.
Obviously Australia considers the refugees as undesirable and wishes to offload them on America!! Is there any valid reason as why America should accept these refugees apart from humanitarian reasons ?
" Conditions in the camps are often appalling. An Amnesty International report (also from August 2016) documented that refugees were denied access to medical care. A Guardian Australia project called the Nauru Files collated 2,000 reports of abuse between 2013 and 2015, ranging from security guards hitting children’s heads against the wall to detainees swallowing rocks in self-harm. Detainees have resorted to self-immolation to draw attention to their plight." ... a-refugees
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:54 am

It's got nothing to do with thinking thaey are undesirable.

Australia is one of the most generous countries to the UNHCR and probably takes most refugees in the world outside of Germany and Canada.

The policy is, that illegal entrants are never to be allowed into Australia because they have broken the law. It's also a useful deterance. Australia doesn't have an illegal immigrant problem other than British backpackers that don't want to leave.

Australia also has extreme vetting, a termed coined by Trump. That has been the case since early 90s.

Australia also flavours Christian refugees - like Yazidi, Assyrians etc. Kurdish Muslims too but if you are a Muslim from Syria, then you might have a problem. The system discriminates.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:59 am

Get Real! wrote:And one for the road...


:lol: :lol: :lol:



I just got the calculator out and worked out that the 12 Shortfin Submarines cost 2 and a half times the Cyprus GDP!

2 and 1/2! :lol:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:23 am

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:And one for the road...


:lol: :lol: :lol:



I just got the calculator out and worked out that the 12 Shortfin Submarines cost 2 and a half times the Cyprus GDP!

2 and 1/2! :lol:

Wow ....... all that money for protection, although against what/who seems unclear, but whatever ....... without nuclear weapons they are useful as an ashtray on a motorbike! :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:31 am

miltiades wrote:Australia is almost as big as America, in land size with just 25 million population.
Why doesn't Australia accept refugees currently held on Australian soil.
Obviously Australia considers the refugees as undesirable and wishes to offload them on America!! Is there any valid reason as why America should accept these refugees apart from humanitarian reasons ?
" Conditions in the camps are often appalling. An Amnesty International report (also from August 2016) documented that refugees were denied access to medical care. A Guardian Australia project called the Nauru Files collated 2,000 reports of abuse between 2013 and 2015, ranging from security guards hitting children’s heads against the wall to detainees swallowing rocks in self-harm. Detainees have resorted to self-immolation to draw attention to their plight." ... a-refugees

Btw, Australia's immigration policy doesn't just apply to Muslims. It applies equally to Christians. If you come to Australia illegally, you end up in a Detention Centre if you request asylum.

If a Cypriot comes to Australia illegally, they have 2 options:
1) deportation which is an efficient process and you will be on your way within days, sometimes within 48 hours,
2) request asylum which Australia will not grant you but can leave you stranded in Detention Centres until your status is worked out. Even if you are granted refugee status, Australia will only try and settle you in third countries but not in Australia.

As far as Australia is concerned, they are felons. When they go, they will never be allowed to come to Australia even as a tourist. No matter what passport you hold as well.

The same thing occurs for anyone who has criminal convictions - especially drugs, assault, rape, and many other things. You are asked when you request a visa. They cross share intelligence with other countries and law enforcement as well. If you are not a clean skin, then it's very hard but not impossible.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:33 am

Nigel ....... Donald ....... and the EU!- A LOVE STORY. :roll: :lol: :lol:

Farage: EU is Showing Its True Nature Now - Genuine Anti-Americanism

a five minute video .......
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:43 am

miltiades wrote:Australia is almost as big as America, in land size with just 25 million population.
Why doesn't Australia accept refugees currently held on Australian soil.
Obviously Australia considers the refugees as undesirable and wishes to offload them on America!! Is there any valid reason as why America should accept these refugees apart from humanitarian reasons ?
" Conditions in the camps are often appalling. An Amnesty International report (also from August 2016) documented that refugees were denied access to medical care. A Guardian Australia project called the Nauru Files collated 2,000 reports of abuse between 2013 and 2015, ranging from security guards hitting children’s heads against the wall to detainees swallowing rocks in self-harm. Detainees have resorted to self-immolation to draw attention to their plight." ... a-refugees

Btw, theses reports were also proven to be false or fake news because Guardian is against mandatory detention. No one is allowed in the detention Centres unless you are approved and vetted by the Department Of Immigration.

Yes there have been recorded incidents of abuse, including sexual, including self immolation, and suicide but these were the inmates or violence between inmates to inmate not from the authorities and Government careers. Severe incidents like suicide which do occur are also quite rare.

They let a Sky News team access into Nauru and conditions are pretty good. Families are housed in self contained units with ensuites and kitchens, fully furnished too but not exactly luxurious stuff but adequate. There are medical Centres, doctors, councling, spyritual observance, gyms, cinemas, computer rooms, internet, TV, snooker rooms, darts, tennis courts even, soccer pitches and lots of other things.

They also spend millions on the local schools and hospitals. Children attend school.

I forgot to also mention, inmates are also paid. They are given $10,000 per man, woman and child to leave. The refugees going to USA were to be given a $10000 USD hand shake.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:13 pm

It might interest someone that Australia is the only country that is able to acquire Nuclear Weapons legally despite the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. The NPT actually excludes Australia from any obligation to remain Nuclear free.

Australia is basically singled out under the NPT to be allowed to become a Nuclear Power.

The NPT states the following:

At present, there are five Nuclear-Weapon States under the NPT (United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China). Under Article IX.3 of the NPT, a country may accede to the treaty as a Nuclear-Weapon State if that state “manufactured and exploded a nuclear device prior to January 1, 1967”.

Australia qualifies. In the 1950s and ’60s, Australia hosted a series of nuclear tests conducted by the United Kingdom and Australia conjointly. These nuclear explosions were conducted on Australian sovereign territory with the active participation of Australian scientists and military personnel.

As Australia actually detonated multiple devices prior to 1967 in joint tests with Britain, on its own soil, it can acquire Nuclear Weapons.

The Shortfin is a Submarine that can launch missiles from its 24 ICBM silos. It can also launch Tomohawk Cruise Missiles which is the intention.

Australia is also the largest producer of Uranium.

It is only by choice that Australia has no Nuclear Weapons. If Trump politics continue and Australia arrives to the conclusion that it needs a Deterance (to North Korea, China and Russia) of its own, then that can change instantly.

Which explains the expensive Shortfin subs. These subs are being bought at a price tag exceeding a Nimitz Fleet Carrier, because it gives Australia a launch capability and platform.
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