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Donald Trump the next USA President ??

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby kurupetos » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:03 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:" Polls Suggest Trump Will Win Between 8 Percent And 64 Percent Of The Vote" :lol: :lol:

Not a big ...difference then :lol: ... -the-vote/

Marco Rubio has it in the bag old boy!

It will be Hillary Vs Rubio and Rubio will be next Pres.

Oh God another Zionist. :shock:

All Republican & Democrat candidates are, mate. The Zionists own and control the whole deck. :twisted:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby kurupetos » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:04 pm

erolz66 wrote:I was genuinely relieved that Trump lost the Iowa caucus by such a significant margin myself.

He's just the Zionist system's expansion valve, my naïve friend! :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Kikapu » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:43 pm

miltiades wrote:A very good analysis, I share also your " view" that Trump and Clinton will be their respective parties nominees. I also, dare I think, Trump might just scrape through.

The Democrats are not exactly popular right now and as much as I disagree with Trump's views, he is a succesful billionaire and money screams in the USA.

Get ready for ....third WW !!

Few Millionaires have tried to "buy" the presidency in the past without success.

Trump is not a sure thing despite his money. Trump is not a Christian Conservative Republican which almost half of America is, specially the South where Cruz comes from, the "Bible Belt", and almost the other half are the Democrats/Independents, which almost means the same thing. Even if Trump wins the nomination, he can't win the White House without the Christian Conservatives. That's why he will want Cruz on the ticket to help him, but I don't think it will be enough to get most of the Christian Conservatives to vote for Trump. Trump supported Gay marriage and Abortion in the past. The American religious right, the Christian Conservatives are more or less same as the Islamist fanatics, only the American Christian Conservatives do not behead people, but have been know to lynch blacks from trees in the long past, so I can say that we have had some progress in the USA over the backward Islamofascists in the Middle East.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby erolz66 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:58 pm

Kikapu wrote: As for the Presidency, Trump has no chance against Hillary,...

Even if Bloomberg were to enter the race as an independent ?
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:01 pm

I agree with your comments, however strange things happen in America. Who would have thought a few years back that a black would be elected to the highest office, after all I remember when restaurants and hotels desplayed notices " NO BLACKS".
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Kikapu » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:08 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Kikapu wrote: As for the Presidency, Trump has no chance against Hillary,...

Even if Bloomberg were to enter the race as an independent ?

You mean for Bloomberg to split the Democratic vote to help Trump to win? Maybe!

Bloomberg is a conservative with a small "c", so he can attract many voters who do not like Hillary from the Democrats / Independents, but also those Republicans who would not vote for Trump. In the end, it might be a wash with the "wasted" votes for Bloomberg, which will make the race for the White House very close between Hillary and Trump.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:12 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
The coalition flying in Syria is tolerated by Syria as long as they are helping defeat ISIS, as well as help the YPG, but since Russia is the ONLY country directly invited by Syrian government to be in Syria, then Syria/Russia can also decide which country cannot fly in Syria, legally, and that means TAF cannot fly in Syria. Turkey's main mission in Syria was to bomb the Kurds and prevent the YPG from going west of the Euphrates river, which the YPG has already crossed into the west of the Euphrates, so where is TAF to stop them?

Oh btw, you do understand that the YPG are not on Assad's side don't you?

They have aligned themselves with the Syrian Opposition, namely with the FSA and some other affiliate militias. They have even fought together in some areas. They also have their delegates at the Peace Proximity Talks as part of the Syrian Democratic Forces (the FSA is also part of this).

This is from the very very biased Smirnoff News:

Syrian Kurds Create Alliance With Opposition Groups to Fight Terrorism ... ition.html

Things are not looking very good for Assad.

Maybe we will wait to hear when he decides to ban the Coalition from "his" Airspace. lol

Syrian Kurds are fighting the terrorist, the ISIS, with the help of the Russians and the Americans, much to the dislike of Turkey, but who cares what Turkey wants. In the meantime, the Russians, Iranians and Assad forces are fighting against the so called "moderate opposition" backed by the Americans and the Saudis. Talk about a "3 RING CIRCUS". The bottom line is, Turkey is left out in the cold and can't act in Syria because nobody wants Turkey in Syria, except the ISIS terrorist. In the meantime, Syrian Kurds are continuing to take more territory in Syria along the Turkish border, with the blessing of the Americans, the Russians and no doubt, the Assad government, which then to become a bulwark between Syria and Turkey. Syrian Kurds will then be able to help the PKK in their war with Turkey, hence the break-up of Turkey, with the blessing of the Americans and Russia.

Yes Kikalu, it's a 3 ring race but not the way you describe it.

Turkey is in alliance with the FSA along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The Kurds are in alliance with the FSA along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The FSA and YPG have formed the Syrian Democratic Forces along with some other groups. Yes Turkey is pissed off at this alliance and has threatened to boycott the Peace Talks as a result because the Kurdish Delegation will be present with the Syrian Democratic Forces.

The Turks want to enter Syria but in reality that is to fight the YPG who have teamed up with the FSA and superficially fight DAESH like Russia is superficially fighting DAESH. In Syria it's about survival and it's an all in free for all.

Turkey is not in alliance with DAESH. That is a fact.

The coalition have Turkey trapped exactly where they want her. Turkey is not happy at all I would agree, because the coalition will not allow any intervention from Turkey unless it's on the Coalition's terms. That means they bomb where the Americans want them to bomb and no unilateral action against the YPG which is in alliance with the FSA. Turkey did it before but can't do that again because they nearly killed Australian troops which were on the receiving end. Hence how Turkey was stitched up real good and now they are on a short leash and rely on the NATO dogma.

In effect, these are the alliances:
1) FSA and YPG backed by the coalition minus Turkey
2) Turkey backs the FSA
3) Assad, Russia, Hesbollah and Iran
4) DAESH Vs everyone else
Last edited by Paphitis on Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:19 pm

And just to highlight Miltiades idiocy.

Hesbollah old man! Are they the good guys now?

No they are every bit as bad if not a lot more worse than DAESH. Pootin and Assad are fighting in alliance with these butchers Islamist Jihadists!
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Kikapu » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:34 pm

miltiades wrote:I agree with your comments, however strange things happen in America. Who would have thought a few years back that a black would be elected to the highest office, after all I remember when restaurants and hotels desplayed notices " NO BLACKS".

What really helped Obama to rise from obscurity to President were few major factors. If you remember, Hillary was a "shoe in" for the Democratic nomination before the race started, and many Democrats would have voted for Hillary by "holding their noses", since voting for McCain/Palin was not going to happen, mostly thanks to the "White Trash" Palin from Alaska.

Obama had charisma and knew how to talk that it even impressed many Republicans to vote for him after the other "White Trash" from Texas, Bush, couldn't put two sentences together, due to his brain cells being burnout with drugs in his younger days.

Then there was the Iraq war that went very wrong for Bush and the Republicans, who turned to Obama who talked peace and to bring the troops home. Americans bought Obama's "Yes We Can" slogan. Never mind many Republicans has since regretted voted for Obama, but he was the best choice at the time. The Republicans were not about to vote for Hillary, that's for sure, so they went for Obama so not to vote for McCain/Palin ticket.

And the final reason why Obama was nominated by the Democrats and not Hillary, is because at the time, had Hillary become the Democratic nominee, she would have been Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton going to the white house, and people simply have had enough of Bush's and Clinton's by that time. It was time for a change. I don't think we are going to have another black President for a very long long time.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:38 pm

Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:I agree with your comments, however strange things happen in America. Who would have thought a few years back that a black would be elected to the highest office, after all I remember when restaurants and hotels desplayed notices " NO BLACKS".

What really helped Obama to rise from obscurity to President were few major factors. If you remember, Hillary was a "shoe in" for the Democratic nomination before the race started, and many Democrats would have voted for Hillary by "holding their noses", since voting for McCain/Palin was not going to happen, mostly thanks to the "White Trash Palin from Alaska.

Obama had charisma and knew how to talk that it even impressed many Republicans to vote for him after the other "White Trash" from Texas, Bush, couldn't put two sentences together, due to his brain cells being burnout with drugs in his younger days.

Then there was the Iraq war that went very wrong for Bush and the Republicans, who turned to Obama who talked peace and to bring the troops home. Americans bought Obama's "Yes We Can" slogan. Never mind many Republicans has since regretted voted for Obama, but he was the best choice at the time. The Republicans were not about to vote for Hillary, that's for sure, so they went for Obama so not to vote for McCain/Palin ticket.

And the final reason why Obama was nominated by the Democrats and not Hillary, is because at the time, had Hillary become the Democratic nominee, she would have been Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton going to the white house, and people simply have had enough of Bush's and Clinton's by that time. It was time for a change. I don't think we are going to have another black President for a very long long time.

Bush smoked the hooch but what did Obama snort in his younger days? I reckon he done a few lines through a 20 dollar bill.

He was absolutely pathetic and I am sure Goerge W would show a lot more nerve and backbone than Obama. Pity we didn't have Bush the last 4 years. We needed him.
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