I'm not disputing (pun! ) it but don't recall accounts of Russian interference in the EU referendum at the time. If there were then clearly they didn't reach the scandal proportions of the US. Furthermore, in my many exchanges with Remainers that aspect hasn't once been raised as a mitigating factor.
There has never been any proof presented to support the accusation, although I have no doubt all Nations are engaged in this sort of date collection (espionage?) But it has been unanimously agreed that in neither case did it affect the outcome.
Despite attempts to elevate European security towards being dependent upon the EU, it's collective engagements have been disappointing. It is of course NATO that's underpinned the West in that respect, for over 70 years. For me that remains the principle concern. Trump did recently join May in reaffirming support for the organisation but of course that conflicts with his campaign rhetoric. Time, as always, will tell.
I think what Trump said was that NATO was obsolete? If you consider NATO’s function after 1945 until the end of the cold war, then surely he has to have a valid point. Was it not intended to prevent another war in Europe like the previous two?
There are quite large Russian ethnic minorities in the Baltic states (most notably Latvia). IIRC "planted" there by Stalin, in much the same way settlers have been in the north here. Primarily for the same reason. Whilst they seem to coexist peacefully with others there's always some reason or other that can be dug up to foment trouble if needed. Adoption of Russian as an official language perhaps? In the past I believe Putin has proclaimed the right to "defend" Russians everywhere. He would, I'm sure, not be averse to re-embracing those small states and (like Stalin's deal with Hitler) annexing them as part of Mother Russia. I suspect that talk of Russian tanks pouring into the likes of Poland again are for those with a vivid imagination though.
You are right, they were planted by Stalin just as the UK planted Protestants from Scotland into Northern Ireland and for the same reason, but they were not planted in Ukraine, they had lived there for generations. But that was decades ago! The USSR, a communist State, no longer exists. The Russian federation is a whole different political regime.
I would hope that if ever (a remote possibility) a right wing bunch of anarchists took over the Cypriot parliament, with the backing of a foreign power, threatened the British Bases, made it clear they supported the extermination of British residents, closed down the UKCA, shut down the Cyprus Mail and mobilised the CNG to drive the residents of Peyia into the sea ........ my hope would be that I would able to rely upon some protection from the British Forces stationed on the Island if I needed it.

IMO: I do not see Russia as a threat to anyone. Their borders are lined with troops and weapons of the military of NATO nations whose borders are thousands of miles away and yet they are declared ‘threatening’ because they mobilise their own , inside their OWN borders to counter an obvious threat to them. I don’t think Russia has any intention of trying to annex any other country in the region. That is as much of a fallacy as ‘....Russian tanks pouring into Poland!’ You must remember the US’s horrified response to having Russian missiles in Cuba?
( If you wish to bring up Georgia and Ukraine ... let’s make that a new thread? It could be an interesting exchange of views.

If there were an appetite to test Article 5 (and Personally I believe that to be very unlikely) then it would come in the Baltic. To not commit to the Article wholeheartedly would of course precipitate the end of NATO at a stroke. A paper Tiger. Tempting I imagine but pretty risky. Can't see it coming about myself but it could depend - like so much - on what Donald does next.
I don’t think Trumps policies suggested that he would abandon NATO or its member Nations, he suggested changes which are well overdue, but his approach to Russia to talk out differences rather than weaponise them, is a step in the right direction that will eliminate the likely hood of any military engagements on Europe’s Eastern borders ..... or Russia’s Western borders as well as in other geographical locations.