miltiades wrote:Make your mind up mate, you just wrote : " ISIL can't be defeated. It's IMPOSSIBLE"
DEEP State exists in most large countries like USA, Britain, Australia etc etc
It has nothing to do with political parties, as you have said before. It transcends politics.They are the faceless men and women or the power-brokers within the political parties. they are the faceless men and women of the Security Agencies, and Military Elites and other major Government departments and the Judiciary.
None, other than the ones within the political movements, have anything to do with globalization, Corporations, banks or capitalism. Two seperate issues.
The security Agencies and Military establishments (Pentagon) have however far greater responsibilities than the POTUS and are apolitical. They are the real Guardians of the State.
.They don't want the limelight, or credit for anything they do. They want to remain apolitical and obscure from the public eye
POTUS comes and go, but the DEEP STATE will ALWAYS remain. And if they have to, they will dispense with the POTUS and have the fall guy or they will use the media to destroy him.
And the danger signs are already there. It's never personal or political, just about INTERESTS and if TRUMP undermines those interests, then he's gone one way or another.
And it's easily done. first of all, they just need to get the GOP to shut the Government down but not voting for the next tranche of Federal Funding. Game over and Bye bye Trumpey.
A few things that will take Trump down are as follows:
1) normalization of relations with Russia - everyone is against this, including virtually all allies
Done .... after yesterdays phone call with Putin ..... obvious that they are going to get on well together. They are movers not political/diplomatic wafflers!
2) any isolationism from NATO or the Asia Pacific and South China Sea.
NATO IS obsolete and is a threat to world peace as you with your comments and prophecies show only too well.
3) any military action which will assist Assad and Hezbollah,
To late ..... Russia and the US are to cooperate to destroy ISIS, this will take the heat of Assad and his coalition. He will only have to fight on one front ..... now shifted to Idlib. Arise .... the ‘White Helmets’ and the SOHR!
4) and anything STUPID that he may do which will take the globe closer to a Nuclear Holocaust.
So mending bridges with Russia will help that process and heal the distrust between two nuclear states. The biggest threat is Israel and their nuclear arsenal, which unfortunately Trump seems to support?
Free Trade Deals, immigration, abortion, and other such matters are pretty much irrelevant. The Deep state will allow the POTUS to implement their political agendas.
They won’t allow anything if these deals threaten their Global Empires! Deep State is not political .... it is above politics, it is called self interests!
Immigration and banning persons from 7 countries is a matter of the Federal Courts to work out whether it is Constitutional or not. And it appears, it might not be. First stuff up by Trump.
I think that move was a mistake he could well regret.Next stuff up will be when women start doing back yard abortions and risk their lives in the process resulting in loss of life.
Another stuff up would be introducing tariffs on Mexican imports driving the prices up for cheap white goods, other products and services from Mexico worth more than 500 Billion.
miltiades wrote:Make your mind up mate, you just wrote : " ISIL can't be defeated. It's IMPOSSIBLE"
Schnauzer wrote:miltiades wrote:Make your mind up mate, you just wrote : " ISIL can't be defeated. It's IMPOSSIBLE"
In short words, the defeat of IS will never be achieved by force of arms.
One more thing, Trump might want to explain how he intends on defeating ISIL.
This is a misleading statement/promise. ISIL can't be defeated. It's IMPOSSIBLE. ISIL exist in more than 10 countries, including Indonesia now, the world's most populous Muslim country of 220 million people.
What is the intention? Wage war in 10 countries now? that's unrealistic!
Secondly, ISIL can only be defeated by looking at the funding and recruitment and tackling that and addressing the issues of radicalization.
People like Pootin and Assad only help ISIL and increase their means to fund themselves and recruit thousands more Jihadi fighters from all over the world. Possibly Trump too if he joins that camp and there will be repercussions within the alliance if that happens and I think trump is starting to realize it too.
ISIL can only be virtually destroyed in Syria. but not with Coalition troops or resources it won't because that just helps other terrorists like the regime and Hezbollah. It can't be completely destroyed in Syria. it can be completely and comprehensively defeated in Iraq thanks to Coalition and Iraqi Government policies. But that doesn't defeat ISIL Globally. They will still be a force globally.
Whether you like it or not, Obama's approach to ISIL was the most successful, and sustainable and the only approach that systematically degrades ISIL globally. Assad and Pootin have the opposite effect.
In case you haven't noticed, ISIL is being defeated in Iraq. They are being destroyed and downgraded daily and they will be expelled from Iraq.
That is a foregone conclusion.
ISIL in Syria is another matter that doesn't really concern the Coalition too much as things have panned out. Coalition has a far greater purpose in Syria and it could bring about the birth of a Kurdish state.
Nobody will miss the Australians if you leave ....... hired help, remember! Did you not hear what Trump said ..... America first! So pack your bags, the deal will be/ has been done and Putin and Trump will cooperate against ISIS ........... believe me!America's allies like Australia for one, will NEVER contemplate using its military in any form of cooperation with Pootin or Assad. That has a geostrategic implication for the USA because Australia will opt out. France and Britain might be the same.
This has dire consequences for American Interests in the Asia pacific, South China Sea and Middle East.
But no matter what, the Obama Administration has never actually stated that America can defeat ISIL globally. If they can do that, they would have done it to Al Qaeda.
These terrorist groups are global movements. We can't get to them in every country even if we wanted to. fact is we don't want to either because that would pretty much stretch us across many countries.
the smart thing to do is what the Coalition has been doing for the last 6 years as follows:
1) address and strangle the money supply that fund terrorist groups like ISIL,
2) address the radicalization issues,
3) implement peace and security in Iraq and Syria (achievable in Iraq only now),
4) address the recruitment initiatives of these groups,
5) electronic and cyberwar activities.
6) covert and surveillance operations.
That is how ISIL can be defeated somewhat.
Expelling ISIL from Iraq does NOT actually translate to a comprehensive defeat of ISIL.
ISIL will be around in 10 and even 20 years time, unless the above points are addressed.
Trump is being disingenuous to be saying the things he is saying. He is just pandering to his nationalistic southern base.
There is no such thing as joining forces and eradicating ISIL. Kill 100 and they recruit 1000 more. Kill 1000 and they recruit 10,000 more. There recruitment grounds are very fertile. They are even able to recruit from Western Countries. You can't militarily defeat that.
Furthermore, Russia and America joining forces undermines America's allies - Australia, Israel, France, UK, Japan, Germany, NATO.
Trump will get shot is what will happen before any such thing occurs. Another JFK!
Tim Drayton wrote:Yes and no. In terms of being an entity that touts itself as being in possession of territory, it can be and is being defeated. But, you are right to say that it cannot be fully defeated as a terrorist organisation, especially when lone wolf terrorists simply claim to have acted on its behalf.
Tim Drayton wrote:Yes and no. In terms of being an entity that touts itself as being in possession of territory, it can be and is being defeated. But, you are right to say that it cannot be fully defeated as a terrorist organisation, especially when lone wolf terrorists simply claim to have acted on its behalf.
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