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Donald Trump the next USA President ??

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:06 pm

Tim Drayton:
I do not recall Trump ever having referred to the 'New World Order' while he was campaigning or since having been elected. OK, he got in anyway, but since if people on the left really believed that this was what he was campaigning for he would have got their votes, too, would it not have been worthwhile mentioning it?

He wouldn’t call it NWO because that would have been leapt upon as a ‘conspiracy theory’ by people (like you) who like to nit-pick! He did refer to The Elite, special interest groups, Wall St, foreign interests and of course bankers. I would suggest that, like you, the 'left' were more driven by a personal dislike of him and the Elites media hype and propaganda than by his policies.

.......... not because the plight of the masses concerns him, but just as a vehicle to grab power to serve his own ends. How do you think the left has got it so wrong if what you say is true?

As I said above ........ just as those that were upset that what they decided was an ignorant uninformed bunch of geriatrics, with advanced dementia, a bunch if beer swilling benefits scroungers and uneducated out of work lower class persons ..... voted to leave the EU. In my opinion those that claimed THEY were educated and well informed weren’t. They were the ones that missed the whole picture and fell for the propaganda, just like those who are now creating havoc in the US, protesting against Trump because they could not work out what the message was in the first place.

Another point is that we have repeatedly seen Trump make sexist, racist and Islamophobic comments. I find this to be odd behaviour on the part of somebody who is supposed to be a liberator of the masses. After all women, people of all varieties of ethnic origins and Muslims also make up humanity, so if he is supposed to be a liberator of humanity, why does he despise large segments of humanity?

Has he really been guilty of what you accuse him of? He is an arrogant self opinionated man who is used to giving orders with out the need to be politically correct. I doubt he ever says 'please' or 'thank you'. He is maybe blunt by your standards but I don’t think he is any more racist or Islamophobic than you or I ......... he just opens his mouth, says it as it is and unfortunately offends sensitive people like Madonna. :roll:

I am sorry, but I find the claim that Trump is spearheading a revolution to liberate the masses from the global ruling class to be misguided to the extent that I would brand anyone who seriously argues this is deluded or deranged.

You are of course entitled you your view ........ but i would brand people like you as lacking the ability to sift through the information and get a more realistic and pragmatic view. You missed this I expect as it was on RT .......

Today, on the early morning news, they said Trump had signed an executive order to spend one trillion dollars over the next ten years on rebuilding Americas infrastructure from roads and bridges, trains and buses and even airports. I have never been to the US so I can’t say whether they need it or not BUT.....

Where will he get the £1,000,000,000,000 from? :?: That is where I believe I have an advantage over you because I am generally better informed on that particular subject than you are! I am no smarter than you, just better informed.

Many have laughed at Corbyn and presented him as some sort of village/commie idiot, but Trump is stealing his idea, believe it or not? Ever heard the phrase ‘Quantitative Easing for the People’? This is how Trump will pay for it ......

The Central Bank (The FED) will create the money as required by the Federal Government, who will buy US materials and use US built equipment with part of the money and it will NOT BE A LOAN as it will not be paid to the Banks but directly to fund the government projects. BUT ......

Most of the money will be paying the wages of American workers! HE is doing just what he said he would do ..... put America first ...... and create jobs for Americans and American suppliers and American industry. He won’t be using cheap foreign labour like the UK does to pick all its fruit and veg, the jobs will go to local people who are out of work. I have no doubt that many will have no option because he will stop/cut their food-stamps if they refuse to take the jobs but I think most will take up the job offers.

He will use the same sourcing for his Mexican Wall .......... the FED will create the money as an investment in America by buying shares in the country. Just like when you buy shares and you give a Company your money ...... the FED will be doing the same. They will never see the money repaid but the country will benefit from the investment.

This creates more jobs, less people on social support, more buying goods and paying sales tax, communities became more wealthy and pay more taxes ...... and all these taxes will go back to the government to be re-spent, rather than to the banks to repay ‘loans’ with interest. The banks lose on this deal which is why the Elite are kicking up against Trump, he is taking away a nice little earner that has made the banks and the bankers obscenely rich over the last hundred years or so, ...... and the uninformed idiots take up the cudgel!

I see a much broader picture than you and do not form my opinion on whether I like a person or not. I felt neither Trump or Clinton were up to much and there were surely better choices but, give me Trump any day over Clinton ...... she would now be signing executive orders to create more conflict and wars. We have yet to see which way Trump is going on that front but at least he seems to have got his priorities right to get the support of his voters and many that did not vote for him....... he is on the road to making America great again! Let's hope 'they' don't kill him! :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:16 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
But here’s Donald’s response to General Hayden’s swipe:

“ I’ll tell you how good our military is doing under Michael Hayden and people such as this. We’ve been fighting wars in the Middle East for 15 years, 18 years……… for four or five trillion dollars, we don’t know what we’re doing, we don’t know who we’re fighting, we’re arming people that we want on our side, we don’t know who they are. When they take over a country they’re worse than people they depose. Give me a break! “

How does that show that he is leading a revolution against the global ruling class to liberate ordinary people?

Try to read what is said .... or did you just skim the post, form an opinion and then comment without actually reading it?

I preceded that quote by the following statement ........

" .......... and I like the way he cuts through the diplomatic, politically correct world of those that want to bring him down before he upsets the apple cart." It was an observation not an extension of the argument of what he did or didn't say during the election.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:49 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
But here’s Donald’s response to General Hayden’s swipe:

“ I’ll tell you how good our military is doing under Michael Hayden and people such as this. We’ve been fighting wars in the Middle East for 15 years, 18 years……… for four or five trillion dollars, we don’t know what we’re doing, we don’t know who we’re fighting, we’re arming people that we want on our side, we don’t know who they are. When they take over a country they’re worse than people they depose. Give me a break! “

How does that show that he is leading a revolution against the global ruling class to liberate ordinary people?

Try to read what is said .... or did you just skim the post, form an opinion and then comment without actually reading it?

I preceded that quote by the following statement ........

" .......... and I like the way he cuts through the diplomatic, politically correct world of those that want to bring him down before he upsets the apple cart." It was an observation not an extension of the argument of what he did or didn't say during the election.

He is criticising American military policy as far as I can see. How is this a statement that he is leading a revolution against the global ruling class to liberate the oppressed masses?
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:05 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
But here’s Donald’s response to General Hayden’s swipe:

“ I’ll tell you how good our military is doing under Michael Hayden and people such as this. We’ve been fighting wars in the Middle East for 15 years, 18 years……… for four or five trillion dollars, we don’t know what we’re doing, we don’t know who we’re fighting, we’re arming people that we want on our side, we don’t know who they are. When they take over a country they’re worse than people they depose. Give me a break! “

How does that show that he is leading a revolution against the global ruling class to liberate ordinary people?

Try to read what is said .... or did you just skim the post, form an opinion and then comment without actually reading it?

I preceded that quote by the following statement ........

" .......... and I like the way he cuts through the diplomatic, politically correct world of those that want to bring him down before he upsets the apple cart." It was an observation not an extension of the argument of what he did or didn't say during the election.

He is criticising American military policy as far as I can see. How is this a statement that he is leading a revolution against the global ruling class to liberate the oppressed masses?

The quote has nothing to do with his policies! This is not one of his campaign promises, it's simply something he said which shows how he tends to not follow diplomatic protocols .......... like he told the CNN Journalist that he was 'Fake news' , that had nothing to do with his policies either, he just got pi**ed off and spoke 'off the cuff'. Presidents don't normally do that sort of thing.

It is you nit picking trivia and an irrelevance ..... just an observation. :roll:
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:28 pm

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:I think both the vilification or praise of Donald Trump (whichever camp suits) is rather premature and certainly a ploy by whichever interested party to present a false image of the man.

He is now President and whichever of the two representations of his intentions is correct, only a fair passage of time will present them.

Give the man a chance, he may surprise us all and....... the REAL purpose of this contribution is to erase the 666 number from 'REPLIES', thus protecting us all from the influence of 'He who forever seeks to lay curses upon us',

As is written, "The world will exist until the sounding of the last Trump'...and all will be well with mankind. (even Milti will forget how to utter his filth) :lol:

An excellent post sir, your best contribution thus far.

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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:29 am

I think this thread should be titled "Donald Trump the BEST USA President".

He has only held the job for 8 days, God only knows what he will have got up to by the time his first 100 are over.

Love him or Loathe him, he certainly has injected a bit of life (consternation/fear) into the corrupt bastards that hold high office in many parts of the world.

Personally, I think he's great and it would not bother me in the least if my own assessment of him is proven to be wrong, at least he has introduced something new to 'Politics'.........a bit of straight talk. 8)
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:27 am

DEEP State exists in most large countries like USA, Britain, Australia etc etc

They are the faceless men and women or the power-brokers within the political parties. they are the faceless men and women of the Security Agencies, and Military Elites and other major Government departments and the Judiciary.

None, other than the ones within the political movements, have anything to do with globalization, Corporations, banks or capitalism. Two seperate issues.

The security Agencies and Military establishments (Pentagon) have however far greater responsibilities than the POTUS and are apolitical. They are the real Guardians of the State.

They don't want the limelight, or credit for anything they do. They want to remain apolitical and obscure from the public eye.

POTUS comes and go, but the DEEP STATE will ALWAYS remain. And if they have to, they will dispense with the POTUS and have the fall guy or they will use the media to destroy him.


And the danger signs are already there. It's never personal or political, just about INTERESTS and if TRUMP undermines those interests, then he's gone one way or another.

And it's easily done. first of all, they just need to get the GOP to shut the Government down but not voting for the next tranche of Federal Funding. Game over and Bye bye Trumpey.

A few things that will take Trump down are as follows:
1) normalization of relations with Russia - everyone is against this, including virtually all allies
2) any isolationism from NATO or the Asia Pacific and South China Sea,
3) any military action which will assist Assad and Hezbollah,
4) and anything STUPID that he may do which will take the globe closer to a Nuclear Holocaust.

Free Trade Deals, immigration, abortion, and other such matters are pretty much irrelevant. The Deep state will allow the POTUS to implement their political agendas.

Immigration and banning persons from 7 countries is a matter of the Federal Courts to work out whether it is Constitutional or not. And it appears, it might not be. First stuff up by Trump.

Next stuff up will be when women start doing back yard abortions and risk their lives in the process resulting in loss of life.

Another stuff up would be introducing tariffs on Mexican imports driving the prices up for cheap white goods, other products and services from Mexico worth more than 500 Billion.

The more he continues, the quicker the roosters will come home to roost.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:55 am

One more thing, Trump might want to explain how he intends on defeating ISIL.

This is a misleading statement/promise. ISIL can't be defeated. It's IMPOSSIBLE. ISIL exist in more than 10 countries, including Indonesia now, the world's most populous Muslim country of 220 million people.

What is the intention? Wage war in 10 countries now? that's unrealistic!

Secondly, ISIL can only be defeated by looking at the funding and recruitment and tackling that and addressing the issues of radicalization.

People like Pootin and Assad only help ISIL and increase their means to fund themselves and recruit thousands more Jihadi fighters from all over the world. Possibly Trump too if he joins that camp and there will be repercussions within the alliance if that happens and I think trump is starting to realize it too.

ISIL can only be virtually destroyed in Syria. but not with Coalition troops or resources it won't because that just helps other terrorists like the regime and Hezbollah. It can't be completely destroyed in Syria. it can be completely and comprehensively defeated in Iraq thanks to Coalition and Iraqi Government policies. But that doesn't defeat ISIL Globally. They will still be a force globally.

Whether you like it or not, Obama's approach to ISIL was the most successful, and sustainable and the only approach that systematically degrades ISIL globally. Assad and Pootin have the opposite effect.
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby miltiades » Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:57 am

" Opinion: The U.S. can defeat ISIS, so why doesn’t it? "
"No state involved in Iraq and Syria, including the United States and its allies, has so far treated ISIS as its primary foe"
Despite U.S. President Barack Obama’s pledge in September 2014 to “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS, the U.S. and its allies, including Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel (behind the scenes), have been focusing instead on toppling Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. "

ISIS , can and will be defeated when the US and Russia join forces to eradicate from the face of the earth these savages. ... 2016-07-05
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Re: Donald Trump the next USA President ??

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:19 am

miltiades wrote:" Opinion: The U.S. can defeat ISIS, so why doesn’t it? "
"No state involved in Iraq and Syria, including the United States and its allies, has so far treated ISIS as its primary foe"
Despite U.S. President Barack Obama’s pledge in September 2014 to “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS, the U.S. and its allies, including Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel (behind the scenes), have been focusing instead on toppling Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. "

ISIS , can and will be defeated when the US and Russia join forces to eradicate from the face of the earth these savages. ... 2016-07-05

In case you haven't noticed, ISIL is being defeated in Iraq. They are being destroyed and downgraded daily and they will be expelled from Iraq.

That is a foregone conclusion.

ISIL in Syria is another matter that doesn't really concern the Coalition too much as things have panned out. Coalition has a far greater purpose in Syria and it could bring about the birth of a Kurdish state.

America's allies like Australia for one, will NEVER contemplate using its military in any form of cooperation with Pootin or Assad. That has a geostrategic implication for the USA because Australia will opt out. France and Britain might be the same.

This has dire consequences for American Interests in the Asia pacific, South China Sea and Middle East.

But no matter what, the Obama Administration has never actually stated that America can defeat ISIL globally. If they can do that, they would have done it to Al Qaeda.

These terrorist groups are global movements. We can't get to them in every country even if we wanted to. fact is we don't want to either because that would pretty much stretch us across many countries.

the smart thing to do is what the Coalition has been doing for the last 6 years as follows:
1) address and strangle the money supply that fund terrorist groups like ISIL,
2) address the radicalization issues,
3) implement peace and security in Iraq and Syria (achievable in Iraq only now),
4) address the recruitment initiatives of these groups,
5) electronic and cyberwar activities.
6) covert and surveillance operations.

That is how ISIL can be defeated somewhat.

Expelling ISIL from Iraq does NOT actually translate to a comprehensive defeat of ISIL.

ISIL will be around in 10 and even 20 years time, unless the above points are addressed.

Trump is being disingenuous to be saying the things he is saying. He is just pandering to his nationalistic southern base.

There is no such thing as joining forces and eradicating ISIL. Kill 100 and they recruit 1000 more. Kill 1000 and they recruit 10,000 more. There recruitment grounds are very fertile. They are even able to recruit from Western Countries. You can't militarily defeat that.

Furthermore, Russia and America joining forces undermines America's allies - Australia, Israel, France, UK, Japan, Germany, NATO.

Trump will get shot is what will happen before any such thing occurs. Another JFK!
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