miltiades wrote:Just noticed that this thread is on page five of Google !!!
That's because it's not connected to the banana brothers.
Donald Trump is a hot topic globally.
miltiades wrote:Just noticed that this thread is on page five of Google !!!
Cap wrote:miltiades wrote:Just noticed that this thread is on page five of Google !!!
That's because it's not connected to the banana brothers.
Donald Trump is a hot topic globally.
repulsewarrior wrote:...well said kurupetos. His dumb moves cost him hundreds of millions, and yet it represents a very small fraction of his revenues from assets.
miltiades wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:...well said kurupetos. His dumb moves cost him hundreds of millions, and yet it represents a very small fraction of his revenues from assets.
DT is a smart businessman, you don't become a billionaire if you are dump. He is a month younger than me at 69 and a half years old.
Unlike me who has managed to ....recapture youthfulness, Donald Trump has managed to elevate the name of Donald Trump to the highest echelons of world's famous names, a clever business move perhaps, free advertising world wide , advertising that cost him millions but gave him a massive exposure in every corner of the world. Win or loose either the Republican nomination or the Presidential elections, more than likely, he will come out as a winner, in business terms .
miltiades wrote:Just noticed that this thread is on page five of Google !!!
Tim Drayton wrote:I view the prospect with trepidation. We are witnessing a new type of populist politician who appears able to speak to the average, poorly educated person in their own terms and play on their fears and prejudices, and succeed politically through this. There is widespread disillusionment with the political class and disengagement from conventional politics which is feeding this trend. We already see it in the likes of Erdoğan and Putin, and with less success so far in Farage in the UK. The National Front got about a third of the vote in recent local elections in France. I fear that we are returning to the 1930's with its Hitlers, Stalins, Francos and Mussolinis. The world was in economic crisis then, too, and I believe that this is also ultimately a reaction to the mess the world is in.
miltiades wrote:miltiades wrote:Just noticed that this thread is on page five of Google !!!
Cyprus Forum thread now no 5 on page 3 of google !!!
The hits will start once it moves up to page 1 !!
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