He won South Carolina by a lanslide!.
He will be the republican nominee and the candidate vs Hillary. The US is a male dominance country so Donald will win the General Election against a woman.
Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:miltiades wrote:I agree with your comments, however strange things happen in America. Who would have thought a few years back that a black would be elected to the highest office, after all I remember when restaurants and hotels desplayed notices " NO BLACKS".
What really helped Obama to rise from obscurity to President were few major factors. If you remember, Hillary was a "shoe in" for the Democratic nomination before the race started, and many Democrats would have voted for Hillary by "holding their noses", since voting for McCain/Palin was not going to happen, mostly thanks to the "White Trash Palin from Alaska.
Obama had charisma and knew how to talk that it even impressed many Republicans to vote for him after the other "White Trash" from Texas, Bush, couldn't put two sentences together, due to his brain cells being burnout with drugs in his younger days.
Then there was the Iraq war that went very wrong for Bush and the Republicans, who turned to Obama who talked peace and to bring the troops home. Americans bought Obama's "Yes We Can" slogan. Never mind many Republicans has since regretted voted for Obama, but he was the best choice at the time. The Republicans were not about to vote for Hillary, that's for sure, so they went for Obama so not to vote for McCain/Palin ticket.
And the final reason why Obama was nominated by the Democrats and not Hillary, is because at the time, had Hillary become the Democratic nominee, she would have been Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton going to the white house, and people simply have had enough of Bush's and Clinton's by that time. It was time for a change. I don't think we are going to have another black President for a very long long time.
Bush smoked the hooch but what did Obama snort in his younger days? I reckon he done a few lines through a 20 dollar bill.
He was absolutely pathetic and I am sure Goerge W would show a lot more nerve and backbone than Obama. Pity we didn't have Bush the last 4 years. We needed him.
No doubt Obama did a lot of drugs also like most Americans, but George W fried his brains on drugs, but at least he had a good time.![]()
George W was nothing but a puppet on a string, and the strings pulled by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. George W was a stupid as they come. I know my good friend, Milti was fond of George W at the time, but the man (Bush) was an idiot. No wonder many republicans voted for Obama. They had enough of him and when they saw Sarah Palin as the next possible idiot in the white house, they thought to themselves, "oh shit, not again".
Yes I agree Bush had a great team. It was the A Team!
Don't forget Rice. She was fantastic but no doubt Cypriots would disagree because she a girl.
Obama and Kerry are clowns and I for one have had enough of them and can't wait to see the back of them.
The Republicans are spitting chips over Obama. That's why some have gone all nutty with idiot Trump. But tolerating 8 years of Obama can do that.
I'm liking Marco Rubio and I also like Jeb. Maybe we can get the old A Team back.
Zenon33 wrote:He won South Carolina by a lanslide!.
He will be the republican nominee and the candidate vs Hillary. The US is a male dominance country so Donald will win the General Election against a woman.
kurupetos wrote:Zenon33 wrote:He won South Carolina by a lanslide!.
He will be the republican nominee and the candidate vs Hillary. The US is a male dominance country so Donald will win the General Election against a woman.
IMO the next president will be a republican; that's how the Zionists want it.
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