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Such Fun in Athens !

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Such Fun in Athens !

Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:46 pm

The train was just arriving at the platform, in my hurry to get on board I hurried but alas, some fool had discarded a tiny piece of a rather moist sandwich, I stepped on it and found my self on the floor, using my left arm to steady my fall and in the process dislocating my shoulder and getting a gush on my left knee!!

My flight was 2 hours away, I couldn't possibly miss it, had to be in Athens on a small business deal, due to be signed on Saturday, I was purchasing some goods for my business.

At Gatwick airport I had my left knee bandaged, being a diabetic one has to exercise due care with any form of injury.
As for the dislocated shoulder I was given a spray and was advised to have it in a sling , fuck that I said, Im not going to Athens looking like some war injured victim.

I had booked a room at the Electra Palace requesting a view of Akropolis, what a magnificent structure looking so spectacular at night illuminated.

Arrived at Venizelos airport at about 7.30 in the evening, quickly got a taxi, having already decided that whilst in Greece I would speak in pure ...ancient Cypriot. Now, let me tell you that my Greek accent is as good as any Greek but was intrigued to discover how I would be treated or responded to by calling everyone Koumbare !!

The hotel of course is in Plaka, hadn't been there for years , the taxi driver Yioryos was originally from Crete and on the journey to the Hotel struck a good conversation, me with my Cypriot accent, 38 Euros he told me from the start, entaxi koumbare lalo tou!!

My trip was to last until Sunday evening and although my left arm was quite painful I was not going to allow this to spoil my little outing.

Well, much happened, don't want to bore you, my name is not after all Lordo, will continue if you want me too!!
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Re: Such Fun in Athens !

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:46 pm

...will you provide us pictures?
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Re: Such Fun in Athens !

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:47 pm

miltiades wrote: alas, some fool had discarded a tiny piece of a rather moist sandwich, ....

For a minute there I thought you were going to make some comment on Erolz's assertions about prostitutes for the price of a sandwich - but realized you were still in Gatwick and then well, maybe someone just had a pre ....

Yes, go on ...
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Re: Such Fun in Athens !

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:28 am

miltiades wrote:The train was just arriving at the platform, in my hurry to get on board I hurried but alas, some fool had discarded a tiny piece of a rather moist sandwich, I stepped on it and found my self on the floor, using my left arm to steady my fall and in the process dislocating my shoulder and getting a gush on my left knee!!

My flight was 2 hours away, I couldn't possibly miss it, had to be in Athens on a small business deal, due to be signed on Saturday, I was purchasing some goods for my business.

At Gatwick airport I had my left knee bandaged, being a diabetic one has to exercise due care with any form of injury.
As for the dislocated shoulder I was given a spray and was advised to have it in a sling , fuck that I said, Im not going to Athens looking like some war injured victim.

I had booked a room at the Electra Palace requesting a view of Akropolis, what a magnificent structure looking so spectacular at night illuminated.

Arrived at Venizelos airport at about 7.30 in the evening, quickly got a taxi, having already decided that whilst in Greece I would speak in pure ...ancient Cypriot. Now, let me tell you that my Greek accent is as good as any Greek but was intrigued to discover how I would be treated or responded to by calling everyone Koumbare !!

The hotel of course is in Plaka, hadn't been there for years , the taxi driver Yioryos was originally from Crete and on the journey to the Hotel struck a good conversation, me with my Cypriot accent, 38 Euros he told me from the start, entaxi koumbare lalo tou!!

My trip was to last until Sunday evening and although my left arm was quite painful I was not going to allow this to spoil my little outing.

Well, much happened, don't want to bore you, my name is not after all Lordo, will continue if you want me too!!

The Kalamaraes should give you a right royal kick in the bollocks. :lol:

Greece needs to address its border security no doubt!

But in any case, I have never been treated any different as an Australian or Cypriot when in Greece. In fact on the contrary, I was always welcomed and treated really well and in many ways, the Kalamaraes are very nice.
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Re: Such Fun in Athens !

Postby Garavnoss » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:46 am

It's a good job there were no soggy sandwiches left on the ground when you done a runner all those years ago, you might have been caught by the people you grassed up or even worse, made to stay and do a bit of military service for the country you NOW say you love so dearly. 8)
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Re: Such Fun in Athens !

Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:41 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...will you provide us pictures?

I have one and only one photo, I will download on to my computer and post later today. I should have taken more but with a dislocated shoulder it was not comfortable. The photo I took is of Akropolis while I was sitting on my balcony with my best friend a.....luscious red, wine that is. :lol:

I talked to Yioryo the taxi driver at length and asked if you would kindly collect me on Sunday from my hotel, opos dipote Yioryos responded.

We arrived at the hotel some 30-45 minutes later, the hotel is a part of a chain with 2 hotels in Athens as well as in Thessaloniki and on some islands.
Shook hands with Yioryos who by that time had handed me his card and into the hotel lobby I trotted.

I had made my reservation on the phone with a lady called Sophia speaking in Greek Greek not in Cypriot.

I approached the reception and in clear Cypriot dialect I gave my name adding that " eboukkara "domation. The young guy looked at me responding yes kirie ..... etimo to domatio sas, mou dinete to diavatirio sas , I promptly handed over my Cypriot ID but not before I asked, with a smile, Ambis potthen ime koumbare :lol: From your surname he responed I know you are Kiprios !!!

On completing the registration he handed me a key and also a welcoming card from my business friend along with a small bag containing 2 bottles of red :lol: I had talked to this business guy a number of times in the past and being the kind of open person that Im I always divulge....innocent little ...embellishments !!

The Hotel features a roof top restaurant facing Akropolis but being on my own I wanted something less formal so I took a stroll in Plaka and ended up in a lovely traditional restaurant with tables and chairs on the pavement.

Before sitting down I asked the young waiter if they served Retsina, Im rather fond of this unique taste in wines, Malista kirie he replied. Fermou mian potsan I asked, me sighoriete he responded, mian potsan koumbare I repeated, well he said we serve retsina in, I forget the word, some metal container either quarter or half.

The waiter was in his late to early 30s , IASON his name was, naturally as one does ,I extended my hand and introduced my self as Miltiades from Stroumbi the Great, ton Miltiade ton akousa he replies, afto to meyalo pou les oxi. I was there to eat, relax, take in the atmosphere and have something to eat. I ordered far far too much, my consumption is really quite conservative but I fancied Revithia, kolokoanthous stuffed with rice and grilled octopus. Are you expecting anyone else Iason asked, oi re monons mou eimai.

I was a Friday night and just before 10 pm so the place was quite busy. I leisurely drunk my retsina and ate about a quarter of the food in front of me which also included a Greek salad.

Spoke to Iason quite a lot and thoroughly enjoyed his reaction to my Cypriot dialect. I don't know why I wanted to use Cypriot exclusively, you get like this at my age, besides I love the Cypriot dialect. Iason though found me out, somehow he knew I was a ...Charlie and that on certain exchanges he spotted my hidden Greek.

To be continued, what comes next is far more entertaining :lol:

By the way, this is a light hearted thread getting away from political and other discussions from the forums idiots, in particular :lol: l the resident pervert.
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Re: Such Fun in Athens !

Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:32 am

Tried to upload photo from my PC but the message I receive from CY IS The image file you tried to attach is invalid..
Someone help ?
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Re: Such Fun in Athens !

Postby DrCyprus » Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:40 am

miltiades wrote:Tried to upload photo from my PC but the message I receive from CY IS The image file you tried to attach is invalid..
Someone help ?

load it on MSpaint and save us gif or jpeg or png
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Re: Such Fun in Athens !

Postby Paphitis » Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:51 am

miltiades wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...will you provide us pictures?

I have one and only one photo, I will download on to my computer and post later today. I should have taken more but with a dislocated shoulder it was not comfortable. The photo I took is of Akropolis while I was sitting on my balcony with my best friend a.....luscious red, wine that is. :lol:

I talked to Yioryo the taxi driver at length and asked if you would kindly collect me on Sunday from my hotel, opos dipote Yioryos responded.

We arrived at the hotel some 30-45 minutes later, the hotel is a part of a chain with 2 hotels in Athens as well as in Thessaloniki and on some islands.
Shook hands with Yioryos who by that time had handed me his card and into the hotel lobby I trotted.

I had made my reservation on the phone with a lady called Sophia speaking in Greek Greek not in Cypriot.

I approached the reception and in clear Cypriot dialect I gave my name adding that " eboukkara "domation. The young guy looked at me responding yes kirie ..... etimo to domatio sas, mou dinete to diavatirio sas , I promptly handed over my Cypriot ID but not before I asked, with a smile, Ambis potthen ime koumbare :lol: From your surname he responed I know you are Kiprios !!!

On completing the registration he handed me a key and also a welcoming card from my business friend along with a small bag containing 2 bottles of red :lol: I had talked to this business guy a number of times in the past and being the kind of open person that Im I always divulge....innocent little ...embellishments !!

The Hotel features a roof top restaurant facing Akropolis but being on my own I wanted something less formal so I took a stroll in Plaka and ended up in a lovely traditional restaurant with tables and chairs on the pavement.

Before sitting down I asked the young waiter if they served Retsina, Im rather fond of this unique taste in wines, Malista kirie he replied. Fermou mian potsan I asked, me sighoriete he responded, mian potsan koumbare I repeated, well he said we serve retsina in, I forget the word, some metal container either quarter or half.

The waiter was in his late to early 30s , IASON his name was, naturally as one does ,I extended my hand and introduced my self as Miltiades from Stroumbi the Great, ton Miltiade ton akousa he replies, afto to meyalo pou les oxi. I was there to eat, relax, take in the atmosphere and have something to eat. I ordered far far too much, my consumption is really quite conservative but I fancied Revithia, kolokoanthous stuffed with rice and grilled octopus. Are you expecting anyone else Iason asked, oi re monons mou eimai.

I was a Friday night and just before 10 pm so the place was quite busy. I leisurely drunk my retsina and ate about a quarter of the food in front of me which also included a Greek salad.

Spoke to Iason quite a lot and thoroughly enjoyed his reaction to my Cypriot dialect. I don't know why I wanted to use Cypriot exclusively, you get like this at my age, besides I love the Cypriot dialect. Iason though found me out, somehow he knew I was a ...Charlie and that on certain exchanges he spotted my hidden Greek.

To be continued, what comes next is far more entertaining :lol:

By the way, this is a light hearted thread getting away from political and other discussions from the forums idiots, in particular :lol: l the resident pervert.

I hate it when some Cypriots make fools of us in Greece.

Stop doing that! There is NOTHING special about the Cypriot Dialect. It's not like the charismatic Australian accent or dialect which people appreciate all over the world. A bit of class please.

No wonder some Kalamaraes make fun of us! :roll:
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Re: Such Fun in Athens !

Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:24 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...will you provide us pictures?

I have one and only one photo, I will download on to my computer and post later today. I should have taken more but with a dislocated shoulder it was not comfortable. The photo I took is of Akropolis while I was sitting on my balcony with my best friend a.....luscious red, wine that is. :lol:

I talked to Yioryo the taxi driver at length and asked if you would kindly collect me on Sunday from my hotel, opos dipote Yioryos responded.

We arrived at the hotel some 30-45 minutes later, the hotel is a part of a chain with 2 hotels in Athens as well as in Thessaloniki and on some islands.
Shook hands with Yioryos who by that time had handed me his card and into the hotel lobby I trotted.

I had made my reservation on the phone with a lady called Sophia speaking in Greek Greek not in Cypriot.

I approached the reception and in clear Cypriot dialect I gave my name adding that " eboukkara "domation. The young guy looked at me responding yes kirie ..... etimo to domatio sas, mou dinete to diavatirio sas , I promptly handed over my Cypriot ID but not before I asked, with a smile, Ambis potthen ime koumbare :lol: From your surname he responed I know you are Kiprios !!!

On completing the registration he handed me a key and also a welcoming card from my business friend along with a small bag containing 2 bottles of red :lol: I had talked to this business guy a number of times in the past and being the kind of open person that Im I always divulge....innocent little ...embellishments !!

The Hotel features a roof top restaurant facing Akropolis but being on my own I wanted something less formal so I took a stroll in Plaka and ended up in a lovely traditional restaurant with tables and chairs on the pavement.

Before sitting down I asked the young waiter if they served Retsina, Im rather fond of this unique taste in wines, Malista kirie he replied. Fermou mian potsan I asked, me sighoriete he responded, mian potsan koumbare I repeated, well he said we serve retsina in, I forget the word, some metal container either quarter or half.

The waiter was in his late to early 30s , IASON his name was, naturally as one does ,I extended my hand and introduced my self as Miltiades from Stroumbi the Great, ton Miltiade ton akousa he replies, afto to meyalo pou les oxi. I was there to eat, relax, take in the atmosphere and have something to eat. I ordered far far too much, my consumption is really quite conservative but I fancied Revithia, kolokoanthous stuffed with rice and grilled octopus. Are you expecting anyone else Iason asked, oi re monons mou eimai.

I was a Friday night and just before 10 pm so the place was quite busy. I leisurely drunk my retsina and ate about a quarter of the food in front of me which also included a Greek salad.

Spoke to Iason quite a lot and thoroughly enjoyed his reaction to my Cypriot dialect. I don't know why I wanted to use Cypriot exclusively, you get like this at my age, besides I love the Cypriot dialect. Iason though found me out, somehow he knew I was a ...Charlie and that on certain exchanges he spotted my hidden Greek.

To be continued, what comes next is far more entertaining :lol:

By the way, this is a light hearted thread getting away from political and other discussions from the forums idiots, in particular :lol: l the resident pervert.

I hate it when some Cypriots make fools of us in Greece.

Stop doing that! There is NOTHING special about the Cypriot Dialect. It's not like the charismatic Australian accent or dialect which people appreciate all over the world. A bit of class please.

No wonder some Kalamaraes make fun of us! :roll:

Boy, unlike you I have confidence, Im sure of my self with an abundance of charisma, charm and Paphitiko humour, qualities that you will never posess being an absolute ... Plonker!!!

Syntagma square was buzzing with hundreds of police everywhere, streets cordoned off but mostly ignored by drivers with a gentle hand lifting the police tapes.

Walked into a cafe, politely asked for Kipreikon cafe sketton !!
Ellinikos ine, the young lady enquired, oi lalo tis, Kipriakos, exchanged a few pleasantries, a few smiles and my sketo was served shortly.

My business appointment was at 3 in the afternoons so plenty of time to take in the Athens sights. Some " PORIA" as the police told me, the aniversary of the killing of someone some 7 years ago, I forget the name. Police were dressed in riot gear and ready for action with a cigarette in their mouth.

Enjoyed the warm sunshine and just taking in the vibrant atmosphere so exuberant in Athens.

Had my sketto and walked back to Plaka and the same restaurant in which I dined the night before for my lunch. Iason welcomed me warmly , Kalos ton ....koumbaro he said with a big smile. Ti tha fame simera, he asked, the table next to mine there sat two middle aged ladies and an elderly gentleman tucking in to MIDIA, quite fancied that, not the ladies but the MIDIA. Fermou che menan ta idia, I told Iason che mian saladan kipriakin!!

The name of this restaurant I think was EVGENIA but altough I dined there 3 times my memory lets me down.

Got talking to the diners next table, one lady was I talian the other Greek and the gentleman an American Greek. You are Cypriot the lady enquired, Ne I responded, how can you tell!!! I was having a relaxing time and really enjoying my little time in Athens.

The restaurant was buzzing not only with diners but " unwelcome" encounters such as people asking for money, Iason told me not to give them any as the word spreads and dozens would soon be accosting me.
I did not take his advice, felt sorry for the poor sods.

It was approaching time for my meeting at the hotel so I finished my email and made my way, a few metres away, to my hotel.
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