E amma re koumbare!!!!
Irtes is stin Athina tziai en ipes tipote! Incognito all the way! Dkiaole!
Nikitas wrote:E amma re koumbare!!!!
Irtes is stin Athina tziai en ipes tipote! Incognito all the way! Dkiaole!
Nikitas wrote:E amma re koumbare!!!!
Irtes is stin Athina tziai en ipes tipote! Incognito all the way! Dkiaole!
miltiades wrote:THE FINALE !
It was shortly after 6.30 pm, I just had my shower, shaved and ....spruced my self up when my phone rung.
A cheerful D was on the line telling me that he and his wife were downstairs in the bar having a drink and that I should take my time if not ready and join them as soon as I was ready.
I have always been very punctual with my time, I suppose being in the UK for over half a century you adopt some of the local etiquette and being on time is one such.
Since I was only going to be in Athens for two evenings I only brought a couple of shirts and trousers, a pair of shoes and just one jacket, I do love my jackets, after all my late father was a master tailor !!
The small amount of hair on my head , and kept very short did not require much grooming, besides I was not about to go ...clubbing !!
I was really looking forward to a good dinner, I was certain that D was a stylish man, very debonair and almost as .....good looking as I![]()
I did fleetingly wondered what his wife would be like, I had imagined some Greek classical beauty and boy was I correct in one aspect.
A beauty she certainly was !!
Entered the bar and spotted D seating on his own in a large comfortable armchair.
Oh he said M , my wife is powdering her nose !! What would you like to drink he asked, our table is booked for 8pm so we have time for a drink or two he added. Being a wine man I asked for a glass of white, I always drink red but white wine is a more suitable aperitif. Do you ever drink scotch D asked, only when ....drunk I responded!! D was fond of his whiskey .
His lady wife was still not with us, women he said shaking his head !!
Where are we going I asked, Oh he said you would like it, its a restaurant facing Akropolis very enchanting at night. Do you know much about Akropolis he asked. Yes I replied, 5th century BC during the golden era of Pericles. He was ...impressed but not as impressed as I was when I caught a glimpse of this fabulously elegant, stunning blonde approaching us with a smile on her face.
I almost fainted and may I say so did she as she embraced me with shrieks of delight that I haven't heard since my younger days.
Its you, its you ...Mr John !!!
D, was lost for words, maybe thinking " an old boyfriend, lover "!!
I let Maria explain, she kept laughing like a little girl who had just received her favourite toy !!
You will recall that some time back I wrote about Maria. I knew she had left Cyprus and lived in Greece but after she repaid me 1000 euros we somehow lost touch.
The meal and the Ambience of DYONISOS restaurant was exemplary, so relaxing and immensely enjoyable. D did not know about Maria and I how we met, Maria told him the whole story and would pat me on the back in a sort of loving way.
I told D about my other third, my young 33 year old wife .
We talked for ages, drunk wine followed by champagne and I think we are now friend for life.
Apparently D had lost his wife some years back, Maria worked for his company, she speaks fluent Russian naturally, and fluent Greek. They fell in love and I do hope from the bottom of my heart that they live happily ever after.
supporttheunderdog wrote:What a pleasant story - I am so pleased that all has worked out well for Maria.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:A heartwarming story for this time of the year.
So pleased to hear Maria has had good fortune and that your Mr D is such a lovely gentlemen that he is taking care of her and her children. Not enough good men like that in the world.
All the best to you and your family and have a great festive time in Cyprus, Milty mou.![]()
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