erolz66 wrote:Jerry wrote:Will this, literally, be the cost to Turkish Cypriots if this law is passed and subsequently there's an agreement. Perhaps it's Turkey's less than subtle way of throwing a spanner in the works.
For me it seems a perfectly reasonable proposal and I say that as a 'current user' of disputed land in the north. If the legal status of the land I am current user of changes to undisputed freeholder of said land as a result of a settlement at the IPC, and the effective value of that land increases by say 30% as a result then why should I not pay the 30% ? I am the one that will accrue the increased value. If it is done in such a way that I have a choice that when the IPC settles a claim on the land I am the current users of (and will become undisputed freeholder of post the claim be settled) to either pay the 30% there and then on current value or defer it to when I sell the property as a 30% sales tax on whatever the value is when I sell it, I would be all in favour of such a law. For me at least this is not trying to throw a spanner in the works at all, quite the contrary. To me this seems like a fair and realistic proposal to help facilitate resolution of property disputes which in turn can only make a wider agreed settlement easier.
in the mean time what will happen to the tc properties in the south. who is going to pay compensation for them. particularly the 41 years of rent as well as the current value.