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Cynical Engineering.

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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby insan » Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:49 am

Sotos wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
B25 wrote:Seems Erolz has no real arguement other than trying to destroy the poster. So far he has made NO comment on the content, the fact that the British Government were talking about this, writing about this irrespective of who wrote it for whom etc etc etc, Erolz just attacks and trolls the poster.

The document , that was released under the the 30 year rule (so is not recently released) is of some interest. It is interesting principally for the reasons Mallinson suggests it is - namely that it shows that a mere 4 years after brokering and signing Treaties the British government was prepared to consider the 'writing off' of those treaties if they thought doing so best served their interests. This is what is of relevance to this document. All the distortions that GiG tries to make to what the document means and why it is of interest are in fact of no interest (to me or to mallinson it would seem) because they are simply that - distortions.

Erolz, (leaving aside your arguments with GiG) there is no doubt that the the British would only do what serves their own interests. They don't care about GC, TCs, Greeks or Turks... they only care about themselves and if it serves their interests to change their policy on something they will do it. I hope you accept this fact. The other fact is that without foreign involvement (by the last 2 foreign rulers of Cyprus) the outcome in Cyprus would be whatever the majority of the Cypriot people wanted it to be. The minority would either simply respect the choice of the majority or they would fight against it and lose. Therefore there is a 100% correlation between the problem we are having and the foreign involvement of UK and Turkey in Cyprus. And I should note that their involvement was not sanctioned by the UN, so it can not be argued that they were acting on behalf of the UN based on universally accepted principles. It was simply a case of them using their power to serve their own interests on the expense of ours (just like they have been doing while ruling Cyprus against our will). Without foreign involvement there would be no Cyprus Problem. Beyond that, if the minority would have some issues with the majority that would be a completely different kind of problem... a not a very unique problem, since many countries had such issues... especially back in the 50s and 60s.

Although under such circumstances when it comes to "national interests" the political attitude of the governments are all same; they have at least a responsibility to one way or other contribute the solution of the problem in a balanced way by taking into consideration the interests of all concerned parties, including the Cypriots(I don't mean GCs)... Although i don't believe the problems in multi-ethnic societies stemms from foreign involvement but if even there's such an influence of foreign involvement; in countries like Cyprus that has a strategic and geo-politic importance; foreign involvemnet is inevitable and it's our elite inviting them to get involved... so, expecting the otherwise to happen; i.e, no foreign involvement, is impossible... the self-interests of local elites are in the hands of the elites of closely involved countries that have regional and global interests over Cyprus... these interest are mutual... anyone like it or not that's another discussion issue...
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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby erolz66 » Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:17 pm

Garavnoss wrote:erolz66 :- liked your joke about the "Coon" and the laptop :lol: :- but you are no match in a political debate with GIG. 8)

It was not my joke, I merely pointed out to the OP of that thread that it most probably was a joke and in return GiG then tried to distort why I did that to suit her propaganda needs - because that is what she does, what she always does. In any case your opinions count for nothing with me Garavnoss based on your posts to date.
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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby erolz66 » Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:19 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Where's the quote?

You claimed the document was for the MoD. Mallinson claims it was for the policy committee. Who is wrong / lying ? You or Mallinson ?
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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby erolz66 » Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:31 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote: I know they are of no interest to you (they are truths, facts and evidence),

It is NOT a fact or truth or supported by evidence that it was official British policy to give financial aid and other assistance to TC that wanted to re settle out of Cyprus.

It is NOT a fact or truth or supported by evidence that the document in question shows "The British knew what a nasty piece of work was Turkey ...."

These claims of yours require that you distort and manipulate the truth of what the document actually is and what it representsn and means, so that is what you did. That is what you always do.
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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:34 pm

insan wrote:In early 1964, British government was either working on a comprehensive plan to partition Cyprus or aiming to support Enosis... which one? Working and establishing both in the same time period were impossible... who lies here?

I'm not sure you can compare the Official document (of ~April 1964 "British Aims for Cyprus") with all the above you present - what you present are narratives conjoined from various gossips on the existence or otherwise of various sayings and doings.

Seriously, if the contents of the "British Aims for Cyprus" document are scrutinised with what happened a few months later (Turkey's first invasion/bombardment of Cyprus, summertime,1964), it seems the British failed to induce the Turks to understand that the solutions they (Turks) favoured were not 'practical politics'.

Either way, the points in the "British Aims for Cyprus" (spring 1964), and with their concern that "9.... A leak of pro-Greek sentiments would have dangerous consequences in Ankara", were not effective. Once the Turks set about their warpath, then the British Aims would have changed again as the document also says the Brits had to protect their use of "3....the Northern Route (across Turkey) past the barrier to the Middle and Far East."

(source, ibid)
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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:42 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Where's the quote?

You claimed the document was for the MoD. Mallinson claims it was for the policy committee. Who is wrong / lying ? You or Mallinson ?

Well, since you failed to find the quote where Mallinson is supposed to have made such a claim - then you must have been lying.

And since you consistently fail to find my quote, then ....changing your position is very shifty!

Where are the quotes where I'm (or even Mallinson) supposed to have stated that the document was "written by the Ministry of Defence" ???

erolz66 wrote:
You on the other hand claimed it was written for the Ministry of Defence

NO I didn't!

When did I say written? Find THAT quote! NOW!!!

Your'e the one who said:

erolz66 wrote:Mallinson - your quoted source, explicitly says the document was written BY the Ministry of Defence (he even names the person who prepared it) FOR the policy committee. It is there in black and white , from your own beloved (and highly partial) source.

And when I challenged you for Mallinson's quote you came up with something that said nothing of the sort. Now, you're trying to TWIST it round to me saying it was 'written'!!!!!!!
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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby erolz66 » Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:01 pm

Sotos wrote: Erolz, (leaving aside your arguments with GiG) there is no doubt that the the British would only do what serves their own interests. They don't care about GC, TCs, Greeks or Turks... they only care about themselves and if it serves their interests to change their policy on something they will do it. I hope you accept this fact.

Of course I do. This is what every country in the world does, seek to serve its own best interests. There are countless examples of where the British Government has abandoned principal to the expediency of its own self interest - one example of which being their recognition of a rump GC only RoC administration as a legitimate government of the RoC.

Sotos wrote: The other fact is that without foreign involvement (by the last 2 foreign rulers of Cyprus) the outcome in Cyprus would be whatever the majority of the Cypriot people wanted it to be. The minority would either simply respect the choice of the majority or they would fight against it and lose.

You can suggest that if GC and TC had fought over the future of Cyprus without any involvement from Greece or Turkey (or anyone else), that the TC would have simply 'lost' and there would today be no problem in Cyprus. You can suggest it but it is far from clear that it would have been as simple and clean as you suggest. Or you could say without foreign involvement their could have been no enosis or desire for it and if there had not have been there would be no problem in Cyprus today.

Sotos wrote: Therefore there is a 100% correlation between the problem we are having and the foreign involvement of UK and Turkey in Cyprus. And I should note that their involvement was not sanctioned by the UN, so it can not be argued that they were acting on behalf of the UN based on universally accepted principles. It was simply a case of them using their power to serve their own interests on the expense of ours (just like they have been doing while ruling Cyprus against our will). Without foreign involvement there would be no Cyprus Problem. Beyond that, if the minority would have some issues with the majority that would be a completely different kind of problem... a not a very unique problem, since many countries had such issues... especially back in the 50s and 60s.

I just do not accept this 'charter' for an abdication of responsibility of Cypriots for the mess we are in today. I believe our failure and what was at the core of the mess we are in today is that neither community chose to want to be Cypriot more and ahead of choosing to want to Turks or Greeks who happened to live in Cyprus and that we were too willing to use illegal violence and murder against innocent Cypriots from our own communities and the other, or we stayed too silent when others did this in pour names. My view is that this is the core of what got us into this mess and that foreign powers then exploited this failure on OUR part to their own ends , as they inevitably would.

I could by using your your logic above say If GC had chosen independence and not enosis at the end of British colonial rule there would have been no problems in Cyprus then and now and therefore there is a 100% correlation between the problem we are having and the GC choosing to pursue enosis and not independence. I do not believe this however, just as I do not believe your version using the same logic.
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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby erolz66 » Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:03 pm

insan wrote: In early 1964, British government was either working on a comprehensive plan to partition Cyprus or aiming to support Enosis... which one? Working and establishing both in the same time period were impossible... who lies here?

Actually it is perfectly possible that at a ministerial level there was one set of aims and objectives and strategies with regard to Cyprus and within the British intelligence community or parts of it entirely different aims, objectives and strategies.
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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby erolz66 » Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:19 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:You claimed the document was for the MoD. Mallinson claims it was for the policy committee. Who is wrong / lying ? You or Mallinson ?

Well, since you failed to find the quote where Mallinson is supposed to have made such a claim - then you must have been lying.

I have shown multiple times where Mallinson says the document was FOR the policy committee. Yet you based your claim I am lying on me not having shown it, when I have shown the exact quote of what Mallinson wrote more than once. This it what you do. This is what you always do.


Source for this screenshot from the Mallinson book is here (again already previously given) ... &q&f=false (will need to scroll up a bit to just before the start of Mallinson quoting the document where he explains what the documen is and WHO IT WAS FOR)

Is there a part of " ... secret briefing paper FOR the defence and overseas policy (official) committee." that is unclear or ambiguous to you ? Mallinson says the document in question was 'FOR the policy committee'. You claim it was FOR the MOD. Who is wrong / lying - you or Mallinson ?
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Re: Cynical Engineering.

Postby DrCyprus » Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:11 pm

insan wrote:Brüyooo bee brüsttt!

You are a basket case Drsomething... you knowledge is based on lies and propaganda of your alikes... you are an anti-social public enemy... an ultra nationalist...


Nice tears, mm yumm! They taste just like those of a Kemalist Turk. I thought you were Cypriot, but that is just a secondary thing to you.

I bet all the books you ever read are on the CHP approved list.
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