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What are you "racing" for?

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What are you "racing" for?

Postby tsukoui » Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:30 pm

Only our souls know what we really want. Our ego, simply a collection of words and snapshots of sense data doesn't know. It sits there opposing us in order to prove what is possible by contradiction. A useful tool in the right hands, a prison in the wrong ones. So what does your soul want? We know there are discontinuities. At the end of every day when we go to sleep we experience a discontinuity. We have a discontinuity, most of us that is, before we are born. Who were we before, for life is eternal. We have a discontinuity when we die. Who are we after that, again life is eternal. We have a discontinuity before the universe began. What happened then, you got it life is eternal. So comprehending the nothingness is not such an enigma. The world is infinite which means unbounded, so there is always a higher level upon which continuity manifests itself. So... what does your soul want. It wants to be God? But it is divided. It wants to be divided God? It wants to be Jesus? But that means taking responsibility for everything. It wants to be Mohammad. Maybe, I think my soul wants to be Mohammad and bring the world under the will of my divine words. Words again, the ego, useful or a prison. Actually, I think the real thing my soul wants is to procreate without sex. Like the God that gave birth to Jesus. Then I can manifest the return of Jesus and he can take responsibility for everything and make everything alright. Either that or I'll be Mohammad and conquer the known world with my words. After all, all is one, so I am the resurrection, and being Mohammad sounds much more fun than being Jesus. Anyway, enough about me, what does your soul want?
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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby DrCyprus » Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:45 pm

tsukoui wrote:Actually, I think the real thing my soul wants is to procreate without sex.

Use your left hand occasionally to balance out the workout.
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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby miltiades » Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:52 pm

Have a bacon sandwich topped up with pork scratchings, it might help :lol: :lol:
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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby Cap » Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:28 am

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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:05 am

:? This looks like one of those general purpose threads so here’s a little funny/silly story…

When I was a soldier in the mid 80s and we were really bored on the weekends in no man's land with no running water or electricity (212 & 361 ΤΠ), a friend of mine used to pick cicadas off a pine tree and shove a pine needle up their bum and release them and they’d fly off like broken down choppers and we'd laugh. :lol:

He'd spend hours doing that and I probably did one or two myself… so there you go! That was my contribution to nature abuse. 8)
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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby Cap » Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:31 pm

Tsuk my man, it sounds like you need a good shag.. from at least a good looking bitch.
This 'nice guy' bullsh** doesn't cut it buddy.

You gotto play it right, you gotto project the impression of an Alpha Male, even if you're faking it. Women are stupid, they can't tell the difference.
It's a biological trigger point they have no control over.

Once you get that primal sex accomplishment out of your system, it's time to balance the equation, when you finally decide to settle down.
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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby DrCyprus » Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:52 pm

This is what you wrote:

Cap wrote:You gotto play it right, you gotto project the impression of an Alpha Male, even if you're faking it. Women are stupid, they can't tell the difference.

This is what I understood:

Cap wrote:I think I'm good with women, who I look down on and call stupid, drunk girls are so easy lol.
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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby Cap » Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:57 pm

DrCyprus wrote:This is what you wrote:

Cap wrote:You gotto play it right, you gotto project the impression of an Alpha Male, even if you're faking it. Women are stupid, they can't tell the difference.

This is what I understood:

Cap wrote:I think I'm good with women, who I look down on and call stupid, drunk girls are so easy lol.

No, I said Alpha Males, not 'nice guys'.

Yes, in my experience, it's the weaker males who are scavengers.
Well spotted DrCY.
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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby DrCyprus » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:12 pm

Cap wrote:No, I said Alpha Males, not 'nice guys'.

Yes, in my experience, it's the weaker males who are scavengers.
Well spotted DrCY.

I will still persist that making a woman horny/desire to have sex with you has little to do with you tricking her into thinking that you are the supposed alpha male of the local tribe. It has more to do with how well you can engage her physically and/or intelectually as a person. At least, that's how I approach my interactions with women.

Here's an article to help you escape this stupid myth. ... -bullshit/

Also, women are not stupid.
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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby Cap » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:19 pm

Dude, come one.

If it works for you then good for you.
Ofcourse it's also a combination of charm and personality, it goes without saying!

I apologize if my crude approach was offensive, but my boy Tsuk deserves to know.
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