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What are you "racing" for?

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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby RichardB » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:37 pm

Cap wrote:Dude, come one.

If it works for you then good for you.
Ofcourse it's also a combination of charm and personality, it goes without saying!

I apologize if my crude approach was offensive, but my boy Tsuk deserves to know.

Don't apologise Cap there's always someone wanting to psycho analyse :lol:
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Re: What are you "racing" for?

Postby tsukoui » Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:39 pm

Cap wrote:Tsuk my man, it sounds like you need a good shag.. from at least a good looking bitch.
This 'nice guy' bullsh** doesn't cut it buddy.

You gotto play it right, you gotto project the impression of an Alpha Male, even if you're faking it. Women are stupid, they can't tell the difference.
It's a biological trigger point they have no control over.

Once you get that primal sex accomplishment out of your system, it's time to balance the equation, when you finally decide to settle down.

Thanks for the concern Cap, but really there is no girl good enough for me except the reincarnation of Mary 8)
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