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I need information...

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Re: I need information...

Postby Jerry » Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:07 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:

Speak for your self !!

You don't live here. You are just a visiting Carlie. :lol: :lol:

No he's not! :D
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Re: I need information...

Postby insan » Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:19 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
insan wrote:Hi to all!

It's been a long time i've been away from the forum... backed for information about residing in south...

I'm planning to reside in south for the restitution of my mom's properties that are located in Agios Ioannis(Nicosia)... first of all, my mom as the only heir of the properties(2 detached houses) has not taken any GC properties in north because we had a house in north of Nicosia too, but been sold about 10 years ago... before 74 we rented the 2 detached houses in southern Nicosia to some GC families but after 74 we couldn't get the rental fees... my mother's intention was waiting yntil a solution is found but it's been 41 years and no solution has been found yet... so i decided to go and reside in south and apply for the restitution and/or compensation and or exchange our properties.. i went to a real estate agency called MPA properties and found a house for rent in Strovolos... they told me that the owner wants to learn about if i was working... I said I'm jobless... the representative of the real estate agency told me "sorry, but the house owners afraid of renting their houses to the jobless... end of my dream residing in south and finding a job to work until i gain right to claim our properties and get them back?

I've sent an email to Nicosia district social welfare services department about this issue today...

What else can i do to solve my problem about renting a house in Nicosia preferably in Agios Dömetios, Engomi or Strovolos? We have limited means but at least we can pay the rent of the house for one month(450 euros)... need a fully furnished one with internet provisioning, detached or ground floor appartnebt 3 bedrooms...

450/month is too much. Prices have dropped dramatically. You can rent a good 2 bedroom apartment for about 250 Euros.
As for a job just forget it unless you are a really good technician on something. Minimum salary is supposed to be about 850 Euros/month, but after the crisis almost everybody pays by the hour-they supposedly hire you as part timer for 4.50 an hour, you will be lucky to a)Find a job b) Find a job that the employer pays you- yes too many employers owe 4-5 salaries to their employees and c)find a job that earns more than 750/month.

As for unemployment benefits, no you get nothing unless you have stamps for the previous year. If you get unemployed in 2015 then you get unemployment benefit if you have stamps for 2014...

All the above are for GCs! Imagine how the situation would be for a TC who doesn't even know the language. Sorry to disappoint you, that's how things are.

As for getting welfare or your properties back, if i were to give you a percentage chance, I would say 1%.

It's not that I want to discourage you. It looks you are a typical Cypriot refugee, and you have all the right by your side, but unfortunately this is Cyprus -the shit hole we all live in.

Pyrpolizer, thanks for your realistic approach on this issue which strongly indicates that based on true knowledge and experience... thanks a lot my friend... Against all odds I will struggle till i get success or fail.... this is my first attempt... thanks a lot my friend... and thanks to all others for their understanding and friendly approach to the issue...

Hi RichardB, nice to see you around... :)
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Re: I need information...

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 01, 2015 6:28 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:

Speak for your self !!

You don't live here. You are just a visiting Carlie. :lol: :lol:

I fully understand your sentiments and I confess that my perception of the Paradise island is not adversely influenced by the daily challenges that many Cypriots face, be it financial, making ends meet, finding a job, having a comfortable home etc etc.
At my age, luckily, I do not have to face such challenges, focusing rather on the positive aspects that Cyprus has. The weather, the sea, the scenery, memories that linger on bursting out with such vibrancy on every visit, memories of my childhood. Above all the people, the Cypriots, their sense of humour their readiness to exchange a few kouventes with an " old" timer. Family not seen for years, the joy of meeting long lost relatives, the warm welcome and greetings from those of my generation in Stroumbi the Great.

My daughter lives in Cyprus , she was born in the UK, adores Cyprus as much if not more than I do, on her rare visits to the UK she cant wait to get back to Cyprus.

Next Sunday, November the 8th, I shall be in Limassol, my oldest granddaughters 12 years birthday, my late wife's mnimosino, seeing my younger grandchildren, my 7 year old BOY and my gorgeous little one, a 6 year old beautiful girl that has inherited my late wife's
looks, long blonde hair, blue eyes and such a sweet smile that turns me into paddy in her little hands. A trip to the Limassol Zoo, a family lunch at Dasoudi. This in MY Cyprus, my Paradise on earth.
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Re: I need information...

Postby Sotos » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:25 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:450/month is too much. Prices have dropped dramatically. You can rent a good 2 bedroom apartment for about 250 Euros.

You can NOT get a GOOD 2 bedroom apartment in Nicosia for 250. Besides, the 450 offer was for a house, which I'd say is quite low.
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Re: I need information...

Postby Lordo » Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:17 pm

insan i know 5 people who live in south nicosia. i can get you a room with one of those people to help you out and i suspect none will want you to pay any rent, even if they do it would be very low so can afford it. if you need names let me know by pm and i can supply them to you.

i would have thought a room would be offered by one f the decent guys here but i suspect the decent ones here do not live in cyprus. only the bastards live in cyprus. bitter and twisted minds which could not see humanity beyond their noses.
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Re: I need information...

Postby insan » Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:09 pm

Lordo wrote:insan i know 5 people who live in south nicosia. i can get you a room with one of those people to help you out and i suspect none will want you to pay any rent, even if they do it would be very low so can afford it. if you need names let me know by pm and i can supply them to you.

i would have thought a room would be offered by one f the decent guys here but i suspect the decent ones here do not live in cyprus. only the bastards live in cyprus. bitter and twisted minds which could not see humanity beyond their noses.

We need a house with 2 bedrooms lordo... i have a family; wife and son and later my mom may join us... i found a 2 bedroom ground floor house in Agios Demetios for 220 Euros/month... i offered paying 3 months rent in advance but got no response from the real estate agency...

Your pm is disabled lordo... you can contact me via email: [email protected]
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Re: I need information...

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:13 pm

Sotos wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:450/month is too much. Prices have dropped dramatically. You can rent a good 2 bedroom apartment for about 250 Euros.

You can NOT get a GOOD 2 bedroom apartment in Nicosia for 250. Besides, the 450 offer was for a house, which I'd say is quite low.

One block away from me there was a house of about 180-200 sq.m (almost brand new) been rented to one of the directors of a Ministry whose wife was a University professor for 700 Euros They were waiting for their own house to finish. After they left it was rented to a single woman from Bulgaria who had her own house maid but no husband for 500.It proved she was a high class whore and the police deported her. This year it was rented to 3(!!) Romanian families for 400...

My sister in law lets her own brand new 2 bedroom apartment at Aglantzia near the University to University students for 300
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Re: I need information...

Postby Lordo » Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:21 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:450/month is too much. Prices have dropped dramatically. You can rent a good 2 bedroom apartment for about 250 Euros.

You can NOT get a GOOD 2 bedroom apartment in Nicosia for 250. Besides, the 450 offer was for a house, which I'd say is quite low.

One block away from me there was a house of about 180-200 sq.m (almost brand new) been rented to one of the directors of a Ministry whose wife was a University professor for 700 Euros They were waiting for their own house to finish. After they left it was rented to a single woman from Bulgaria who had her own house maid but no husband for 500.It proved she was a high class whore and the police deported her. This year it was rented to 3(!!) Romanian families for 400...

My sister in law lets her own brand new 2 bedroom apartment at Aglantzia near the University to University students for 300

tut tut tut

whats the world coming to.
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Re: I need information...

Postby insan » Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:35 pm ... drooms_tid[]=345&field_furniture_value[]=2&field_price_value[min]=0&field_price_value[max]=350

Do you know any other reliable and up to date property websites that i can search for propert and get in touch online? MPA properties is good... i went to their office in Strovolos and talked face to face... after they learned that im jobless they ignored me... i offered 3 months payment in advance for a 2 bedroom house but they don't even respond to my e-mail messages...
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Re: I need information...

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:36 pm

miltiades wrote:I fully understand your sentiments and I confess that my perception of the Paradise island is not adversely influenced by the daily challenges that many Cypriots face, be it financial, making ends meet, finding a job, having a comfortable home etc etc.
At my age, luckily, I do not have to face such challenges, focusing rather on the positive aspects that Cyprus has. The weather, the sea, the scenery, memories that linger on bursting out with such vibrancy on every visit, memories of my childhood. Above all the people, the Cypriots, their sense of humour their readiness to exchange a few kouventes with an " old" timer. Family not seen for years, the joy of meeting long lost relatives, the warm welcome and greetings from those of my generation in Stroumbi the Great.

My daughter lives in Cyprus , she was born in the UK, adores Cyprus as much if not more than I do, on her rare visits to the UK she cant wait to get back to Cyprus.

Next Sunday, November the 8th, I shall be in Limassol, my oldest granddaughters 12 years birthday, my late wife's mnimosino, seeing my younger grandchildren, my 7 year old BOY and my gorgeous little one, a 6 year old beautiful girl that has inherited my late wife's
looks, long blonde hair, blue eyes and such a sweet smile that turns me into paddy in her little hands. A trip to the Limassol Zoo, a family lunch at Dasoudi. This in MY Cyprus, my Paradise on earth.

That's understandable. I notice your grandchildren are all <= to 12.
I don't really have any problems myself but I look at my children and the children of other family members and friends. Some examples, one graduated a lawyer-unemployed, another a statistician-unemployed, another a teacher-unemployed, another this another that -unemployed, my daughter was among the lucky ones got a job, by the end of the month instead of paying them their salary they would give them some 200-300 Euros promising they would pay the rest in a week. One fortnight would pass they would give them another 100 Euros. She worked there for one year and they ended owing her 4-5 salaries. Mo son got a job at a Kalamaras. 2 months -no payment. Both my children resigned and remain unemployed for about a year. Daughter opened her own business, son is still straggling here and there with part time jobs. My daughter's fiance almost at same position as my son. He was working at a very big and well known company. Hear this:the owner decided he would do 30% reduction on salaries. They had no choice but accept. Now the manager of the branch he was working decided they would all work 2 hours overtime/day but whatever payment would come from the central offices would be deducted. They took him to court and they were all fired.

This makes me wonder what future do these young people have???
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