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I need information...

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Re: I need information...

Postby Sotos » Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:44 pm

insan wrote:Simply to say, i wish both residing and working in south until i get my properties back... otherwise of course, naturally; i will choose one of the possible alternatives... why why why! :lol:

Are you currently unemployed? Because quitting your job, renting a house, and THEN trying to find a job (which could take months with the current economy) simply doesn't make any sense. I think you either not telling us the whole story or you are making this up ;)
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Re: I need information...

Postby DrCyprus » Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:49 pm

He already said that he is currently jobless.
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Re: I need information...

Postby Sotos » Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:50 pm

insan wrote:You don't understand sotos... what is a BBF? Why some portion of the properties should be exchanged and compensated? If TCs would be a clear majority in north, doesn't this mean clear majority of TCs should exchange their properties with a portion of GC refugees who wish to exchange?

I repeat... the future solution has nothing to do with this. You getting your property back or being compensated etc is not some sort of preparation for BBF. And we never agreed that TCs should be a clear majority in the north...
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Re: I need information...

Postby insan » Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:53 pm

Sotos wrote:
insan wrote:Simply to say, i wish both residing and working in south until i get my properties back... otherwise of course, naturally; i will choose one of the possible alternatives... why why why! :lol:

Are you currently unemployed? Because quitting your job, renting a house, and THEN trying to find a job (which could take months with the current economy) simply doesn't make any sense. I think you either not telling us the whole story or you are making this up ;)

It's true Sotos... enough waited... 41 years... and it's been 27 years that I've been paying a rent for the house i dwell... we haven't taken any GC properties in this 41 years... when there will be a solution is not certain... ı have to go through all the difficulties until i get our properties and compensation... i can work in north and reside in south but that's not my primary objective... this is a opportunity for me to experience all fields of life in south... it could lead to a nice documentary book... even a documentary film... eh? :wink:
Last edited by insan on Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I need information...

Postby insan » Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:58 pm

Sotos wrote:
insan wrote:You don't understand sotos... what is a BBF? Why some portion of the properties should be exchanged and compensated? If TCs would be a clear majority in north, doesn't this mean clear majority of TCs should exchange their properties with a portion of GC refugees who wish to exchange?

I repeat... the future solution has nothing to do with this. You getting your property back or being compensated etc is not some sort of preparation for BBF. And we never agreed that TCs should be a clear majority in the north...

How will TCs be a clear majority in north if equal value of their properties in south not alowed to be exchanged with what a portion of GC refugees own in north... it's one of the most significant aspect of a future solution of Cyprus problem...
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Re: I need information...

Postby Sotos » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:12 pm

insan wrote:
Sotos wrote:
insan wrote:Simply to say, i wish both residing and working in south until i get my properties back... otherwise of course, naturally; i will choose one of the possible alternatives... why why why! :lol:

Are you currently unemployed? Because quitting your job, renting a house, and THEN trying to find a job (which could take months with the current economy) simply doesn't make any sense. I think you either not telling us the whole story or you are making this up ;)

It's true Sotos... enough waited... 41 years... and it's been 27 years that I've been paying a rent for the house i dwell... we haven't taken any GC properties in this 41 years... when there will be a solution is not certain... ı have to go through all the difficulties until i get our properties and compensation... i can work in north and reside in south but that's not my primary objection... this is a opportunity for me to experience all fields of life in south... it could lead to a nice documentary book... even a documentary film... eh? :wink:

How nice the book/film could be would depend on your capabilities ;) The subject alone (a TC living/working in the free part of Cyprus) is not so special by itself. In any case ... just search for more houses... the internet will be fine in the city, all suburbs and all major villages... cyta is everywhere with speeds up to 32Mbps. Primetel is in most places. You can even get 4G with speeds up to 40Mbps (which might be ideal for you if you only plan to live there for 6 months because most fixed broadband services require a 1-2 year contract). Only if you need the 120Mbps of cablenet you will have to limit your location.
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Re: I need information...

Postby Sotos » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:16 pm

insan wrote:
Sotos wrote:
insan wrote:You don't understand sotos... what is a BBF? Why some portion of the properties should be exchanged and compensated? If TCs would be a clear majority in north, doesn't this mean clear majority of TCs should exchange their properties with a portion of GC refugees who wish to exchange?

I repeat... the future solution has nothing to do with this. You getting your property back or being compensated etc is not some sort of preparation for BBF. And we never agreed that TCs should be a clear majority in the north...

How will TCs be a clear majority in north if equal value of their properties in south not alowed to be exchanged with what a portion of GC refugees own in north... it's one of the most significant aspect of a future solution of Cyprus problem...

There is no agreement that TCs will be a clear majority in the north and in any case it is IRRELEVANT with what you can do about your property NOW.
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Re: I need information...

Postby insan » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:17 pm

Sotos wrote:
insan wrote:
Sotos wrote:
insan wrote:Simply to say, i wish both residing and working in south until i get my properties back... otherwise of course, naturally; i will choose one of the possible alternatives... why why why! :lol:

Are you currently unemployed? Because quitting your job, renting a house, and THEN trying to find a job (which could take months with the current economy) simply doesn't make any sense. I think you either not telling us the whole story or you are making this up ;)

It's true Sotos... enough waited... 41 years... and it's been 27 years that I've been paying a rent for the house i dwell... we haven't taken any GC properties in this 41 years... when there will be a solution is not certain... ı have to go through all the difficulties until i get our properties and compensation... i can work in north and reside in south but that's not my primary objection... this is a opportunity for me to experience all fields of life in south... it could lead to a nice documentary book... even a documentary film... eh? :wink:

How nice the book/film could be would depend on your capabilities ;) The subject alone (a TC living/working in the free part of Cyprus) is not so special by itself. In any case ... just search for more houses... the internet will be fine in the city, all suburbs and all major villages... cyta is everywhere with speeds up to 32Mbps. Primetel is in most places. You can even get 4G with speeds up to 40Mbps (which might be ideal for you if you only plan to live there for 6 months because most fixed broadband services require a 1-2 year contract). Only if you need the 120Mbps of cablenet you will have to limit your location.

Ok sotos... thanks for the friendly chat, the info and advises you have given... :)
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Re: I need information...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:19 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:With all this propaganda being posted, may I just remind you that all private property sales are just that! They do not involve 'selling' anything to Turkey, or legalizing Turkey's occupation.

Many private property sales in Cyprus are far from 'private'. A TC can not sell his pre 74 land in the South to a private individual and have that sale recognised by the RoC, without first 'claiming back' that property from the RoC and all the requirments and years of leagal battling that requires. A GC can not sell his land in the north to a private individual and have that sale recognised in the RoC.

GreekIslandGirl wrote: All sovereign property of the RoC (i.e. the WHOLE of Cyprus), whatever land transactions etc are made, remain ultimately under the authority of the RoC wherever they are sited be it in the free areas or under the presently occupied territories.

Again this is in reality not true, it is just what you wished was true. A GC sought redress from the IPC in the north and accepted as redress monetary compensation and compensation of areas of land in the South that were owned privately by TC pre 74. At first the ROC refused to recognise this GC ownership of this land given in compensation to him by the IPC. Under threat of ECHR actions they eventually settled with this individual and agreed to recognise his ownership of this land. In effect the RoC was forced to accept on a one off case, under threat of the ECHR ruling generically, that the IPC had the legal right to offer this land to this GC as compensation, despite the RoC claiming prior to the settlement that the land belong to the pre 74 TC owners and was under the sole control of the Guardian body.

You're breaking down. I can't find much logic in your rants.

To simplify, where does it say that if you get 'compensation/restitution/swapsies' for the loss of the right to enjoy your property, that it now no longer comes under the legal sovereignty of the RoC?


Because sovereignty over the WHOLE of the RoC/Cyprus cannot be bought and sold to Turkey or any other!

You can sell your private property, your private 'deeds', your private 'ownership' ..... but you CANNOT sell the sovereignty of a piece of land.

All of Cyprus belongs to the Roc and will always belong to the RoC. All else is illegal Turkish occupation which WILL come to an end.
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Re: I need information...

Postby Lordo » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:22 pm

this goes to show how difficult it is to stay in the south and claim your property. the gc politicians did not do this by chance. so much for some bastards here who swear by how fair they are being by letting people claim their property.

insan roc was given instruction by the eu to give tc properties quicker, it was declared illegal. look into that.
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