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another excellent article by rolandis

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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby Nikitas » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:18 pm

The handing over the deeds to the TC authorities is what the "original owner" deal is obviously aimed at. It is a peculiar situation to present an individual on one side obliged to deal with an administration on the other. Anastassiadis is an experienced lawyer, on this at least he formulated the phrasing accurately. Either they deal at the personal individual level or at the administrations level. At that level the situation will get sticky. If the RoC "nationalises" all GC property in the north inorder to deal as a representative of all owners, the acreage will be so much more than what the TCs left behind that any property deal will seem like a joke. At the individual leve we can all fool ourselves that there is some fairness to the process.

So we get back to the fundamental issue which is territory and not properties. For some reason neither side wants to commit to this issue, trying their best to skirt round it, delaying it as much as they can. Typical Cypriot approach.
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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby Lordo » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:28 pm

total nonsense as per usual. You will have a mixture because that is what we have. those tcs who have exchanged their properties in the past and accepted gc properties have lost their right to their properties in the south and rightly so. those properties are in the hands of trnc to exchange as they wish. i have no idea how groc has dealt with the situation. if they have awarded tc properties to gcs and at the same time allowed the gcs to keep their own properties in the north, that is their look out. that is a mess they will have to deal with. just to complicate the issue i have no doubt that there are gcs and tcs who have never accepted any exchange properties and will be able to claim their land from whoever has them.

rather then solving problems you are trying to create new problems. we are not going back to square one. we are where we are and will move forward.
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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby Nikitas » Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:44 pm

There is no mess in the RoC. An officical trustee of TC properties was appointed years ago, he manages the TC properties if their owners are absent. If the owners are in the RoC they deal with them as everyone else.

Friends live in such trustee properties. Not only they pay rent, they also sign inventories of movable assets, such as large earthenware (pytharia) that are considered valuable. They also ask for permision for any type of major work in the building, even painting.

The mess is elsewhere on this one, not in the RoC.

I want to see how Akkintzi will establish his majority of property in the north if TCs refuse to go through the process in the numbers he expects. I cannot see many TC owners of properties in McKenzie beach rushing to exchange with properties in Gaidouras and Angastina. I am sure that the choice properties in Kyrenia and elsewhere were allocated years ago to the usual suspects, leaving crap land for ordinary people. Maybe that is why they organized the water circus, to trick people into believing that marginal land will suddenly gain value, convincing them to accept the deal of the century.

This BBF business has a funny side once you get past the high rhetoric and get to the nitty gritty.
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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby Lordo » Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:12 am

the rule applies to both sides. what is the matter with you. a small percentage of gcs will move north and the same with tcs, mackenzie beach or not. the limasolians will not all rush back if there is an agreement. most have left the furquine country you silly boy and set up life else where. this majority business is what is known as donkey's shadow. it is not a problem. it is an imaginary one.

you can use the same percentage if you like, not more than 35% of any place can be tc. fair is fair right. the same rule applies to both. or are you going to say no tcs can move south?
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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby Nikitas » Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:20 pm

The percentage bit is interesting. No more than X percentage of each constitutent state may be made up of citizens of the other state etc. Which effectively means that all the TCs that remain in Cyprus can move south and not upset this limit.

The logical conclusion is what here? That the south can contain all Cypriots and we leave the north to the settlers?

See why sometimes I assert that an outright partition is the least "bad" solution? And I get shit from all sides then, especially those that promote "re-unification", that "re" in re-unification is so funny. LIke trying to get back to some imaginary situation that never existed.

Akkintzi is stuck, he needs to solve the "problem" before the settlers drown the TCs. For that he needs the myth of a unified independent country etc, in other words the GCs who can legitimately demand a stop to the settler problem, something which he cannot do. But he does not want to mix with the GCs, so he brought up the idea of majorities etc in each constituent state. He is trying to have "re-unification" and partition in a package deal.

The situation is getting funnier with each passing day. Funny because the key is obvious, it is called TERRITORY, but no one wants to touch that one. They would rather spend years talking about properties and complicated formulas.
Last edited by Nikitas on Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby DrCyprus » Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:43 pm

Here is the solution to the problem.

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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby Nikitas » Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:45 pm

Dr Cyprus understands the essence of the territory question LOL.
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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:12 pm

Nikitas wrote:The percentage bit is interesting. No more than X percentage of each constitutent state may be made up of citizens of the other state etc. Which effectively means that all the TCs that remain in Cyprus can move south and not upset this limit.

The logical conclusion is what here? That the south can contain all Cypriots and we leave the north to the settlers?

See why sometimes I assert that an outright partition is the least "bad" solution? And I get shit from all sides then, especially those that promote "re-unification", that "re" in re-unification is so funny. LIke trying to get back to some imaginary situation that never existed.

Akkintzi is stuck, he needs to solve the "problem" before the settlers drown the TCs. For that he needs the myth of a unified independent country etc, in other words the GCs who can legitimately demand a stop to the settler problem, something which he cannot do. But he does not want to mix with the GCs, so he brought up the idea of majorities etc in each constituent state. He is trying to have "re-unification" and partition in a package deal.

The situation is getting funnier with each passing day. Funny because the key is obvious, it is called TERRITORY, but no one wants to touch that one. They would rather spend years talking about properties and complicated formulas.

Akkintzi is stuck, he needs to solve the "problem" before the settlers drown the TCs. For that he needs the myth of a unified independent country etc, in other words the GCs who can legitimately demand a stop to the settler problem, something which he cannot do. But he does not want to mix with the GCs, so he brought up the idea of majorities etc in each constituent state. He is trying to have "re-unification" and partition in a package deal.

The only hope for the Tc is a sustained uprising against the Turkish occupation
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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby Lordo » Sat Oct 31, 2015 9:32 pm

Nikitas wrote:The percentage bit is interesting. No more than X percentage of each constitutent state may be made up of citizens of the other state etc. Which effectively means that all the TCs that remain in Cyprus can move south and not upset this limit.

The logical conclusion is what here? That the south can contain all Cypriots and we leave the north to the settlers?

See why sometimes I assert that an outright partition is the least "bad" solution? And I get shit from all sides then, especially those that promote "re-unification", that "re" in re-unification is so funny. LIke trying to get back to some imaginary situation that never existed.

Akkintzi is stuck, he needs to solve the "problem" before the settlers drown the TCs. For that he needs the myth of a unified independent country etc, in other words the GCs who can legitimately demand a stop to the settler problem, something which he cannot do. But he does not want to mix with the GCs, so he brought up the idea of majorities etc in each constituent state. He is trying to have "re-unification" and partition in a package deal.

The situation is getting funnier with each passing day. Funny because the key is obvious, it is called TERRITORY, but no one wants to touch that one. They would rather spend years talking about properties and complicated formulas.

perhaps you can explain to me how we can have equal political power between the communities under bbf if tcs are not majority in the north. if he said we want no gcs in the north then your statement would be correct. that fat that 34% can return make your statement as shitty as the rest of your post. you control freaks have to learn that you will never have power over tcs again under any circumstances. i was personally hoping that perhaps in 50 years time after all is settled we can move into a unitary state but with bent mentality like yours and the rest of the bastards here, i can tell you the tcs will never trust you again. not in a million years. in fact if this how you are going to be, i suspect bbf will not last long and the communities will migrate one last time into their zones.
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Re: another excellent article by rolandis

Postby Lordo » Sat Oct 31, 2015 9:37 pm

Nikitas wrote:Dr Cyprus understands the essence of the territory question LOL.
it just goes to sow that you are as asshole as the other ausiasshole.
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