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I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

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I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby Kokkinoujade » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:52 pm

I feel like Cypriots are being racist towards me. I am of mixed race, Cypriot and Jamaican, and feel like Cypriots look down their nose at me or are disgusted by my race. :?
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:56 pm

That's sounds a little unlikely to me. Cypriot society is pretty laid back, especially the latest generations.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby Sotos » Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:05 pm

There is racism in all counties towards those that are seen as being very different (just look at how Syrian refugees are received in Europe by large minorities or even the majority of the populations of EU countries). Some countries (UK, USA etc) have large numbers of black people (due to their slave trade legacy) so being black in such countries is not considered anything out of ordinary. Cypriot people who are black are very few... so you are seen as being different than the norm. I am sure that it is only a minority of Cypriots who are racist towards you... but it doesn't take many to make you feel bad about it :( Unfortunately I don't think there is a quick solution to this problem.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:26 pm

Often we may feel that we are being looked down upon because of our own feelings of inadequacy. Most people just want to fit in and if you are in a new culture you may already be disadvantaged in knowing what is 'norm'. So you might send the wrong signals.

Because of our readily changeable olive skin, Cyprus has a huge range of skin colours throughout the seasons and I don't think it will be anything as simple as your skin colour that people are noticing first.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby DrCyprus » Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:45 pm

Kokkinoujade wrote:I feel like Cypriots are being racist towards me. I am of mixed race, Cypriot and Jamaican, and feel like Cypriots look down their nose at me or are disgusted by my race. :?

My best childhood friend was a mixed race Cypriot and Thai. Many Cypriots loved him and appreciated him, but there were always a small minority of people who treated him in a racist way. He always laughed it off, and turned to the community of good people he had built around him.

The most difficult part for him was his army service. He was serving in a 'fylakio' in Nicosia. He was a good natured boy, so it of course attracted the usual scum who wanted to get the better of him. They called him 'kinezoui' and tried to push him around. He bottled it up inside for months, and then one day someone physically pushed the kinezoui back and threatened him.

Unfortunately for the guy who pushed him, and the rest of my friend's 'fylakion' my friend had practiced Muay Thai ever since he was 11 years old. He punched and kicked his way through both 'seiraes' and 'pallious' who were coming at him. The whole thing was silenced. Noone called him Kinezoui again and everyone wanted to be his 'friend'.

Racism is just another card some Cypriot individuals may use against you, to control you, to manipulate you, to throw you off guard. Stand your ground, confront them, clearly define your boundaries and these ill people will disappear.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby Cap » Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:17 pm

Racism is just another card some Cypriot individuals may use against you, to control you, to manipulate you, to throw you off guard. Stand your ground, confront them, clearly define your boundaries and these ill people will disappear.

Oh please DrCY.
Now whose really using the 'race card' ?
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby miltiades » Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:28 pm

Kokkinoujade wrote:I feel like Cypriots are being racist towards me. I am of mixed race, Cypriot and Jamaican, and feel like Cypriots look down their nose at me or are disgusted by my race. :?

Are you by any chance living in Limassol ?
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby Lordo » Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:43 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Often we may feel that we are being looked down upon because of our own feelings of inadequacy. Most people just want to fit in and if you are in a new culture you may already be disadvantaged in knowing what is 'norm'. So you might send the wrong signals.

Because of our readily changeable olive skin, Cyprus has a huge range of skin colours throughout the seasons and I don't think it will be anything as simple as your skin colour that people are noticing first.

may we indeed. omg you are indeed very special.

let me explain to all those who were not aware the fact that gcs are just about the most racist people on this earth.

remember the police who broke the guys leg because he was black.
or perhaps the 14 year old Sudanese girl who attacked in school by about 50 racists gcs.
when the police cam along eventually what do you think they did?
did they question the 50 racist thugs or take their details. nope the good old gc police took the poor girl who got attacked to the police station and kept her in a cell. I suppose that girl could have felt inadequate just before she was attacked.

I have heard many excuses for being racists but blaming the victim is a new one. I must remember it.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby Kokkinoujade » Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:03 pm

I am currently in Larnaca staying with my yaya & pappous, I feel when when I go out with my grandparents and cousins I get dirty looks and stared at. I have been coming to Cyprus since I was born every year sometimes 4 times a year, it's my second home! Sometimes I stay in kakopetria as we have a house there and I feel so at home there! No racism, everyone is so warm and loving! It's mostly in the city I feel the racism and its from a moisture of ages young and old! :(
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Oct 21, 2015 8:04 pm

Kokkinoujade wrote:I feel like Cypriots are being racist towards me. I am of mixed race, Cypriot and Jamaican, and feel like Cypriots look down their nose at me or are disgusted by my race. :?

Hi Kokkinoujade,

Welcome to the forum. Sad to say but you are probably amongst the most racist people in the world. Take a minute or 2 to just have a look at the Cyprus Problem section of the forum to see how TC's are treated, that should give you a pretty good idea of the kind of company you're in.

Btw, I love Jamaica, I visit MoBay at least once every 2-3 years. If there is paradise on earth it's in MoBay, a resort called The Half Moon.
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