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I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:21 am

...indeed, it is easy to forget where Cyprus is, and the example that would be easy to take from our neighbours.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby erolz66 » Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:32 am

Sotos wrote:Really Erolz? Both Lordo and MR-from-NG made the claim that "gcs are just about the most racist people on this earth"... isn't this anti-GC propaganda? And then MR-from-NG tried to link this thread to the Cyprus Problem in the most obvious way.

Actually one of them made the 'most racist' comment and the other used the example of how TC are often treated in the Cyprus problem sections of this forum to highlight racism in this forum, thus arguably linking it to the 'Cyprus issue'. But in addition to that we have B25 (who DID previously refer to a black male who's leg was broken when he was stopped and questioned by Cypriot 'special forces' police as a 'black cunt' on this forum) responding with 'Turks are the most racist' and then GiG suggesting that the 'problem' was not to do with racism in Cyprus but the OP 'insecurities' and who then also links the discussion to the Cyprus problem and who then does so again in response to my post, which makes no claims about GC being 'the most racists' or links it to the Cyprus problem and then you link the discussion to the Cyprus problem and when the OP questions why YOU are doing that your excuse for doing so is the 'genociders (turks) started it' you then have GiG again quot one of my comments (as someone who had not labled gc as the most racist or linked the discussion to the cyprus problem) and link it to the cyprus problem, followed by Get Real who does the same and then you have GIG refer to one of my posts that is about how jade may have misunderstood apc's post and link THAT to the cyprus problem. So yes there was one 'tc' poster that did use the tread to push an anti GC agenda and another 'tc' poster who semi linked the discussion to the cyprus problem - but those contributions are not the only ones in my view than can be considered to have 'hi jacked' the OP's thread, nor are they even dominant as far as hijacking goes imo.

Sotos wrote:If you want a serious discussion then it should be taken for granted that there are various degrees of racism everywhere and that in fact GC are far from the "most racist people on this earth". We can't have a serious discussion when we are forced to constantly refute such ridiculous claims!

Has there EVER been a discussion on this forum about racism in Cyprus, that has not tried to 'excuse' evidence of racism in Cyprus as 'no different from anywhere else' and where any TC who comments is not accused of being an even bigger racist, regardless of what he himself / herself has said or if they have said GC are racist or not or linked racism to the Cyprus problem or not ? Was my first post here not serious and not GC or TC specific and free of linkage to the Cyprus problem ? How was MY post responded too ?
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:49 am

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Sorry, don't believe you. :wink: - it was to Jade you were defending (in your usual sly way) MR-from-NG.

Mr-from-NG joined in with the laughs (too many) thinking it was a racist slur that he sympathized with.

You are insane. I was defending - explaining the comment by APC which in my view from knowing APC from their previous posts here were not to be taken at 'face value' which is what I thought Jade was doing.

But Jade didn't misread apc's comment - so there was no need for you to explain apc's comment. Really! She had objected to MR-from-NG's comment and that's what drove you in to defend him, in your sly way. Just like you defend the occupation regime by blowing up forum posts out of all proportion, as if discussion commentary, criticizing non-democratic systems and rulers of the EU, for example, was as racist or devastating as the Turks killing thousands of GCs and eliminating nearly 200,000 Greeks from their homes of centuries.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby erolz66 » Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:41 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote: But Jade didn't misread apc's comment - so there was no need for you to explain apc's comment. Really! She had objected to MR-from-NG's comment and that's what drove you in to defend him, in your sly way. Just like you defend the occupation regime by blowing up forum posts out of all proportion, as if discussion commentary, criticizing non-democratic systems and rulers of the EU, for example, was as racist or devastating as the Turks killing thousands of GCs and eliminating nearly 200,000 Greeks from their homes of centuries.

You are insane and will twist anything to suit your agenda. It was not just me that was under the impression that Jade may have mistook APC 'joke' comment for a 'serious' one - Sotos does exactly the same thing.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:06 pm

erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote: But Jade didn't misread apc's comment - so there was no need for you to explain apc's comment. Really! She had objected to MR-from-NG's comment and that's what drove you in to defend him, in your sly way. Just like you defend the occupation regime by blowing up forum posts out of all proportion, as if discussion commentary, criticizing non-democratic systems and rulers of the EU, for example, was as racist or devastating as the Turks killing thousands of GCs and eliminating nearly 200,000 Greeks from their homes of centuries.

You are insane and will twist anything to suit your agenda. It was not just me that was under the impression that Jade may have mistook APC 'joke' comment for a 'serious' one - Sotos does exactly the same thing.

You presume to know who she may have 'mistook' - even though she did not comment to apc, but to MR-from-NG. How arrogant is that!
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby erolz66 » Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:33 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote: You presume to know who she may have 'mistook' - even though she did not comment to apc, but to MR-from-NG. How arrogant is that!

I suspected that Jade may have taken APC's comment at 'face value' and not realised it was a joke - exactly as sotos also did. YOU are the one that in your arrogance has explicitly claimed to know which comment Jade was upset by - claiming that it was not APC's comment (where did you steal your laptop) but was in fact MR-from-NG's subsequent laughing smileys that had upset her and not APC's comment. You base this assertion on Jade having quoted MR-from-NG post which in turn also quotes APC's. Yet what Jade WROTE herself in comment to those combined quotes was "Where did I steal my laptop?? :/ really?" namely a direct reference to APC post and not MR-from-NG's. You 'theory' that Jade totally understood APC's comment was joke, was not upset by that comment and was only upset by MR-from-NGs subsequent laughing smileys is just absurd and just shows the lengths you will go to. Just as is your 'theory' that me pointing out to jade that APC's comment re stolen laptops was a 'joke' and should be taken as such, with no mention of MR-from-NG what so ever, just as sotos did the same, was a 'sly' attempt to 'defend' MR-from-NG.
Last edited by erolz66 on Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:38 pm

Kokkinoujade wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Kokkinoujade wrote:I am currently in Larnaca staying with my yaya & pappous, I feel when when I go out with my grandparents and cousins I get dirty looks and stared at. I have been coming to Cyprus since I was born every year sometimes 4 times a year, it's my second home! Sometimes I stay in kakopetria as we have a house there and I feel so at home there! No racism, everyone is so warm and loving! It's mostly in the city I feel the racism and its from a moisture of ages young and old! :(

OK - so you're fine in your home environment (Kakopetria) where you know the cultural habits established over a long length of time. If racism was an issue, surely it would manifest in such a more parochial environment, no? But you feel awkward in the city? Most cities in Cyprus are full of foreigners so I find it hard to understand it's racism you feel when you go into the city. Cities can be overwhelming for all sorts of reasons. Are you sure you're not just projecting your insecurities on the only explanation you could readily come up with?

This is not about the OP's insecurities, it's about the Cypriots being racist. Remember the poor black chap who had his leg broken for just being black?

How are you telling me that I'm insecure? It's things I experience and see... I know what experiencing rasicm is.

Gig, you know the saying "assumption is the mother of all fuckups"? Can you tell us all who Jade is responding to here?
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby cypriotnado » Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:41 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
cypriotnado wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
B25 wrote:Blah blah blah is that the best you got, sad mf.

Man up and admit you re a racist cunt. I can post over a hundred similar posts from you so just shut it.

I find you one of the most racist and sexist posters on this forum. Every time you turn up, the threads deteriorate.

Leave the topic to mature without your disgusting inputs.

The OP has not been attacked and one alleged attack does not make a nation racist - what makes a nation racist is to illegally occupy half of another country and kick out the rest of the natives that they didn't manage to kill!

She's pissed again.......hic.
These old women who cannot take the drink....

And proving my point on racists and sexists who emerge whenever there's a potential anti-Cyprus thread .......

Your ridiculous! You accuse me of sexism yet you call yourself a 'girl' how self oppressive is that. Imagine if I went to the hospital and asked to speak to the female doctor with the words 'can I speak to the girl doctor please' My point is Its obvious your far older then you pretend. You seem to believe that the avatar is really you? Be proud of your age and who you are. If you want to challenge sexism start as others have done with the moron who uses the word C...T all the time. He should be banned!
Searching through this forum one can see yours and others endless racist dribble, some of which has been highlighted by contributors to this thread. Its illegal please all use your heads for once. ... r-facebook
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby tsukoui » Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:55 pm

Kokkinoujade wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
apc2010 wrote:Racism is wrong ,,,,,as are sweeping generalisations..

BTW to the OP ...where did you steal your laptop,,,????

I shouldn't, but :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Where did I steal my laptop?? :/ really?

This really is an example of "imported racism", imported ideas about what it entails to be "Black", even though you're half-Cypriot. However, the business about laughing at racism is actually quite important. In the U.S. many "Black" people used to go around with a huge grin on their faces like Louis Armstrong, but the situation became intolerable and the issue of justice came to the forefront changing this. In Cuba which really dealt very well with the issue of justice following the Revolution up until the collapse of the Soviet Union laughing at racist jokes was the norm for both "Black" and "White". Now with the reliance on tourism (essentially prostitution of the island) the issue of justice is becoming more important again there. The following is an extract from a Cuban Hip Hop artists song that is deemed to destabilizing to be performed on the island:

Hey, yo

The black Cuban wants to be just like the white man

Because he thinks that darkness is obsolete and that whiteness is
It’s this way so much that he’s always laughing loudly at racist jokes

The black Cuban discriminates against his brother and is violent to him
And even though he has no master, he crawls like a worm

He has nothing of his own because his self-esteem and pride are

The black Cuban is the rubbish of his island

You would suppose that Cypriots who have and in many cases continue to experience racism should know better. The Brits hung Cypriot kids in the street. Cypriots aren't really "White" but they are in general just like the "Black" Cubans in the rap: "Because he thinks that darkness is obsolete and that whiteness is Progress It’s this way so much that he’s always laughing loudly at racist jokes".

If there is no direct threat, then humour really does make things easier. However you are not talking about threats, but "disgust". I would not presume to talk for you, but my guess is that if you were fully Jamaican you would not find it so distressing. The problem is that you are Cypriot and thus naturally expect to be recognised by Cypriots as one of their own. You have every right to complain if this does not happen. However, rather than accuse Cypriots of racism, I would accuse them of "importing racism" and losing their Cypriotness by trying to be "White". Racism has to be tackled at the root, and that means challenging the legacy of "White" supremacy.

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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:38 pm

cypriotnado wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
cypriotnado wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Man up and admit you re a racist cunt. I can post over a hundred similar posts from you so just shut it.

I find you one of the most racist and sexist posters on this forum. Every time you turn up, the threads deteriorate.

Leave the topic to mature without your disgusting inputs.

The OP has not been attacked and one alleged attack does not make a nation racist - what makes a nation racist is to illegally occupy half of another country and kick out the rest of the natives that they didn't manage to kill!

She's pissed again.......hic.
These old women who cannot take the drink....

And proving my point on racists and sexists who emerge whenever there's a potential anti-Cyprus thread .......

Your ridiculous! You accuse me of sexism yet you call yourself a 'girl' how self oppressive is that. Imagine if I went to the hospital and asked to speak to the female doctor with the words 'can I speak to the girl doctor please' My point is Its obvious your far older then you pretend. You seem to believe that the avatar is really you? Be proud of your age and who you are. If you want to challenge sexism start as others have done with the moron who uses the word C...T all the time. He should be banned!
Searching through this forum one can see yours and others endless racist dribble, some of which has been highlighted by contributors to this thread. Its illegal please all use your heads for once. ... r-facebook

If you are referring to me then let me explain. I never use the C word in my day to day life. I have however seen it on the most popular TV series, Game of Thrones, being used hundreds of times even by a teenager girl. I also saw it in film with a teenager girl using it (I don't remember the name of the film, all I remember is this little girl kicks everyone's ass).

I use it on this forum only on B25, I have searched high and low for a word to describe this vile excuse of a human being but it seems the only appropriate word is the C word with a capital C.

here is a Peter Cook and Dudley Moore classic. Enjoy.
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