Garavnoss wrote:Nuff said !, this topic was always bound to stir up racist comments and I think the manner in which it was presented guaranteed the responses it has so far received.
As to myself [being a straight to the point sort of guy] I would advise the poster to "Get your Black arse back up the tree where you belong and forget about it !".
Regardless of the fact that I may have got the "Gender" wrong in my post (since rectified] I would like to highlight certain situations which eclipse the anguish of the OP who has advertised her distress at falling foul to that which has become known as "Racism".
If she is seeking some sympathy for her apparent dilemma and hopes that her contribution to the subject might result in some easing of her situation, she should be "Worldly" enough to realize that her problem is minuscule when compared to the problems facing those who are currently wandering afoot over vast swathes of their destroyed homelands, simply because it is considered expedient by those who wish to impose their will upon weaker nations.
Live with your "Darker" skin and be thankful that a little "Racial Intolerance" is all you have got to worry about, there are millions who would gladly change places with you and are unable to register their dismay due to the aforementioned.
You [on the other hand] can always rely upon the "Race Card" and by GOD don't you ["Coons"] know how to play it ?, I [for one] never will accept an argument based on the production of "Racism" as the basis for a discussion, I have SEEN too many examples of suffering in the wider world to register sympathy for your silly little complaint.
Be thankful that you have your health and strength, a place to live, food to eat and a life to live, it is so much more than so many of your fellow humans [Whatever Skin Tone" they may have or from wherever they may have come], may lay hold to.