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I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:39 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
B25 wrote:Any so called references were to you . Turkish cunts that you are.

Not only a racist but also a lier, thats what you are. The word Turkish was never mentioned in your posts, it was always BLACK CUNT or NIGGER. Go to the thread about the black guy that got his leg broken by your racist police and there you will find some of your posts that will prove my point. You are a racist cunt and you know it.

I cannot actually find the word Nigger used by B25 and I think he once expressed the view he would rather be a black cunt than a Turkish cunt : he does tend to reserve the word cunt solely for the Tur*s. who's army is in illegal military occupation of 37% of Cyprus and where Tur*ish settlers now overwhelm the indigenous Turkish Speaking Cypriots .
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby Garavnoss » Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:43 pm

All this nonsense about "Racism"...?.

Just because some snotty nosed "PC" bastard has decided that it is better to "Kiss Arse" than "Talk Straight", it seems that everyone is walking about on eggshells when ANY subject in which members of different races might be involved for fear of insulting someone.

B25 is NOT a racist, he is a straight talking bloke [my kind of geezer] and I am sure that anyone who wishes to oppose that in which he firmly believes is as welcome to kiss his arse when it comes to confrontation as they are mine.

I am NOT a "Racist" but if I consider the actions of ANY member of a different race to be at odds with respectability and civility [as I see it, unless proven otherwise], the FIRST thing I do [in confrontation] is insult their race, it levels the playing field and allows the matter under discussion to be openly and fully thrashed out, sans the handicap of one side being forced to uphold the "PC" guidelines [if White] whilst the other one may lean on the "Race Card" with impunity.

Incidentally, by calling a "Coon" a "Black", you are insulting the "African", although my own invitation to the OP was to "Get your Black arse back up the tree where you belong" was [in all fairness] probably both incorrect and possibly a little harsh since it would appear that the poster is a Female.

My proposal should have been "Get your "Coon" pussy back up the tree where you belong"...........sorted. 8)
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby miltiades » Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:13 pm

The lady must not take notice of this thoroughly sick bastard as he/ it is suffering from the trauma he encountered some years back when he/it was severely and ceremoniously penetrated by a big black dick !!
This piece of shit should be ignored and he should be treated with the utmost contempt, as indeed he is treated by yours truly.

So I say to him / it , piss off you sick bastard.
Sorted !!
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby Garavnoss » Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:38 pm

miltiades wrote:The lady must not take notice of this thoroughly sick bastard as he/ it is suffering from the trauma he encountered some years back when he/it was severely and ceremoniously penetrated by a big black dick !!
This piece of shit should be ignored and he should be treated with the utmost contempt, as indeed he is treated by yours truly.

So I say to him / it , piss off you sick bastard.
Sorted !!

:lol: :lol: I wondered how long it would be before my old friend "LikassAkis" would be tempted to "Have a little Foam" and submit his customary volley of abuse, he held out a little longer than I expected but am convinced that my comments awakened a "Clarion Call" which compelled him to take sides with the "Coon" since that is ALWAYS his position when he senses that he may be on the winning side.

He might even wish to become "One of Them" and thus enhance his standing in the "Coon" community by taking issue with my comments.

I can help him [if such be his motive] ..... providing he follows the instructions I now supply:-

Fill a dustbin with SHITE and dive in head first and when you get out, adopt the same principles as a "Drip Dry Shirt" and just let it all dry naturally, you will then fit in nicely [although you might be mistaken for a "Turk" now and then] and you will have obtained the right to whinge and moan till your heart's content [which is what you usually do anyway]. :lol: :lol:
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby miltiades » Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:43 pm

Since you are a pervert and take sexual gratification by commenting on my posts I SHALL NOT ENCHANCE YOUR PERVERSION further.

Lock your self in your room and play with your self you sick pervert. When you are done do us all a favour and fuck off.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby Garavnoss » Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:49 pm

miltiades wrote:Since you are a pervert and take sexual gratification by commenting on my posts I SHALL NOT ENCHANCE YOUR PERVERSION further.

Lock your self in your room and play with your self you sick pervert. When you are done do us all a favour and fuck off.

Will I be allowed to fantasize about you in your "Chocolate Coating" whilst I am locked in ?. :lol: :lol:
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby MR-from-NG » Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:41 pm

Garavnoss wrote:All this nonsense about "Racism"...?.

Just because some snotty nosed "PC" bastard has decided that it is better to "Kiss Arse" than "Talk Straight", it seems that everyone is walking about on eggshells when ANY subject in which members of different races might be involved for fear of insulting someone.

B25 is NOT a racist, he is a straight talking bloke [my kind of geezer] and I am sure that anyone who wishes to oppose that in which he firmly believes is as welcome to kiss his arse when it comes to confrontation as they are mine.

I am NOT a "Racist" but if I consider the actions of ANY member of a different race to be at odds with respectability and civility [as I see it, unless proven otherwise], the FIRST thing I do [in confrontation] is insult their race, it levels the playing field and allows the matter under discussion to be openly and fully thrashed out, sans the handicap of one side being forced to uphold the "PC" guidelines [if White] whilst the other one may lean on the "Race Card" with impunity.

Incidentally, by calling a "Coon" a "Black", you are insulting the "African", although my own invitation to the OP was to "Get your Black arse back up the tree where you belong" was [in all fairness] probably both incorrect and possibly a little harsh since it would appear that the poster is a Female.

My proposal should have been "Get your "Coon" pussy back up the tree where you belong"...........sorted. 8)

:oops: :oops: :shock: :lol:
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby miltiades » Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:56 am

boomerang wrote:You people need to get a life and get of erolz's back...if every tc thought thd same as him we wouldn't have a problem...

He never condoned turkeys why the f'ing hate with bullshit excuses...

Well said Boom, in fact Erolz is not the only T/C who has same views. Many do also.

I have always found Erolz to be an intelligent individual devoid of prejudices and a realist.
Im proud to refer to him as a true Cypriot.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby erolz66 » Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:19 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:he does tend to reserve the word cunt solely for the Tur*s.

Except for when he used it as the term 'black cunt' in reference to a black guy who had his leg broken by RoC police whilst being stopped in the street by them. Sorry but this is exactly the kind of 'excusing' of racism that leads to its continuance, here on this forum and in general. It is just a fact that B25 used the term 'black cunt' here on this forum. At the time few condemn such use of a clearly racist term, quite a few sought to 'defend' it's use - trying to claim he had used it in reference to people in a video committing horrible atrocities, when in fact he used the term in reference to an innocent man, legally in Cyprus, who on being stopped by police had his leg broken.
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Re: I Feel like I'm receiving racism in Cyprus.

Postby DrCyprus » Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:52 am

In what appears to be an absolutely disgusting event both Greek and Turkish Cypriots were brought together as one people to celebrate their racism against foreigners.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
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