GreekIslandGirl wrote:Erolz, since it is you who disagrees with me, find me a molecular biologist who disagrees with what I've said - and I don't mean someone in the occupied areas.![]()
Yet YOU were the one to claim to speak for what 'most molecular biologist' believed, yet you can not find a single one to support your ridiculous claims ? Do you even know a SINGLE one, that you could then claim to speak with authority as to what 'most believe' ?
GreekIslandGirl wrote:- I gave you the clue with HGT but it went over your head.
No you looked up something that you thought could be used to try and support your ridiculous claims, without ANY understanding of the subject you stumbled across - that is plainly clear and obvious and once again typical of how you behave on this forum. The notion that HGT (horizontal gene transference) could explain how you could, by breeding and selection of goats alone, produce a goat that produces spiders web in its milk if given enough time, just once again shows your actual ignorance of what it is you are talking about, rather than what you no doubt think it shows. It would be easy to show that the phenomenon of HGT as we currently understand it could in NO WAY explain how you could produce a goat that produces spiders web in its milk merely by selective breeding of goats. Yet what would the point be ? You have no interest in actuality and what best understanding of science today does or does not suggest is possible or not. Your only interest it would seem is in trying to pretend that you understand such things and all you succeed in achieving imo is in displaying how shallow your knowledge is and how deep and ingrained your ignorance is. You have no interest in actual understanding and the intellectual effort that is required for such understanding. Your only interest is in trying to APPEAR to have an understanding that is the result of intellectual effort, without having to bother with any actual effort, presumably to feed the needs of your own ego. Sad and pathetic really.