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a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:34 pm

here is another victim.

Brazil, 1961-64:
President Joao Goulart was guilty of the usual crimes: He took an independent stand in foreign policy, resuming relations with socialist countries and opposing sanctions against Cuba; his administration passed a law limiting the amount of profits multinationals could transmit outside the country; a subsidiary of ITT was nationalized; he promoted economic and social reforms. And Attorney-General Robert Kennedy was uneasy about Goulart allowing "communists" to hold positions in government agencies. Yet the man was no radical. He was a millionaire land-owner and a Catholic who wore a medal of the Virgin around his neck. That, however, was not enough to save him. In 1964, he was overthrown in a military coup which had deep, covert American involvement. The official Washington line was...yes, it's unfortunate that democracy has been overthrown in Brazil...but, still, the country has been saved from communism.
For the next 15 years, all the features of military dictatorship that Latin America has come to know were instituted: Congress was shut down, political opposition was reduced to virtual extinction, habeas corpus for "political crimes" was suspended, criticism of the president was forbidden by law, labor unions were taken over by government interveners, mounting protests were met by police and military firing into crowds, peasants' homes were burned down, priests were brutalized...disappearances, death squads, a remarkable degree and depravity of torture...the government had a name for its program: the "moral rehabilitation" of Brazil.
Washington was very pleased. Brazil broke relations with Cuba and became one of the United States' most reliable allies in Latin America.
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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:36 pm

where is the old fool i suppose he has gone to sleep.
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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Lordo » Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:38 pm

Dominican Republic, 1963-66:
In February 1963, Juan Bosch took office as the first democratically elected president of the Dominican Republic since 1924. Here at last was John F. Kennedy's liberal anti-Communist, to counter the charge that the U.S. supported only military dictatorships. Bosch's government was to be the long sought " showcase of democracy " that would put the lie to Fidel Castro. He was given the grand treatment in Washington shortly before he took office.
Bosch was true to his beliefs. He called for land reform, low-rent housing, modest nationalization of business, and foreign investment provided it was not excessively exploitative of the country and other policies making up the program of any liberal Third World leader serious about social change. He was likewise serious about civil liberties: Communists, or those labeled as such, were not to be persecuted unless they actually violated the law.
A number of American officials and congresspeople expressed their discomfort with Bosch's plans, as well as his stance of independence from the United States. Land reform and nationalization are always touchy issues in Washington, the stuff that "creeping socialism" is made of. In several quarters of the U.S. press Bosch was red-baited.
In September, the military boots marched. Bosch was out. The United States, which could discourage a military coup in Latin America with a frown, did nothing.
Nineteen months later, a revolt broke out which promised to put the exiled Bosch back into power. The United States sent 23,000 troops to help crush it.
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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:38 am

and another victim of the yanks

Cuba, 1959 to present:
Fidel Castro came to power at the beginning of 1959. A U.S. National Security Council meeting of March 10, 1959 included on its agenda the feasibility of bringing "another government to power in Cuba." There followed 40 years of terrorist attacks, bombings, full-scale military invasion, sanctions, embargoes, isolation, assassinations...Cuba had carried out The Unforgivable Revolution, a very serious threat of setting a "good example" in Latin America.
The saddest part of this is that the world will never know what kind of society Cuba could have produced if left alone, if not constantly under the gun and the threat of invasion, if allowed to relax its control at home. The idealism, the vision, the talent were all there. But we'll never know. And that of course was the idea.
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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Paphitis » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:22 am

Lordo wrote:hang on a minute there is a few more to go. this one is closer to home.

Greece, 1947-49:
Intervened in a civil war, taking the side of the neo-fascists against the Greek left which had fought the Nazis courageously. The neo-fascists won and instituted a highly brutal regime, for which the CIA created a new internal security agency, KYP. Before long, KYP was carrying out all the endearing practices of secret police everywhere, including systematic torture.

As a Greek I would like to express my gratitude to the USA for providing weapons and aid to the Greek Government to defend the Nation against the Communist threat and Stalin.

As a result of assistance received from the USA, Greece was able to save itself from loser Russia, Tito and the other Slavic Hordes which wanted to take control of Greece.

This of course meant that Greece remained a democratic country free from Russian (Stalin) interference and became an important member of the NATO alliance. Stalin was responsible for the death of over 10 million Russians so words can not express my gratitude to the USA for saving Greece from this tyranny.

Thank you USA. You are responsible for a lot of good in this world.

And I would like to remind Blobbo, that it always takes 2 to tango. Stalin was interfering into Greece way before the Americans decided to assist the Greek Government.

Thank you USA for saving our souls! :)
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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:36 am

here is another one.

Indonesia, 1965:
A complex series of events, involving a supposed coup attempt, a counter-coup, and perhaps a counter-counter-coup, with American fingerprints apparent at various points, resulted in the ouster from power of Sukarno and his replacement by a military coup led by General Suharto. The massacre that began immediately-of Communists, Communist sympathizers, suspected Communists, suspected Communist sympathizers, and none of the above-was called by the New York Times "one of the most savage mass slayings of modern political history." The estimates of the number killed in the course of a few years begin at half a million and go above a million.
It was later learned that the U.S. embassy had compiled lists of "Communist" operatives, from top echelons down to village cadres, as many as 5,000 names, and turned them over to the army, which then hunted those persons down and killed them. The Americans would then check off the names of those who had been killed or captured. "It really was a big help to the army. They probably killed a lot of people, and I probably have a lot of blood on my hands," said one U.S. diplomat. "But that's not all bad. There's a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment. "
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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:47 am

Paphitis wrote:
Lordo wrote:hang on a minute there is a few more to go. this one is closer to home.

Greece, 1947-49:
Intervened in a civil war, taking the side of the neo-fascists against the Greek left which had fought the Nazis courageously. The neo-fascists won and instituted a highly brutal regime, for which the CIA created a new internal security agency, KYP. Before long, KYP was carrying out all the endearing practices of secret police everywhere, including systematic torture.

As a Greek I would like to express my gratitude to the USA for providing weapons and aid to the Greek Government to defend the Nation against the Communist threat and Stalin.

As a result of assistance received from the USA, Greece was able to save itself from loser Russia, Tito and the other Slavic Hordes which wanted to take control of Greece.

This of course meant that Greece remained a democratic country free from Russian (Stalin) interference and became an important member of the NATO alliance. Stalin was responsible for the death of over 10 million Russians so words can not express my gratitude to the USA for saving Greece from this tyranny.

Thank you USA. You are responsible for a lot of good in this world.

And I would like to remind Blobbo, that it always takes 2 to tango. Stalin was interfering into Greece way before the Americans decided to assist the Greek Government.

Thank you USA for saving our souls! :)

you are happy that the yanks took the side of the neo-fascists who were helping the nazis during ww2. what kind of a dumb animal are you ffs.
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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:49 am

here is another one.

Chile, 1964-73:
Salvador Allende was the worst possible scenario for a Washington imperialist. He could imagine only one thing worse than a Marxist in power-an elected Marxist in power, who honored the constitution, and became increasingly popular. This shook the very foundation stones on which the anti-Communist tower was built: the doctrine, painstakingly cultivated for decades, that "communists" can take power only through force and deception, that they can retain that power only through terrorizing and brainwashing the population.
After sabotaging Allende's electoral endeavor in 1964, and failing to do so in 1970, despite their best efforts, the CIA and the rest of the American foreign policy machine left no stone unturned in their attempt to destabilize the Allende government over the next three years, paying particular attention to building up military hostility. Finally, in September 1973, the military overthrew the government, Allende dying in the process.
They closed the country to the outside world for a week, while the tanks rolled and the soldiers broke down doors; the stadiums rang with the sounds of execution and the bodies piled up along the streets and floated in the river; the torture centers opened for business; the subversive books were thrown into bonfires; soldiers slit the trouser legs of women, shouting that "In Chile women wear dresses!"; the poor returned to their natural state; and the men of the world in Washington and in the halls of international finance opened up their check- books. In the end, more than 3,000 had been executed, thousands more tortured or disappeared.
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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Paphitis » Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:21 pm

Which reminds me! Don't forget Australia's coalition for the liberation of East Timor which included the USA.
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Re: a brief history of yankee involvement in the world

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 28, 2015 2:59 pm

Paphitis wrote:Which reminds me! Don't forget Australia's coalition for the liberation of East Timor which included the USA.

who did you liberate it from the east timorians, you dumb asshole. you murdered 200,000 people you savage.

East Timor, 1975 to present:
In December 1975, Indonesia invaded East Timor, which lies at the eastern end of the Indonesian archipelago, and which had proclaimed its independence after Portugal had relinquished control of it. The invasion was launched the day after U. S. President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had left Indonesia after giving Suharto permission to use American arms, which, under U.S. Law, could not be used for aggression. Indonesia was Washington's most valuable tool in Southeast Asia.
Amnesty International estimated that by 1989, Indonesian troops, with the aim of forcibly annexing East Timor, had killed 200,000 people out of a population of between 600,000 and 700,000. The United States consistently supported Indonesia's claim to East Timor (unlike the UN and the EU), and downplayed the slaughter to a remarkable degree, at the same time supplying Indonesia with all the military hardware and training it needed to carry out the job.
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