miltiades wrote:The Forums idiot blames the thousands of Syrians killed on the ....West. He lives in the West !!
His stupid views are shared by the Scatologist , the Psycho, two of a kind, both fucking idiots !
En telia GAROS

while you were posting this post the west dropped bombs on syria. they were no refugees from syria until the yanks started arming people in syria you stupid old fool.
when it comes to b25 comments regarding all the attacks being muslim.
christian yanks killed 35 million natives all in the name of their god
christian yanks killed set saddam to attack iran and murdered over 1 million people
christian yanks killed invaded iraq and murdered over 1 million people
christian yanks killed armed syrians and murdered over 240,000 people
israel attacked defenceless civilians in gaza and killed over 2000 innocent civilians including women and children.
christian germans kiled over 6 million jews
christian russians killed over 20 million civilians
christian yanks removed elected government in chili and tortured 28,000, executed 2,279, disappeared 1,248. In addition some of 200,000 people have suffered exile and an unknown number would have gone through clandestine centers and illegal detention
Christian yanks removed an elected government in argentina and 7,158 killed with disappeared reported to be 13,000
the 8 years christian good fearing reagan was in office represented one of the most bloody eras in the history of the western hemisphere, as washington funneled money,
weapons and other supplies to right wing death squads. and the death toll was staggering–more than 70,000 political killings in el salvador, more than 100,000 in guatemala, 30,000 killed in the contra war in nicaragua. in washington, the forces carrying out the violence were called "freedom fighters." this is how ronald reagan described the contras in nicaragua: "they are our brothers, these freedom fighters and we owe them our help. they are the moral equal of our founding fathers."
you boys and the old fool were born ignorant and will die ignorant and will go to hell for your ungodly ways. no 72 virgins for you.