DrCyprus wrote:Get Real! wrote:DrCyprus wrote:The only unsubstantiated SHIT in this thread is your original post.It was hilarious to watch all the other pensioners in the forum agreeing with you.
Plain stupid, backwards, xenophobic thinking from a plain, stupid, backwards, xenophobic hick.
Hey Bozo, just because your 40 year old pedophile daddy fucked your 11 year old mommy (at the local Kerhane?) back in the 60s and gave birth to a LYING degenerate through the rear end, doesn’t mean that everyone else was doing it!
I will leave the feces throwing in this forum to monkeys and primitives such as yourself.
The culture of Cyprus isn't lost or destroyed, it just moved forward, just like every other thing or concept in the world. Τὰ πάντα ῥεῖ.
The foreign elements introduced to our culture are not filth. They are not all good but they are also not all bad.
Inter-racial marriages are good because they expand and diversify the gene pool available to Cypriots which will lead to a stronger and healthier Cypriot stock aka people. Not all genes that cross over to Cyprus carry desirable traits but given the fact that Cypriot women experienced all sorts of rapes and 'marriages' by foreign conquerors and thus interbreeding happened in Cyprus for centuries and we are all pretty much 'mutts', I can only perceive racist Cypriots as uneducated idiots.
The many problems we are facing today are also problems of other developed countries such as the loss of the 'community' that existed in Cypriot villages before everyone decided to move to big cities, ardent consumerism and lust for money e.t.c
Mix marriages are taboo with this generation. Best just leave it be, but yes I agree with you 100%
There is a lot to be gained from other races and cultures in more ways than one. Even our so called 'culture' can be improved with foreign elements in many areas. Child Pornography is not something that is unique to the West or to foreign elements or Cyprus and sadly we just have to accept that there are strange people in this world and protect our youth. What has changed in recent decades is the fact that we finally acknowledge that these crazy things can occur, and we try to catch those responsible and we are better able to assist the victims which means they are more likely to report things which allows law enforcement to investigate and apprehend more offenders. As a result, there will be a statistical increase of these sexual crimes.
As a result, I would argue that things have improved in many countries in that respect, including Cyprus.
The other so called "decay" is more a loss of community as you said. This is occurring in all developed countries as Capitalism, Consumerism and the Information Age take hold. It's not good, but there is not much that can be done about it.