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Buying from Amazon and the warranty

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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby koko » Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:57 pm

So if i understood corectly
1)if for example Intel has a strandart 3 years warranty,if they sell it in Amazon,it is still 3 years standart warranty,even that no worranty information is mention on the list of the producst(Amazon site)
Same for Nvidia,ATI and so on ?
2)You said,that minimum warranty is 2 years(PC components) with no exeption
3)Some of you,mention are they in compariosn with Amazon for:
-shipping cost cost
Wich company offers better services and low shipping cost ?
4)Is it any Cyprus company located here that can compete with Amazon and as prices and services or not ?
Last edited by koko on Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby koko » Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:21 pm

I Just check they have very good deals.............but why their shipping cost are so high-Foe example if a order a hole new configuration(15-20 kg),the shipping cost will cost me over 100 pounds or around 140 euro in comparions 35-40 euro(for Amazon).
Am i do something wrong or their shipping cost to Cyprus are very high ?
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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby koko » Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:43 pm

Anyone ?
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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:58 pm

koko wrote:Anyone ?

It's an American company.
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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby Sotos » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:47 pm

1)if for example Intel has a strandart 3 years warranty,if they sell it in Amazon,it is still 3 years standart warranty,even that no worranty information is mention on the list of the producst(Amazon site)
Same for Nvidia,ATI and so on ?

Yes, but for anything more than 2 years only the manufacturer is responsible.

2)You said,that minimum warranty is 2 years(PC components) with no exeption

As long as the shop is within EU it is obligated to offer 2 years warranty. But stick with reputable retailers such as Amazon... don't buy from whatever online shop just because of a lower price because that shop might not even be around in 2 years.

3)Some of you,mention are they in compariosn with Amazon for:
-shipping cost cost
Wich company offers better services and low shipping cost ?

As you found out the shipping costs at is much higher. Last time I checked them out was several years ago and the reason I didn't buy from them was the shipping which seemed to be too high, especially when ordering multiple items. Amazon if a far bigger company. Note: At Amazon you can also buy products sold by other companies (amazon marketplace)... if you want the best warranty and service stick with products sold by Amazon directly.

4)Is it any Cyprus company located here that can compete with Amazon and as prices and services or not ?

If you follow the offers by companies such as Stephanis, Public, Electroline etc you can occasionally find good prices for certain products... especially since there is no shipping added. But if you want a specific product then it is unlikely you will find a better price for it in Cyprus unless you are lucky. And if you want to buy several parts to build a PC then it is almost certain that it will be cheaper if you order from Amazon. There is also ... they have OK prices for some products and they are often a good solution if you want to buy something cheap (where shipping cost is a higher percentage of the total price) or something heavy that can have a high shipping cost (e.g. a PC case)
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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby Sotos » Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:25 pm

Some more tips for buying from Amazon: Go to!addon and install their plugin. Then whenever you visit an Amazon product page it will show you price history for the product and also the price for that exact product at other Amazon shops (.de, .es, .it, .fr). Also go to the other Amazon shops and search directly there. Note that when you buy from you will be paying in British pounds, and if your credit card is in euro then visa/mastercard etc will charge you a small exchange fee... you do not pay this fee when you buy from, .es, .it, .fr because those shops deal directly with Euro. Also, when you buy from Amazon directly (not the marketplace) you will pay the 19% VAT of Cyprus, and not the higher VAT that they have in those countries. For example Italy has 22% VAT and this VAT is included in the price you see in the website. But when you pay you will pay 19% VAT, which means you pay 3% less than the price shown! (Germany has the same VAT as Cyprus, so you don't get this small benefit. UK and France have 20% VAT, so you get 1% "discount", and Spain has 21% VAT so you get 2% "discount"). The benefit of for certain products is that the plugs go directly on the walls in Cyprus without adapter.. this is not a big deal usually, but it is important for certain things that plug directly on the wall (e.g. battery chargers)
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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby erolz66 » Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:50 pm

koko wrote:I Just check they have very good deals.............but why their shipping cost are so high-Foe example if a order a hole new configuration(15-20 kg),the shipping cost will cost me over 100 pounds or around 140 euro in comparions 35-40 euro(for Amazon).
Am i do something wrong or their shipping cost to Cyprus are very high ?

To Cyprus they only ship dhl - which is expensive. Keep the weight and size down. When I build a new system I do not order the case from because the size/weight vs what the item is worth is not worth it. For processor / mb / memory / gpu - stuff like that then the shipping is not so bad. For me I choose to use as my first source because price is not the most important factor for me. Being able to get exactly the item I want quickly and efficiently is more important to me. DHL are very efficient in my experience. I have ordered from before midday and collected my item after 5pm the next day from DHL in strovlos. Not cheapest option but fast and reliable.
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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby erolz66 » Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:57 pm

koko wrote:So if i understood corectly
1)if for example Intel has a strandart 3 years warranty,if they sell it in Amazon,it is still 3 years standart warranty,even that no worranty information is mention on the list of the producst(Amazon site)
Same for Nvidia,ATI and so on ?
2)You said,that minimum warranty is 2 years(PC components) with no exeption
3)Some of you,mention are they in compariosn with Amazon for:
-shipping cost cost
Wich company offers better services and low shipping cost ?
4)Is it any Cyprus company located here that can compete with Amazon and as prices and services or not ?

Amazon is not a 'single' entity. It does sell a lot of stuff directly itself but it is also just and interface for a whole host of sellers. The best Cyprus based company for PC parts I have found is one Sotos pointed me too. They do not have quite the range of goods that have in immediate stock, but I have found them very efficient when I have used them. I have used them most recently for things that are too big / heavy vs their value to order from overclockers - like a PC case and an UPS.
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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby koko » Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:41 pm

Thanks guys
I am mainly interested in PC components(i want to build my own configuration) and Stephanis, Public, Electroline..........are not working for me-they dont sell pc components-for smartphones,tablets,notebooks,PS4.............they may be a good choice but they didnt offer PC components.
Unfortunatly Amazon dont have a real competion if you want to build a proper PC configuration in Cyprus
In Cyprus you have choice to bionic,, high prices(between 35 and 50 %). is a little better but the prices are typically higher with 20-25 % with few exeptions.
For Cyprus they are the best:
-lowest prices in Cyprus
-Big variaty and new staff- think only here i saw the new processors of Intel(Skylake)
But the prices are tipycally overpriced with 25% average in compariosn with Amazon.
Yes,sometimes you can find some bargain where the overprice is only 10-15 %
For example a 960/380 in Amazon,the prices starts from 195-200 euro,here you can find them from 220-225 euro(before a month they were 250 euro) or 10 % overprice wich with 3 years warranty and quicker services if you have a problem-it is worthed,but not for the majority of the things. are not bad site,but if you order 2-3 componest up to 2-3 kg-if it is 5 kg or more.........the shipping cost become too much............and if someone is broken/not working,you should send them to your own expances

Thanks for the tips.
So buying from European amazon shops which operates with euro and if the prices are simillar to buy from the country with bigger VAT-because in the final price ,The VAT will change to Cyprus one or discount with 1-2-3 %

Thanks to everyone for the tips-So:
-ordere from amazon(better these in euro)
-Choose Amazon as a suppler and ignore the others
-Sometimes has some good offers and for bigger cases,this is the better option
-Choose only if you order several parts and they are small.
Thanks again
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Re: Buying from Amazon and the warranty

Postby erolz66 » Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:34 pm

Just to be clear - if an item is doa (dead on arrival / fails within first 28 days) then I think the cost of returning the item will be born by overclockers. When my processor failed it was 7 months old and I also needed overclockers to test the MB for me as well as I could not determine if it was the cpu or the mb. That is why I had to send them to overclockers at my expense. If the cpu had been dead when it was originally shipped to me I think overclockers would have paid to have it shipped back to them.
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