Robin Hood wrote:How convenient ........ INIT ?
With all those US ships in the area why would the Iranians chose a Japanese vessel? Surely if it was Iran the US will punish them anyway so a US aircraft carrier would have been a far more satisfying target in that case>
An update:
Convenient to who? Why?
Where does blacklistednews (that "independent" site) and "Zerohedge" get their information from? Do they have people on the ground (or perhaps sea)?
The last I heard the Abraham Lincoln and most of the US 5th fleet deployment were in the Arabian sea. You have a very naive view of just how hard it is to attack a capital ship like that. You seem to think it's merely a case of deciding to - and that's it. Not so easy, especially when you've virtually no air capability and most of your navy consists of coastal FPBs with the target in a very capable 20 ship flotilla quite a long way off - somewhere or other (who knows where?) - at sea. Do you have any idea of the layered defence around a carrier like that? I suspect it's as definitive as my knowledge of petrochemical engineering in the ME. Tap, tap, tap. Ohh, wait, there you go, I'm an authority!
Hypothetically. To carry out such an attack though would of course be an overt act leading immediately to war. Mmmmm - bet that ideas got your juices flowing! You ole war-monger you. "War is about old men talking and young men dying".
Perhaps we will get a better idea of what this is about over the next week or so. Before doing the usual lusting-after-war thing.
I do miss Yialousa's almost weekly posts. About some Russian jobsworth in Syria with absolutely definitive information that there would be a "false flag" chemical weapon attack - soon. Where did all that go?
In this case we do have an important clue though. We are looking for a culprit who can't spell "sunk" or "Oman".