Whether or not the individual was ever found is not easily determined since, if he WAS, he surely would not have been granted favour by either party and would have just "Disappeared".
If he was not, then there is a possibility that the "Spy" [for that is how he was described to me] will possibly still be alive and may well be engaged in subversive activities elsewhere, he would of course be quite aged now, possibly in his seventies, who can tell ?.
It would seem [from information passed to me] that the "Spy" [we will refer to him thus for a moment] was originally native of Cyprus and was in some way connected to the "British" forces during THEIR campaign of infiltration [prior to the "Turkish Invasion"] and, upon being discovered by his countrymen, fled the Island and ALSO has never been heard of since.
To this very day, the Cubans have the name of this spy enrolled on their "Most Wanted" list [even though as aforementioned he could have been found and dealt with, for such is the manner in which such issues are dealt with] there is a substantial reward available for any information to this person [or so I am told] and his/her codename is "Il Dubio" which is quite a strange coincidence when one considers certain matters under discussion [if you could call it that] at the moment.
I might even chance my arm at having a guess at the identity of "Il Dubio", I may need a few bob if I get nicked for misconduct, I will have to seek the advice of my legal associates before making any decisions, I don't like "Grasses", wouldn't care to be one.