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Il Dubio.

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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby Garavnoss » Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:41 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Titus 1:16

"They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work."

American society is riddled with "Devout Congregations" embracing an infinite number of varying interpretations of "The Bible".

Some American "Ministers" even invent new religions and are well subscribed, ALL convinced that they serve "The Almighty.

The "Passage" you proffer is brilliantly adequate in summarizing the "Yanks" and the "Good Works" they are UNFIT for.

The "Holy Bible" is constantly under fire and subject to changes to suit those in power, periodic gatherings of the "Holy" leaders are forever a feature of the "Learned " as they try to determine/re-arrange meanings of the written word in order to suit themselves.

NOT SO with the "Noble Qur'an" which is quite clear in it's statement "As it is written, so let it be done" and regardless of ALL the controversial arguments that such statement attracts, not ONE word [or even letter thereof] can ever be changed.

I personally think that "The Almighty" would prefer such a situation, one knows where one stands don't you agree ?.

Look upon the "Yanks" in the "Light" of what is written and you may also see the "Light".......but I have my doubts. 8)
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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:13 am

The so called holy quran has just about as much validity about it as the bible, being the invention of man, allegedy containing the word of an alleged god, which is also the invention of man, and if one looks at the story with open eyes one who was a megalomanic sex maniac and possible child molester. That Mohamed, cursed be he his name, is the author or originator of the quran is itself now open to question since Birmingham university reportedly holds a document containing pages which seemingly predate his ravings, so one might be able to add plagiarist to the list of his flaws. However since there is no god, at least not as portrayed in the quran, he cannot be a prophet.

I would question the view that on strict interpretation Tim holds an opposite belief to anyone. He holds an alternative beleif since as the late great Terry Pratchett observed, and he was possibly one of the shrewdest observers of society, Atheism is itsellf a religious position.

I have a preference for being a devout agnostic. There may or may not be a a god, but if there is i have no doubt it is nothing like anything portrayed in any so called holy book.

The other postion I adopt , which has some religious connorations, is that of the missionary.

With that, Good night.
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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby kurupetos » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:33 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:According to Get Real:

"We're not Greeks... we’re the proud native Christian Cypriots who refuse to accept your bullshit 400 years and counting."


From my understanding of English, the pronoun "we" subsumes "I" within its meaning, so somebody who says that "We are Christian" can be construed to also be saying "I am Christian." True or false?

False! Not all Cypriots are Christian.

Only a small minority is not Christian.

Yes, like Lordo who says he turned muslim.

Yes, Lordo's ancestors converted to Islam to avoid paying taxes.
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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby Garavnoss » Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:33 am

It has just been reported that "Il Dubio" is known to have frequented several locations close to the borders of "Ukraine" and speculation is mounting that his intention [it is now known that "Il Dubio" is of the male gender] is to relay sensitive information to the Americans.

Russian agents are combing the centre of "Minsk" and have interrogated some officers in the police force who are also suspected of being in "Cahoots" with this elusive spy who is now known to have actually crossed/re-crossed the borders with the "Ukraine"

It would appear that "Il Dubio's" past activities date back to the "Fifties" when he was working for the British forces who passed him on to the Americans in order that he could spy on "Cuba" and at the same time, rely on them for his security.

Not much is circulated about his appearance, [a usual precaution at source since the least known the better] but he MUST certainly be of advancing years and very likely relies upon various disguises to avoid detection.

It is rumoured that his favourite disguise is a dark wig, beard and baggy trousers, and he is probably apt to frequent the local refreshment establishments where he may discuss his plans with his contacts.

A very slippery cove is our "Il Dubio", the net is closing in on him and his safest haven could well be among the Muslim community [he would obviously have to convert] who would welcome him into THEIR ranks in order that he could spy upon the "Yanks", the wages might not be nearly so good but the objectives more rewarding in the long term, after all, one should always try to assist the less fortunate members of humanity. 8)
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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:17 am

Garavnoss wrote:It has just been reported that "Il Dubio" is known to have frequented several locations close to the borders of "Ukraine" and speculation is mounting that his intention [it is now known that "Il Dubio" is of the male gender] is to relay sensitive information to the Americans.

Russian agents are combing the centre of "Minsk" and have interrogated some officers in the police force who are also suspected of being in "Cahoots" with this elusive spy who is now known to have actually crossed/re-crossed the borders with the "Ukraine"

It would appear that "Il Dubio's" past activities date back to the "Fifties" when he was working for the British forces who passed him on to the Americans in order that he could spy on "Cuba" and at the same time, rely on them for his security.

Not much is circulated about his appearance, [a usual precaution at source since the least known the better] but he MUST certainly be of advancing years and very likely relies upon various disguises to avoid detection.

It is rumoured that his favourite disguise is a dark wig, beard and baggy trousers, and he is probably apt to frequent the local refreshment establishments where he may discuss his plans with his contacts.

A very slippery cove is our "Il Dubio", the net is closing in on him and his safest haven could well be among the Muslim community [he would obviously have to convert] who would welcome him into THEIR ranks in order that he could spy upon the "Yanks", the wages might not be nearly so good but the objectives more rewarding in the long term, after all, one should always try to assist the less fortunate members of humanity. 8)

He sounds like a Stand Up guy!

Anything to get one over the deplorable and criminal Putin and his illegal invasion of Ukraine.

I reckon the guy should get a medal.
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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby Garavnoss » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:01 am

Paphitis wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:It has just been reported that "Il Dubio" is known to have frequented several locations close to the borders of "Ukraine" and speculation is mounting that his intention [it is now known that "Il Dubio" is of the male gender] is to relay sensitive information to the Americans.

Russian agents are combing the centre of "Minsk" and have interrogated some officers in the police force who are also suspected of being in "Cahoots" with this elusive spy who is now known to have actually crossed/re-crossed the borders with the "Ukraine"

It would appear that "Il Dubio's" past activities date back to the "Fifties" when he was working for the British forces who passed him on to the Americans in order that he could spy on "Cuba" and at the same time, rely on them for his security.

Not much is circulated about his appearance, [a usual precaution at source since the least known the better] but he MUST certainly be of advancing years and very likely relies upon various disguises to avoid detection.

It is rumoured that his favourite disguise is a dark wig, beard and baggy trousers, and he is probably apt to frequent the local refreshment establishments where he may discuss his plans with his contacts.

A very slippery cove is our "Il Dubio", the net is closing in on him and his safest haven could well be among the Muslim community [he would obviously have to convert] who would welcome him into THEIR ranks in order that he could spy upon the "Yanks", the wages might not be nearly so good but the objectives more rewarding in the long term, after all, one should always try to assist the less fortunate members of humanity. 8)

He sounds like a Stand Up guy!

Anything to get one over the deplorable and criminal Putin and his illegal invasion of Ukraine.

I reckon the guy should get a medal.

Depending upon personal opinion, you are absolutely right. 8)
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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby Garavnoss » Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:22 pm

Il Dubio has been tracked to Cyprus !!, it would appear that he has habitually made short visits to the island in order to test the possibility of him being accepted by the Cypriot community should he wish to retire among them.

It would seem [from a new source of information] that as a young man, he was terrified that he might have to serve his time in the army and THAT fact [among others] prompted him to take flight and seek refuge in the UK.

The net is closing in on him now, both the "Cubans" and the patriots of "EOKA" are about to make their move in capturing this elusive little draft dodger, I might even try to find him myself........ the reward is still available for his capture. 8)
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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby Garavnoss » Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:11 pm

The "Sniffer Dogs" [as used by the drug squad] were thought to have caught the scent of the illusive "Il Dubio" but he must have seen them coming and ran off.

The "Dog Handler" commented that he had never seen an old man run so fast in his life and even the Dogs couldn't catch him.

A narrow squeak this time, but not really surprising since "Il Dubio" is renowned for his speed when it comes to "Doing a Runner". :lol:
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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby Garavnoss » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:31 pm

The "Sniffer Dogs" have caught the scent of "Il Dubio" once again, apparently they picked it up from a discarded wine bottle [or cork] found in a refuse bin.

The latest news is encouraging and the nets are drawing in...... ever closer. :2guns:
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Re: Il Dubio.

Postby Cap » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:19 pm

I dunno where you folks find the time to taunt and ridicule each other.. :?
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