It has just been reported that "Il Dubio" is known to have frequented several locations close to the borders of "Ukraine" and speculation is mounting that his intention [it is now known that "Il Dubio" is of the male gender] is to relay sensitive information to the Americans.
Russian agents are combing the centre of "Minsk" and have interrogated some officers in the police force who are also suspected of being in "Cahoots" with this elusive spy who is now known to have actually crossed/re-crossed the borders with the "Ukraine"
It would appear that "Il Dubio's" past activities date back to the "Fifties" when he was working for the British forces who passed him on to the Americans in order that he could spy on "Cuba" and at the same time, rely on them for his security.
Not much is circulated about his appearance, [a usual precaution at source since the least known the better] but he MUST certainly be of advancing years and very likely relies upon various disguises to avoid detection.
It is rumoured that his favourite disguise is a dark wig, beard and baggy trousers, and he is probably apt to frequent the local refreshment establishments where he may discuss his plans with his contacts.
A very slippery cove is our "Il Dubio", the net is closing in on him and his safest haven could well be among the Muslim community [he would obviously have to convert] who would welcome him into THEIR ranks in order that he could spy upon the "Yanks", the wages might not be nearly so good but the objectives more rewarding in the long term, after all, one should always try to assist the less fortunate members of humanity.