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CY Has 9152 Illiterates

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CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:55 am

They must have counted our brother Gako 9152 times. ... e-persons/
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Re: CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby miltiades » Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:01 am

bill cobbett wrote:They must have counted our brother Gako 9152 times. ... e-persons/

Today, September the 8th, is the International Literacy 40th anniversary.

On the list below, Cyprus is listed at 56th position out of 220 nations, Turkey at 107th, Greece at 76th, but .....Belarus tops all three at 22nd position.
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Re: CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby Cap » Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:44 pm

miltiades wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:They must have counted our brother Gako 9152 times. ... e-persons/

Today, September the 8th, is the International Literacy 40th anniversary.

On the list below, Cyprus is listed at 56th position out of 220 nations, Turkey at 107th, Greece at 76th, but .....Belarus tops all three at 22nd position.

So CY beats the banana brothers... yet again.
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Re: CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:06 pm

Those countries that claim 100% literacy are full of shit! A figure that is impossible because there are peasants in remote villages who don’t follow rules, plenty of mentally retarded, very old people from another era who were raised under different laws, and so forth. :roll:

Most are small states but Finland, Norway, and N.Korea are definitely full of shit! :lol:
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Re: CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:09 pm

Agree that these are very selective data.

Cyprus and Greece are probably lower than reality because they have a higher proportion of older people.

Plus, we know poverty and the British Colonial Destruction of Cyprus prevented good schooling until more recently.
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Re: CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:14 pm

Here's one result that looked at a small age range for the related numeracy skills:

Numeracy test 16 to 24-year-olds

Flanders (Belgium)
South Korea
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
Northern Ireland
United States

Source: OECD Survey of Adult Skills 2013
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Re: CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:18 pm

Norway, Finland, and Sweden have thousands of Inuit-like people up in their northern remote areas that are trapped in their own little snowy world like Eskimos!

Have a look at these Einsteins... :lol: ... 970c-450wi ... rakter.jpg
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Re: CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:23 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Agree that these are very selective data.

Cyprus and Greece are probably lower than reality because they have a higher proportion of older people.

Plus, we know poverty and the British Colonial Destruction of Cyprus prevented good schooling until more recently.

Would you rather the island had been left under Ottoman /Turkish Rule?

The Colonial Authorities were in fact seeking encourage education up to age 14 same as in the UK at that time and had schemes in place to build schools. One of the problems they faced (According to Nearchos Nearchou in his essay on education in Pafos in the period 1931 to 1960) was rejection from the principally agrarian communities in extending education as families would lose the help of Children in running the farm.
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Re: CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Sep 08, 2015 3:49 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Agree that these are very selective data.

Cyprus and Greece are probably lower than reality because they have a higher proportion of older people.

Plus, we know poverty and the British Colonial Destruction of Cyprus prevented good schooling until more recently.

Would you rather the island had been left under Ottoman /Turkish Rule?

The Colonial Authorities were in fact seeking encourage education up to age 14 same as in the UK at that time and had schemes in place to build schools. One of the problems they faced (According to Nearchos Nearchou in his essay on education in Pafos in the period 1931 to 1960) was rejection from the principally agrarian communities in extending education as families would lose the help of Children in running the farm.

It's irrelevant to this debate whether Cypriots were beaten and taxed by Turks longer ago or beaten and taxed by Brits more recently.

And nonsense too to suggest such an excuse for not providing education. You'll need to show me the contexts of you forming that opinion from Nearchou's thesis as you are prone to fantasy. The idea to hold back kids educationally for agrarian demands is a British idea.

Indeed, the idea of not educating peasants was long debated in British quarters as historically it led to the introduction of the Agricultural Children Act of I873 in the UK. So this was something the Brits were aware of and if they wanted excuses to justify their lack of spending in education in Cyprus (despite the huge resources they exploited), then the Colonialists were well versed to sow such ideas.

In Cyprus education supply was strictly limited and under complete control of the British Colonial authorities and not subject to any whims of peasants - unless of course such ideas would suit the British purse. It was for this reason the Colonialists were in constant conflict with the Greek Orthodox Church as the Brits tried to systematically eliminate Greek (bit like they tried with Welsh). Hence the Pancyprian revolt against British oppression in 1931 which forced the Colonialists to rethink their continued fascist rule.
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Re: CY Has 9152 Illiterates

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:44 pm

Find the Nearchou item like I did - there you will not see any suggestion that the British adopted a policy of not educating peasants - he is very pro the revolting Cypriots.
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