how is it possible that in the eu a minister makes such a statement and still has his job. beyond belief.
Lordo wrote:hasikdir to anybody who agrees with him. the idea that you will accept refugees on the basis of religion is against every single eu principle. funny how you want a plan within eu principle and you can disregard them at will.
i am afraid you and all those who agree with him are as sick as hasikdiros.
kGaravnoss wrote:I think it is unfair to brand Socratis Hasikos' statement as "Racist" on account of the fact that there may be very valid reasons for his advocating that a certain amount of caution is advisable before accepting ANY amount of migrants into Cyprus.
Socratis was born and raised in an area of Cyprus now occupied by [what he MUST consider to be] an occupying military force.
Naturally he would be reluctant to welcome a consignment of Muslims into his country and there is a reason for that TOO.
Perhaps [as a young man] his Father or other older members of his community, regaled him with stories of WW2 and his attention may have been drawn to the hospitality extended to the "Jews" when THEY were embraced as migrants and welcomed into Cyprus.
As a youth, Socratis would have observed [naturally he MUST have been interested in politics] the development of Israel and he grew up in the period which witnessed expansionism [however viewed, whether for or against] of Israel and the emergence of the Israeli.
He may even [as with MANY others], consider the nation of Israel to be something of a "Cancer" in and around the Middle East, he may [as with MANY others] consider Israel to be a major participant [hidden of course] of every conflict that has taken place in and around the region [and even elsewhere] in league with the Yanks and the Brits.
Can't say I blame him, the scenario goes like this :- Yanks, Brits, Israeli's.....under the influence of the Zionists.
A little un-nerving for poor old Socratis Hasikos perhaps, but can you REALLY blame him. ?
Lordo wrote:hasikdir to anybody who agrees with him. the idea that you will accept refugees on the basis of religion is against every single eu principle. funny how you want a plan within eu principle and you can disregard them at will.
i am afraid you and all those who agree with him are as sick as hasikdiros.
Get Real! wrote:The idiotic Turkish clown once again exposes his double standards.
Lordo, is a TINY taste of what's to come if Cyprus is ever foolish enough to upgrade the primitive and disgusting Ottoman remnants!
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