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How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees?

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How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:21 pm

Come on folks, the litmus test began a long time ago.

Remember when all of you were praising the Arab Spring? Do you remember?

Down with Mubarak you all shouted and had a big love in. Well that is all fine and dandy now isn't it, but now you have a Junta and before that it was the Islamic Brotherhood. We are all lucky it's not worse with only just a few hundred journalists in a dark and dinghy Egyptian prison cell.

Oh yes, the Arab Spring spread to Syria. Anti Assad demonstrations were occurring all over the country. But Assad knew what to do. All he had to do was kill 3 Sunni demonstrators and start a sectarian war which he hoped will bring the USA on its side. Before you knew it you had every fundamentalist group against Assad which the USA could not support against Assad under any circumstance no matter how bad we think Assad is. Yes he is bad but just maybe, the alternative is worse.

Do you all think we are stupid? We know what is going on. Yes we do and there is no hiding or pretending.

But before you all say how much you care about the Syrian People, just remember that the vast majority of Syrian casualties were from the indiscriminate attacks of the Syrian Forces on Sunni civilians as well as Syrian attacks on Sunni Terrorist groups and also the anti Assad secularists of the FSA. Some refugees are Alawites and SHIA too, fleeing the deplorable Islamic State. I do not deny this, but don't use that as a cover for the 250,000 Syrians Assad has killed!

Sorry, but this is a war we can't involve ourselves with. We have our own little fight with DAESH and that is enough for us. We won't fight Assad's dirty little war, nor go out of our way to remove him for now because we fear what could possibly take his place.

DAESH will go down, and Assad better clean up the rest of this mess he created and he created alone and come up with some kind of power sharing agreement with the Sunnis because it doesn't look like they are going to give in and they now control most of Syria. The sooner some kind of peace returns to Syria the better.

But no matter what, we get to hunt every single DAESH and send them off to their Paradise. Be careful though because some of our Pilots are women and we all know what that means! We got our little bug bear for now. Our bogey men and we like to kill them too.

Face it, some of you don't care at all about any Syrian Refugees? How can you pretend when you literally don't give a stuff about the Sunnis who probably are quite justified to be gunning for your hero Assad! There is no difference between Alawite or Sunni. They are both Syrian and there are refugees from both groups.

Don't blame any of this on us. It's not our fault! Blame your hero Assad for bringing all this destruction on his own people. Do any of you understand that the Alawites are a minority? Do you? Why have the Sunnis been so marginalized for so long? Are they not people? Don't they deserve jobs, food, shelter and a fair go? Maybe not because they are not loyal to Assad right?

Some of you disgust me and then you have the audacity to get on your little white horses.

Please cut the crap!

And Christofias should hang his head in shame for accepting this criminal in Cyprus. Sorry but the truth is the truth.

The war against DAESH continues. We will never let them take control of Iraq or Syria. It can NEVER happen.
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Re: How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees

Postby Maximus » Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:53 pm

Some countries really did have a 'spring', such as Egypt, for example. However, Europe is not being flooded by Egyptians.

What is happening in Syria Paphitis, regarding those that are leaving the country is an obvious consequence of the backlash of US, UK, Turkish, Saudi, Qatar etc meddling and destabalising Syria. It has esculated to endemic proportions and almost lost in translation how we got here through the rise of several militant groups. International law broken down a long time ago Paphitis. Some countries are using a clandastine policy to fund and train proxies and rebels to do their dirty work for them so they can get their interests met, Illegally. There is no UN security council resolution for Syria.

The war is coming to Europe now Paphitis, as thousands of smuggled migrants march lawlessly through the unions national borders. They are going anywhere they want, without anyone able to stop them, contain them or be allowed to process and register them. They are doing what they want and this is potentially dangerous.

These are not refugees by an stretch of the imagination Paphitis. They are illegal migrants brought to Eurrope in an organised fashion by human traffickers. There are Africans from Somalians and Nigerians and Asians amongst them. The smugglers don't discriminate if they are getting paid to put people on boats and people will take the opportunity and join the bandwagon from far and wide. There may be some legitimate cases amongst this unprecedented crowd sweeping through Europe who are refugees. However, they stopped being refugees, the moment they refused to stay in refugee camps at the earliest point of safety. They stopped being refugees when they left the camps of Turkey, for example, and paid human traffickers to put them on boats to head to Europe. Now they are illegal economic migrants.

These people are going to want housing, work, benefits, rights and demand things from Europeans. They want to go to the most prosperous EU member states for obvious reasons and for the perceived benefits they will obtain. If not, they will need to be fed and monitored and put in refugee camps which they will probably not accept.

Do you see these people wanting to go back to their country when things stabalize? or if their case to seek refuge is fraudulent? Do you see them getting volatile if they don't get what they want?

(they have already scuffled with security personal in most countries. Some have disrupts social services to get their demands met and some have been throwing stones at the Greek authorities.)
Last edited by Maximus on Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:56 pm

One day some of you might grow a brain because none of you have learned anything and still suffer from Amerikanodaktilosis up your bums.

The Americans are NOT always to blame for all the ills of the world today and neither is any other Western country, EU or NATO.

When you guys were all friggin taking lazy siestas in the Cypriot sun (I exclude those who fought in the Greek or British Forces), Americans and others were dieing on the beaches of Normandy trying to save you all from Hitler and his criminal thugs. They have always stood by Europe as has Australia and Canada and believe me when I say that none of them had to make any such sacrifice.

But your eagerness to bash on them, rain or shine is starting to get a little boring even if they did not exactly cover themselves in glory all the time. These countries are just as much European as any member of the EU. The cultural ties to Europe are strong and always will be no matter how some Americans are too esocentric much like Cypriots in a way.

One day, we will see the Nation of Cyprus be where it belongs! NATO along with its other brotherly countries, not Syria, Cuba or bloody Iran. I am sick of the stupidities that have bought my country to its knees.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees

Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:04 pm

Maximus wrote:Some countries really did have a 'spring', such as Egypt, for example. However, Europe is not being flooded by Egyptians.

What is happening in Syria Paphitis, regarding those that are leaving the country is an obvious consequence of the backlash of US, UK, Turkish, Saudi, Qatar etc meddling and destabalising Syria. It has esculated to endemic proportions and almost lost in translation how we got here through the rise of several militant groups. International law broken down a long time ago Paphitis. Some countries are using a clandastine policy to fund and train proxies and rebels to do their dirty work for them so they can get their interests met, Illegally. There is no UN security council resolution for Syria.

The war is coming to Europe now Paphitis, as thousands of smuggled migrants march lawlessly through the unions national borders. They are going anywhere they want, without anyone able to stop them, contain them or be allowed to process and register them. They are doing what they want and this is potentially dangerous.

These are not refugees by an stretch of the imagination Paphitis. They are illegal migrants brought to Eurrope in an organised fashion by human traffickers. There are Africans from Somalia and Nigeria and Asian countries amongst them. The smugglers don't discriminate if they are getting paid to put people on boats and people will take the opportunity and join the bandwagon from far and wide. There may be some legitimate cases amongst this unprecedented crowd sweeping through Europe who are refugees. However, they stopped being refugees, the moment they refused to stay in refugee camps at the earliest point of safety. They stopped being refugees when they left the camps of Turkey, for example, and paid human traffickers to put them on boats to head to Europe. Now they are illegal economic migrants.

These people are going to want housing, work, benefits, rights and demand things from Europeans. They want to go to the most prosperous EU member states for obvious reasons and for the perceived benefits they will obtain. If not, they will need to be fed and monitored and put in refugee camps which they will probably not accept.

Do you see these people wanting to go back to their country when things stabalize? or if there case to seek refuge is fraudulent? Do you see them getting volatile if they don't get what they want?

You can speak to those countries that have done that Max because you can bet your bottom dollar that the coalition has had some very stern things to say to any country which is alleged to have done such a thing.

I can tell you for instance with some authority that Turkey for instance is not the flavour of the month among Australian Officials which have the ear of the USA well and truly a lot more than Turkey can ever dream of. It is a fact that Turkey has bombed Kurdish Forces and that is Australia's biggest bug bear right now as the kurds are our sacred cow or our golden boys and girls I might add.

The Saudis, Jordanians, Qataris and the Emirates are singing our tune right now and Turkey has stopped bombing the Kurds and will not attack them again because they have been placed on notice.

And no you are absolutely wrong. We could have blown Assad's forces to smithereens if we wanted to after his Chemical Attacks on the Syrian people but decided a long time ago that this part of the Syrian conflict is NOT our fight at all. We do see that those opposing Assad have legitimate claims against the tyrant but we are not entering a 30 year war over it.

And don't think Russia is any threat against us. We would sink their entire fleet in 3 days just from one Carrier Group alone. And all of Europe would be mandated to join us under Article 5.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees?

Postby Maximus » Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:06 pm

So what, does that mean they didn't do what I stated in Syria?

Stick to the point Paphitis,

I care about the Syrian refugees. I care enough to know that Assad gave them a safe place to live, with schools, hospitals and other social services and an economy so they can make a living. It may not have been perfect but it was intact and people were better off than they are now.

This has escalated to endemic proportions through arming and supporting rebel factions to over throw him because he wasn't a puppet. This has escalated through international lawlessness.
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Re: How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:17 pm

Maximus wrote:So what, does that mean they didn't do what I stated in Syria?

Stick to the point Paphitis,

I care about the Syrian refugees. I care enough to know that Assad gave them a safe place to live, with schools, hospitals and other social services and an economy so they can make a living. It may not have been perfect but it was intact and people were better off than they are now.

This has escalated to endemic proportions through arming and supporting rebel factions to over throw him because he wasn't a puppet. This has escalated through international lawlessness.

No no Max. You do not care about Syrians at all because you do not give a flying fuck about anyone other than the Syrian Alawite ruling sect of Assad!

And no Max, Syria was not a safe place for the Sunnis under Assad!

How many were Officers of the Syrian Armed Forces Max? How many were Police Officers Max? How many Sunnis had public sector jobs Max? How many were able to politically represent themselves Max?

Fuck all Max. They were always undermined and on the fringes and Assad's chickens have come home to roost! You can't blame this on anyone else I'm afraid.

A bunch of Sunnis don't go beserk for no reason Max if they were all safe, with a roof over their head and their bellies full mate. These are the basic necessities everyone needs for survival Max. You can deny the populace democracy perhaps, but you can't denigrate them, undermine them, subjugate them and condemn them Max.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees?

Postby Maximus » Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:19 pm

The chickens have come home to roost in Europe.
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Re: How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:23 pm

Maximus wrote:The chickens have come home to roost in Europe.

Europe has to do its bit to help people but the responsibility does not fall on Europe alone. Europe is just in closer proximity, that is all. But is this what you're worried about? Are you worried about these chickens coming to roost in Europe?


This is a Syrian kid washed up on Turkey's coast Max.


Question is Max, who was he running away from? Assad, DAESH or both.

Is he Sunni or Alawite?

To me he is Aylan and looks just like my Son!
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Re: How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees?

Postby Maximus » Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:28 pm

He was part of a Kurdish family. Apparently, his family applied for assylem in Canada but their application was refused because they did not meet criteria.

The family was in Turkey but they wanted to leave from there. They were not running from anyone by this point.

The father put his wife and two children on a crammed inflatable boat organized by people smugglers to get to Europe. No life jackets. Now all three are dead.
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Re: How many of you really care about Syrian Refugees?

Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:39 pm

Maximus wrote:He was part of a Kurdish family. Apparently, his family applied for assylem in Canada but their application was refused because they did not meet criteria.

The family was in Turkey but they wanted to leave from there. They were not running from anyone by this point.

The father put his wife and two children on a crammed inflatable boat organized by people smugglers to get to Europe. No life jackets. Now all three are dead.

You didn't answer the question max?

Of course the boy is Syrian and I am sorry to hear about Canada refusing their application.

But is the boy Sunni or Alawite? Many are running from your good mate Assad you know?

And apparently, the Canadians have come out to say that this is all news to them and deny receiving any such application from this family.
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