Lordo wrote:I find this another disgusting zionist propaganda justifying what the zionists' do. Look at the way the Palestinians are suffering in the West Bank and ask them if they are willing to share their land.
Come on RW, you are fast asleep.
No that is not propaganda Lordo, it is simply selective opinion! During the British occupation and before 1974, in Cyprus as I understand it, the Turks and the Greeks in many places lived amicably together, even baby sitting for one another and living as neighbors. It was when self interest in high places and serious politics got involved that the divisions grew into a problem....... and that quickly breeds hatred.
GAZA is Europe in the 30's and 40's '
all over again' the only difference is that the exterminators appear to have no one to stop them? In fact they are being openly assisted by countries that have already been taken over at the top levels by the Zionists.
IMO: I think this is the end of Israel as a State and of the US/UK as governments that the rest of the World will respect or even take any notice of. What I believe is called the
End of Empire?