Londonrake wrote:Kikapu wrote:What can I say, that even a broken clock has some use twice a day!

Ahh but, come on.

What you’re saying is anything that puts a hole in the (nonsensical) claim that the western MSM is controlled in its entirety can be dismissed as a “broken clock” aberration. That’s handy.
Perhaps a reasonable example of the lack of supposed "control"? In the past few days the BBC have run an expose of a cover up wrt alleged UK Special Forces atrocities in Afghanistan. Tick-tock?
It’s by no means the first time they’ve publicly dug the dirt on murky SAS/SBS activities, either.
I doubt the like of Nixon, Trump, Johnson or the UK MPs that ended up doing time for expenses fraud would agree the press was controlled.
Once again you succeed in diverting the thread into you opinion on the the trivia!
90% of the MSM is owned by six major corporations. Each of these has an owner and a Board of Directors who, through various Executive Officers determine the editorial policy of the group. Each individual media outlet has an Editor who ensures those working within their jurisdiction comply with the Editorial Policies set by the owners. This is total control of the editorial content ……. or do you really believe that the articles you read in your favorite news media, are the pure unedited, uncontrolled opinions of the journalist who adds his name as the Author of the piece?
I read the MSM but place far more faith in articles by well know freelance journalist with decades of knowledge and experience who publish on news platforms because ………. the platform owner does not control the content of articles. What you see is what they write and can run into tens-of-thousands of words and dozens of links. The owner just makes sure they do not break any laws. News platforms don’t have editors because they do not exercise control.
NOW do you get the picture or is that concept to complex for you to understand why …… ‘
complete control’ is an accurate description of what you accept as the whole truth in the MSM?
BTW: For international news there are just three primary sources, Reuters, Associated Press and some French group. Virtually ALL the news you read about Ukraine/Gaza the World ....... in the MSM originates from those sources and in turn the sources, including social media, that they get their information from.
An observation ........
In the last 12 pages of this thread you have made 11 posts ………. only one referred to the thread theme and that was just a single sentence. The rest of your posts are
ALL just you expressing your views about others and then running them down and attacking various other contributors to the Forum. No bloody wonder it lacks a larger contributing membership ……. YOU kill conversation.