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...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby Lordo » Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:19 am

Worth a read.

When does the death of a Palestinian child become unacceptable? Or perhaps I should ask the question this way: when will you assign a Palestinian life the same sanctity you assign an Israeli one?

Yesterday Israel bombarded the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza. Part of the camp was destroyed and at least a hundred people were killed or injured. My friend the poet Mosab Abu Toha, his wife and children moved to Jabaliya recently after Israel warned them to leave their home in Beit Lahiya, a city north of the camp, because Beit Lahiya would be shelled. It was, and Mosab’s home was destroyed. I have just heard from him after two days of frantic worry. ‘The bombing in Jabaliya camp was just seventy metres away from us,’ he said. ‘A whole neighbourhood was wiped out.’

You call for a ‘humanitarian pause’, which I do not understand. What does a pause mean in the middle of such carnage? Does it mean feeding people so they can survive to be killed the next day? How is that humanitarian? How is that humane?
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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby Lordo » Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:14 am

Don't you just love the Yanks' idea of democracy.

(Reuters) -Top U.S. diplomat Antony Blinken said the Palestinian Authority (PA) should play a central role in the future of the Gaza Strip, as he met with Iraqi leaders and toured the region amid spiraling tensions over Israel's war with Hamas.

Sure of course, no need to ask the Gazans who they want to run their government. He forgets it was Hamas who won the election back in 2006 for the whole of Palestine.

Yes democracy indeed.
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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:11 am

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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby Lordo » Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:26 pm

Clearly nobody has explained to the Nutenyahu that surrounding Gaza city does not stop people from using the tunnels to go where ever they wish.
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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:26 pm

Lordo wrote:

Clearly nobody has explained to the Nutenyahu that surrounding Gaza city does not stop people from using the tunnels to go where ever they wish.


I am convinced that the Israeli’s were aware of the Hamas attack in advance and that Netanyahu was prepared and ready to launch a mass extermination of not just Hamas but all Palestinians, the injured, aid workers, the hostages and all those trying to leave ...... AND THEN THE WHITE HOUSE THREATENED HIM and he had to back off that goal and proceed at a slower pace. Same objective ..... but gradually as the US knew the rest of the World would condemn such a ‘blitzkreig’ and the US would be condemned as a willing accomplice!

Since the beginning the IDF attacks have increased significantly every day. What the Israeli’s are doing now is what they planned to do in a massive single attack ..... until the Yanks stepped in. The following article explains that everything that happened from the 7th onward was NOT QUITE what the controlled press would have us believe.
Kevin Lamarque / Reuters file – NBC. Oct. 14, 2023, Peter Nicholas, Courtney Kube and Carol E. Lee

U.S. officials privately warn Israel to show restraint in retaliating against Hamas

In meetings in Israel, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin conveyed to Israeli leaders that it’s important to observe international rules of warfare.

Yet in that same speech, Biden dropped in a brief, but telling, message about the need to avoid indiscriminate killing as the war moves into a coastal territory that is home to some 2 million people with no escape route. Biden said that in an earlier phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, they discussed how strong democracies like Israel and the U.S. don’t needlessly target civilians.
"Terrorists purposefully target civilians, kill them," he said. "We uphold the laws of war — the law of war. It matters. There’s a difference."
What he didn't say in his speech, but NBC News later confirmed, is that Biden also urged the Israeli leader to take pains to minimize Palestinian casualties.

Now, Biden administration officials are amplifying that cautionary note in their own private talks with Israeli counterparts, present and past U.S. officials said. In meetings in Israel on Friday, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin conveyed to both Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant that it's important to observe international rules of warfare, two current U.S. officials familiar with Austin's message said. Austin advised that Israel operate on a higher moral plane than Hamas and be careful to avoid civilian casualties, they added.

Austin conveyed to the Israelis that if they storm into Gaza and civilian casualties spike, the world’s focus could shift from Hamas’ abuses to the deaths resulting from the Israeli incursion, a current and former official said.
“We’re trying to convince them [the Israelis], but emotions are running high,” the former official said.

Israel has now surrounded GAZA City having destroyed Gaza to the north, south and east. I predict (I hope I am wrong!) that the Israeli’s, being the cowards they have demonstrated they are so far, will now flatten Gaza ‘block-by-block’ by ground, air and sea and with total disregard for civilian casualties. They will kill everyone .... with very few Israeli losses. (That will be the give-away!) The death count so far will multiply until Gaza and Palestinians are no more.

Then Israel, with the help of the US will occupy Gaza and then shift their attention South ...... and will continue until they have recovered all the lands Yaweh said he would give them as his chosen people. In doing so Israel and the US will become Pariah’s around the rest of the World ..... with a few hangers on like the UK supporting the genocide with the constant claim of Israel's ‘right-to-self-defence’. In the meantime the settlers/IDF are clearing out the Palestinians in the west bank ...... but they have to resistance force like HAMAS to fight for them, do they?

As a footnote: During the Battle for Aleppo in Syria (July 2012 to Dec 2016) there were estimated to have been 31,000 killed over a period of just over four years and certain members on here condemned Russia and Syria, even though they carried out an almost ‘normal’ house-to-house urban warfare campaign, and lost thousands of troops destroying the same sort of tunnels that Israel faces in Gaza. Of course, although since mostly debunked, Assad/Russia were the focus of condemnation and accused of war crimes of unimaginable proportions!

So far no such condenation of Israel as obviously the rules have changed ...... it is now their ally committing the genocide! Let us wait and see how those that now SWI react and let’s see what they have to say when the Gaza ‘self-defence’ genocide kicks in big time? :x
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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby Lordo » Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:58 pm

The foreign policy of america has not changed since 1945. Allow the local henchmen to do as they please so long as they protect American interests.

We have seen it in Turkey, Greece and Cyprus first hand. America mainly want to wipe out Hamas. That is their main worry, they do not want to allow Hamas to spread to Egypt and particularly Saudi Arabia and the rest of the kingdoms there. They cannot control Hamas or Hezbollah. Since the early 50s, they lost Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, half of Libya, half of Yemen and now it looks like Turkey going the same way.

Israel will be allowed to do as they please but it will backfire. Sooner or later people in the region will kick their ass back to Yanklands.

There is no way Azrael can hide behind self defense. What they are doing is criminal. A country cannot claim self defense if they are attacked by people they occupy. All they have the legal right to do is repel the attack. Unfortunately America protects Israel at the UN. The General Council can over-ride the veto of America to compel Israel to behave. Why they are not doing it is difficult to understand.
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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby Lordo » Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:13 pm

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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:06 pm

This is an interesting and very sensible view of the conflict:

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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:10 pm

...worth recollecting; what Presidents said about Bibi.
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Re: ...I'd like to visit Gaza one day.

Postby Lordo » Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:17 pm

He is disgusting. While he was in power he also allowed Israel to get away with murder.
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