Israel's Culture of Deceit - Chris Hedges • October 19, 2023
Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — Israel was founded on lies. The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders. The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78 percent of historic Palestine. The lie that Israel faced annihilation in 1967, forcing it to invade and occupy the remaining 22 percent of Palestine, as well as land belonging to Egypt and Syria.
Israel is sustained by lies. The lie that Israel wants a just and equitable peace and will support a Palestinian state. The lie that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The lie that Israel is an “outpost of Western civilization in a sea of barbarism.” The lie that Israel respects the rule of law and human rights.
Jerry wrote:Why is the USA so dedicated to supporting Israel, how does Israel persuade the the most powerful nation on earth to support it through thick and thin?
AIPAC funds both American political parties in equal amounts. Democrats and Republicans risk losing their major source of funding if they step out of line - simple isn't it!
No doubt the Palestinian fighters are funded by the wealthy Arab states but they do not have the military clout of the USA.
Lordo wrote:What was the purpose of telling people to move south if they were going to bomb the south as much as they are bombing the north?
The Israeli defence minister says that Once the war with Hamas is over, Israel will bring to an end its "responsibility" for life in the Gaza Strip.
Does this mean they will stop controlling Egyptian border and the access to the sea and airspace?
During a briefing to parliament's foreign affairs and defence committee, Yoav Gallant listed the severing of ties with the coastal enclave as one objective of Israel's military campaign.
Gallant also outlined objectives of "the elimination of Hamas and destruction of both its military and governing capabilities" and the "creation of a new security reality in the region", according to a statement.
Do they not realise that if they should be able to wipe out Hamas Islamic Jihad will take over from then on?
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