Sotos wrote:..... that an ethnic group that lived in a place for 1000s of years is as native as immigrants or Settlers that arrived yesterday!!!
So we finally get to an actual reality. Nativeness is a matter of degrees. Yet no GC here, yourself included, talks of GC being more native to Cyprus that TC. They all talk, constantly and incessantly and relentlessly in absolutes - GC are black and white 100% 'native' to Cyprus and TC are 100% black and white NOT native but are instead 'invaders'. They talk in such absolutes not because such absolutes are a reflection of actual reality but because doing so suits their narratives needs.
Sotos wrote: I didn't say that your uncle was with 100% certainty killed by TMT. I didn't say that innocent TCs were not killed by GCs. I just ASKED if you are certain that it was GCs that killed him because it is a fact that TMT killed TCs that did not support segregation. Do you refuse this fact? Are you going to argue that all innocent TCs killed were killed by GCs and that TMT never had anything to do with that? Are you going to argue that similar things didn't happen to GCs? Are you going to argue that TMT was not in favor of segregation and that it was all GCs fault? If that is what you believe then you are the one who would selectively see things to serve a narrative that is not true!
Follow the line of the discussion here. I asked Nikitas if it was a 'facet of respect' to "Tell TC that those innocents murdered pre 74 was because they were descendants of Ottoman invaders in 1571 and thus 'had it comming',". To which maximus responds with "How innocent were these innocent people if their politics was racist and supportive of apartheid?", with the built in and untrue assertion that there was no such thing as an 'innocent TC' in this period because ALL of them 'supported racist and apartheid' politics. When I respond to this by giving an example of TC who was murdered in this period and who clearly by his actions did NOT support attempts to segregate and separate TC and yet who was murdered all the same, you then chip in with "am I sure he was killed by GC and not TMT as TMT
often murdered such TC". This then is the line of the discussion.
Every single time I have related what happened to my uncle here on this forum and there have been quite a few times, literally EVERY single time, it has been met by "he must have been a TMT terrorist himself" or "how do you know he was killed by GC" or some such variant. My uncles story is unusual in terms of discussing it here in the sense that in his case, unlike so many others, there is a contemporary record of it in a form that this viewable here by anyone who can be bothered to register with the cyprus-mail website. ... -the-past/ This record recounts the words of a GC, Andreas Demetriou. What is more a GC who is a doctor and a former Director of Research and Publications at the House of Representatives. Someone who knew my uncle and knew what had befallen him, first hand. From that article
Her young husband [my uncle] had been working at Barclays Bank, defying the orders of the Turkish Cypriot leadership not to mix or work with Greek Cypriots at the time.But in a cruelly ironic twist of fate, Greek Cypriots abducted him and killed him, ....
and in the words of Dr Andreas Demetriou himself
“The poor man [my uncle] wanted the well-being of his family; he had a good job, he was a white collar worker for Barclays Bank.
“I remember, the murder was condemned by all the people in Famagusta at the time,” Demetriou told the Sunday Mail. “And we couldn’t go out and speak against it because we were truly afraid for our lives.” “But no more,” he said. “Now, we have to speak out.”
Not only have I been met on this forum every single time I have related my uncles story here with "he must have been a TMT terrorist" or "there can be no such thing as an innocent TC, as they all supported the politics of division and separation" or " how do you know it was GC who murdered him and not TC", I have also been met, every single time and as you yourself Sotos do again here, with " do you deny that any TC ever killed another TC" or "do you deny that there were TC with an agenda of segregation an division" or variants like "what happened to your uncle does not excuse or justify the enforced partition of Cyprus in 74" despite the FACT that I have REPEATEDLY and EXPLICITLY accepted and acknowledged here that there were murders of TC by other TC and that there were TC who supported an agenda of division and separation in and of itself and outside of events like these and were prepared to use illegal violence against innocents to achieve it and that what befell my uncle and other TC in this period does NOT excuse or legitimise the enforced division of Cyprus in 74. I have not just said these things once or rarely - I have said them repeatedly.
What happened to my uncle is ONE truth about Cyprus in that period. I do not say and have never said it is the ONLY truth. However it is a truth that cuts to the core of the persistent and relentless black and white assertion by the majority of GC here that the mass movement by TC into enclaves in this period and their remaining in them as much as possible was overwhelmingly motivated by a desire for and pursuit of the separation and division of Cyprus or the fear of violence from those TC who did seek such. The real truth is much closer too, not in my words, but in the words of Canadian scholar Richard A. Patrick, who was an officer in UNFICYP in the late 1960s and pursued his interest in the Cyprus conflict as a doctoral student in political geography at the London School of Economics and who's "meticulous" work on this is "considered among the most authoritative accounts of the period.
"The author's investigations reveal that the overwhelming majority of Turk-Cypriot refugees moved only after Turk-Cypriots had been killed, abducted or harrassed by Greek-Cypriots within their village, quarter, or in the local vicinity. Most refugees expected to return to their homes within a few months at the most, and it was this assumption of an early return that facilitated their departure in the first place."
The standard GC narrative requires that TC fled their homes in this period because they were either rabid fanatical supporters of separation and division in Cyprus and did so in pursuit of this agenda or as a result of fear from those TC who were and that any TC. This is presented, persistently, relentlessly as THE truth, the ONLY truth or the overwhelming truth by many here, yourself included Sotos. As I have said before that this is done so consistently and persistently and absolutely here by so many GC is of no surprise to me. The point is when you (individually and collectively) do so and then talk of and expect 'respect' you are just living in a cloud cuckoo land as far as such expectations go. Dr Andreas Demetriou has my respect, as a fellow Cypriot and a fellow human being, for having the courage to speak A truth (not the the only truth but a truth) about Cyprus in this period. Those of you who relentlessly, persistently and repeatedly can
only respond to
this truth within the boundaries of their narratives requirements, a group I consider you to be in Sotos, do not. That is my point.