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Postby TonyC » Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:10 pm

I get the impression from earlier topics that taxies are the main transport from the airports. Is this really the case? Are there no busses from/to Larnaca airport to the main towns, specifically Paphos. I've just bought an apartment in Peyia so a bus would be convenient when I can't get a flight to Paphos airport.
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Postby city » Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:56 am

Hi Tony, yes, taxis are the main transport. I don't know about Paphos airport but from Larnace airport there are some busses leaving. Not directly to Paphos though if I remember right, but sure to Nicosia and Limassol.
The reason is that the majority of tourists coming to Cyprus have booked a holiday package that includes the transfer from the airport to the hotel, and nearly all local people do have a private car. :-)
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Postby TonyC » Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:32 am

Hello City,
Thanks for your reply. It's what I suspected but one can always hope. A taxi from Larnaca to Paphos seems a bit over the top just to get from/to the airport - it costs around CYP50 from Paphos to Larnaca.A nyway I suppose I can take a bus to Limassol and then a taxi or bus on from there. Of course the best bet would be to get a flight to Paphos but the options from Norway are somewhat limited.
As I mentioned, I've bought a holiday apartment in Peyia, and when all is said and done the transport aspect seems to be the only "negative" point. Everything else is exactly as what we wanted and we're pleased as punch! :D
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Postby alex669 » Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:37 am

Hi Tony, there are some buses from LCA to Limassol, Protaras and Nicosia. However, I don't know anything about the buses from these cities to Paphos. Also, buses are going on weekdays only and there are only 3-4 buses daily.
I would suggest you to use "service taxi" which you can call at 77777474. They will charge you around 10-12 CYP per person from Larnaca to Paphos with changing car in Limassol. But as I remember they are not coming directly to airport because of the "agreement" with regulr taxi drivers. So you have to get a normal taxi and go to Larnaca which is arount 3 minutes drive (and 5 CYP sure :) ) and call a service taxi from there.
Don't forget that you may wait up to 30-40 minutes for service taxi and trip to Paphos may take up to 3 hours. That's because the taxi is shared between 10-12 people.
The cars they have are brand-new VW minibuses, but sometimes you can see a very old MB limo with no aircondition.
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Postby TonyC » Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:02 am

Thanks for the info, Alex. OK, 3 hours to Paphos? Well, I guess there's no rush when you're on holiday, so I can live with that.
My best bet would be to fly directly to Paphos, of course. That, however, is a limited option from Oslo. Unfortunately (?) Norwegians don't seem to have discovered Cyprus yet, so the cheapo airlines haven't started running routes. A regular flight will cost me around CYP350-400 pr. person with lots of waiting for connections in places like Frankfurt. I can get round that by taking a cheap flight to England and going on from there, but one prefers an easy life, right?
Still, as I said in my last reply, this is absolutely the only minus about my new flat in Peyia, except that I can hardly wait for it to be built....I'm sure my wife and I are going to love it :D :D :D
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Postby alex669 » Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:25 am

The other solution which just came in my mind is to rent a car directly in airport. It will definetely be cheaper then taxi.
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Postby TonyC » Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:57 am

Good point Alex. We could hire a car out of season for about a week for the price of a taxi both ways. However I and my wife are of that rare breed that don't drive, otherwise I would have gone for that as first choice. Mind you we have 3 great big sons with driving licences so if we can coordinate our visits with them, the problem is solved!
The advantage of not driving is that you get a nice suntan on your legs as well as your right elbow....
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Postby Svetlana » Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:39 pm

Hi Tony

As there are no buses in Peyia, is that not going to be a problem?

The nearset buses are from Coral Bay which is too far to walk.

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Postby city » Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:44 pm

Svetlana wrote:...The nearset buses are from Coral Bay which is too far to walk.

Pushbikes maybe??? I don't know how far its from Peyia to Coral Bay.
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Postby Svetlana » Tue Jan 10, 2006 10:25 am

Hi City

Peyia centre to Coral Bay maybe about 5km; OK when going downhill but hard work returning uphill to Peyia. For the Summer months a walk to be avoided in either direction!

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