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What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

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What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby Oceanside50 » Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:32 am

A federation (from Latin: foedus, gen.: foederis, "covenant"), also known as a federal state, is a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central (federal) government. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states, as well as the division of power between them and the central government, are typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of either party, the states or the federal political body
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Re: What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby Lordo » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:06 am

let those assholes who think federation is division read this. ohps i forgot you are one of them yanke boy. gavole gozunguzu cikarasingiz bilmessingiz.
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Re: What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby Maximus » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:57 am

a federation whereby, its undemocratic, the Turks get a veto and a rotating presidency, the settlers stay, the Turks don't give back what they stole, the Turks expect shares, the Turks convert churches to mosques, where Turkey is a guarantor and is interferring, whereby the GC's share everything and the TC's can only share what they took from the GC's in the first place or nothing, is not good for Cyprus. no way Jose.
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Re: What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby Lordo » Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:01 pm

division it is then. thanks.
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Re: What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby Maximus » Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:05 pm

Lordo wrote:division it is then. thanks.

This is what the ultimate goal is for Turkey and your elected half wits. Your a karakiozi if you support that which I wrote above.

However, is it your way or the high way?

Keep writing so all the GC's can see what you really want for Cyprus.
Last edited by Maximus on Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby Sotos » Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:11 pm

No federation is the result of ethnic cleansing ... that is why in federations people can freely move and settle with full rights in any state they want. If we were to have a real federation in Cyprus then the result would be two states run by GCs.
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Re: What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby Maximus » Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:12 pm

Sotos wrote:No federation is the result of ethnic cleansing ... that is why in federations people can freely move and settle with full rights in any state they want. If we were to have a real federation in Cyprus then the result would be two states run by GCs.

which makes a federal system for Cyprus irrelevant.
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Re: What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby cypriotnado » Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:27 pm

Sotos wrote:No federation is the result of ethnic cleansing ... that is why in federations people can freely move and settle with full rights in any state they want. If we were to have a real federation in Cyprus then the result would be two states run by GCs.

Well Bosnia Herzogovinia is both a result of ethnic cleansing and a federation. It was a state imposed on all parties - not ideal.

I suspect if and its a BIG 'if' we have a referendum it will probably be rejected again - as voices of doubt are gathering on both sides. I also believe that division is what Turkey wants. I find if difficult to accept that they ae investing hundreds of millions in a water pipeline and now an electic cable to just hand it over. Friends also tell me that the settler democraphic is changing. Kyrenia is under going a property boom with many affluent Turks and some others buying new apartments and houses. Many of these new settlers are able to operate businesses from Cyprus,with the added benefit of escaping secular oppression in Turkey.

Akinci, I think a decent man and will hopefully offer more then Annan but at the end of the day he will not be able to deliver what some of you here want a return to pre 74 Cyprus.

Analysis was done on the GC refugee numbers by supporters of federal system and described in the CY Mail. From the 160,000 refugees of 1974 (including children) some 85,000 have since died. Two thirds of those still alive would have their homes returned under a similar proposal to Annan, and if they could move into them it would be under Greek Cypriot administration. From land returns! That leaves 25,000 people. This figure includes those that were children in 1974 and have no connection to their homes in the north. Would these people choose to up and leave jobs, homes to live in the North. I suspect most would take the money or do an exchange or rent their property.

My prediction for what its worth is that after a rejection Turkey will organise a plesbicite and they will go for some kind of Autonomy/home rule for Turkish Cypriots within a Turkish state. No longer a separate entity but part of a larger state. He will use the argument that we have offered everything we can realistically, we even supported a strong pro unification leader but the Greek cypriots want to return to pre 74 and that is unacceptable. No one will care or do anything and the division will be permanent. The talks will end as they are going nowhere? This status I believe will be irreversible in much the same way as the occupation and settlement in parts of the West bank and Israel proper. As with Greek majority/minority areas in Anatolia and on some now Turkish aegean islands and vice versa ie Turks originating from Greece, all will fade into a memory. In another 50 years no refugees will be alive.
Last edited by cypriotnado on Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby Lordo » Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:56 pm

you have not even heard what is going to be proposed and you are against it already. you people do not deserve a federation because you are as thick as shit and have been brainwashed.

what is the matter with you people. who has ever mentioned about returning to pre 74. on your bikes idiots.

the sooner we separate the better. i hope gcs say no this time too and saves the tcs.
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Re: What is a Federation and is it good for Cyprus?

Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:58 pm

cypriotnado wrote:Well Bosnia Herzogovinia is both a result of ethnic cleansing and a federation. It was a state imposed on all parties - not ideal.

Imposed because Serbia was not the official UN member but the dissolved Yugoslavia.

cypriotnado wrote:My prediction for what its worth is that after a rejection Turkey will organise a plesbicite and they will go for some kind of Autonomy/home rule for Turkish Cypriots within a Turkish state. He will use the argument that we have offered everything we can realistically, we even supported a strong pro unification leader but the Greek cypriots want to return to pre 74 and that is unacceptable. No one will care or do anything and the division will be permanent. The talks will end as they are going nowhere? This status I believe will be irreversible in much the same way as the occupation and settlement in parts of the West bank and Israel proper. As with Greek majority/minority areas in Anatolia and on some now Turkish aegean islands and vice versa ie Turks originating from Greece, all will fade into a memory. In another 50 years no refugees will be alive.

Self declared labels are meaningless.

A sovereign UN member is untouchable unless the RoC government was to declare it dissolved... something that will happen when the world freezes over.
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