...we can hope, this time around that the proposal is easy to understand, not so unclear, and that there are no changes at the last minute to make it a document basically unread by anyone.
We can hope that it does more than ignore the need for a Government that is a representative of Cypriots, as Cypriots. And that our Individual Rights are respected without any further distinction or discrimination.
...that as such, we defend each other. Liberty, for Persons, may be defined by constituent states within Cyprus, but only Cypriots can choose to sustain these distinct identities, as Cypriots; that's Freedom.
The policies of the Republic of Cyprus are unchanged, they have remained unchanged: to respect the Rule of Law, to limit their escalations of aggression in confronting the provocation of their adversaries, and to defend the Rights of Cypriots to be Cypriot, Greek or Turkish. The "Turks" of Cyprus do not offer Cypriots due consideration, they offer no viable choice to those not "Turkish" in their negotiations, they concern themselves only with themselves as "Turks" where what is not "Turkish" can be dismissed, or ignored. As such, the "Turks" and the Annan Plan failed. It was the culmination of fifty years of Turkish Foreign Policy; turn the page Lordo, like Annan said, "this plan is now off the table."