Sotos wrote:Bosnia is a mess... dysfunctional and unstable. An example to be avoided.
My prediction for what its worth is that after a rejection Turkey will organise a plesbicite and they will go for some kind of Autonomy/home rule for Turkish Cypriots within a Turkish state.
For us it wouldn't make any difference... occupation is occupation. It doesn't matter what you call it. Actually if you do such thing it might make it easier for us to cut you off the ROC (EU) citizenship. Many countries do not accept dual citizenship for their citizens. We could pass a law to do this too. And if any TCs get the Turkish citizenship that would automatically mean that they lose the RoC citizenship. So go ahead with that plan because you are going to lose from it, not us.
I wish you would please read what I said rather then incessant point scoring. I gave Bosnia as an example you claimed none exisited.
Totally agree with you NO solution should be imposed on Cyprus. Look where that got us!
Secondly It is not my position - honestly! I am making a prediction, many in the ROC, Greece, TC, The EU, The World etc are also making similar or different predictions on Cyprus.
I expect in the ROC one is probably seen as a traitor by some for even thinking of certain possible outcomes.
Yes I agree with you completely that TCY should Cypriot loose citizenship if they become part of Turkey or no settlement looks possible.. I don't understand why they were given these things in the first place.
Some Greeks and greek cypriots still think of Istanbul or Constantinople as under occupation. The problem with this logic is its ridiculous and self defeating.
Sadly thats what it will be like In another 40 or so years for Cyprus. Alot of regrets and historical analysis. Too little too late?