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Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

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Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:27 pm

Muddy Merkel's Hegemon Hacked Greek Tax system and Controls Greek Banks!

With its superior belief that Greece is not a country of "adults", Merkel's madmen took control of Greece's tax revenue, and as we know, controlled its banks to scare the demos!

Syriza have uncovered the depth of depravity in the EU and its leadership by bankers.

Greek government ministers found:

... individual tax codes controlled “fully and directly by the troika.” ... ims-troika
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Re: Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:38 pm


Yanis Varoufakis is polite on TV and radio shows. He has written a book that explains economics for children and has been a respected professor at respectable universities. He has generally been truthful in his public statements.

That is unlike the EU, which has been lying about everything from projected growth and debt feasibility to unemployment. Of course the shadowy EU bureaucrats are trying to hide their influence. The tax collector may be "independent" so the Greek cabinet cannot remove him. But his appointment must be approved by the trojka.

Left-wing governments are implementing neo-liberal austerity all over Europe. You get the feeling that the democratically elected governments have little room to move in. We're all in a European straitjacket.
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Re: Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby Nikitas » Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:10 am

Politicians had no problem removing the previous Secretary of Public Revenues, Haris Theoharis.

Baroufakis does not specify whether he asked for the tax number and if he did, what response the Secretary offered. Considering she has called for an investigation under oath, she was most likely never asked. So Barouf was planning to gain access to citizens personal data without proper authority and surreptitiously, something illegal under Greek law.

The irony is that the plan, had it been openly discussed, has its merits. It was a clever way to monetize tax credits and make them amenable and negotiable via a closed clearing system. All he had to say is "tax credits clearing" and leave the cloak and dagger stuff aside.
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Re: Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:30 am

It's not "personal data" he was after but the means to direct the taxes collected from the Greek people back under government control (this is what normal citizens expect!) instead of being redirected to the Hegemon leaders.

Who has control of Greek taxpayers' money? :roll:

This is reminiscent of the Nazis helping themselves to Greek savings some decades ago.
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Re: Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby Nikitas » Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:55 am

Under Greek law your tax number is considered personal data. You must be asked and consent to reveal it.

We pay tax to the local inland revenue, and the government still controls how this tax money is allocated, and that is the root problem of the Greek economy, since the choice made since the very start of the crisis was to shift the burden onto the private sector.

Evidence- the detailed revelations of former PASOK minister Yannis Rangousis who described how the government decided not to fire 150 000 civil servants and instead chose savage tax increases on the private sector. His words were "I looked around the table and not one single minister was willing to sacrifice his political clientele, they preferred to shift the burden to the private sector".

It was a totally Greek choice. The Troika set the sums, the Greek government decides the means to employ to achieve the targets. What makes it worse is that these guys KNEW that there is no unemployment benefit or other form of relief for the unemployed here. Yet they preferred to put 1.3 million of their compatriots out of work rather than 150 000 of their clientele.

GIG you need to read some Greek commentators on the crisis, non political people like the philosopher Ramfos, the economist Doxiadis, the journalist Mandravelis.

Blaming foreigners and "dark forces" is topical, today there is an article about it by psychiatrist Kleanthis Grivas on the psychopathology of that blame game you can look it up on
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Re: Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby Nikitas » Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:12 pm

From today's Vima, by Yannis Kollatos

"Στην Ελλάδα της πολυποίκιλης κρίσης σήμερα, έχουμε ανάγκη από μία επανάσταση του αυτονόητου και από μία θεώρηση του κόσμου τέτοια ώστε η χώρα μας να μην είναι ο ομφαλός της Γης… Ασφαλώς και χρεοκοπήσαμε, ηθικά, πολιτικά, κοινωνικά και φυσικά οικονομικά, αλλά δεν είμαστε οι μόνοι, ούτε οι νεφελίμ, οι σιωνιστές και οι μασόνοι αποφάσισαν να μας καταστρέψουν. Και φυσικά δεν είναι λύση το «ξανθό γένος», ούτε με δημοψηφίσματα διαγράφεται ένα χρέος 350 δις ευρώ…"

One of the many voices of sanity that hopefully will prevail. The alternative is horrifying.
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Re: Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby Nikitas » Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:47 pm

Highly recommended reading, by Giorgos Karabelias, a leftist of long standing and known for his credentials in Greece.

A short excerpt re the Syriza people in power now:

"It is irrelevant to them that the nation's economy is ruined, that most young people will be unemployed or forced to emigrate, that we will suffer painful setbacks in national issues, from Cyprus to Skopje. No! To them the only pressing matter is whether reality corresponds to the ideals of the left, and not the other way round, the correspondence of the left with reality"

It is uncanny how several ranking commentators and highly qualified psychiatrists and psychologists have commented recently on the obvious psychological anomalies they discern in the governing camp. It would be funny if the situation was not so dire.
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Re: Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:06 pm

"Almost all the money, 90 percent of the money, that allegedly went to Greece did not go to Greece. It went to German and French banks and to the creditors."

Joseph Stiglitz, Economist and Nobel Laureate.
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Re: Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:16 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:"Almost all the money, 90 percent of the money, that allegedly went to Greece did not go to Greece. It went to German and French banks and to the creditors."

Joseph Stiglitz, Economist and Nobel Laureate.

Not entirely correct.

The money has gone to pay out expired and due debts, to refinance older existing loans at reduced interest rates and to re-capitalize the Greek Banks who would otherwise go bankrupt.

And a lot of money has gone to the Government in order to keep it open and able to pay public servants, pensions etc.

Greece still owes the money but instead of owing some French and Germaan banks, they owe the IMF, ECB etc at lower interest rates.

The situation is better as Greece will pay less interest but the debt is still too big in my opinion and Greece should have got a haircut.

It's like a giant refinance. Greece will probably need another one in 3 years time. God help them then unless there is an amazing turnaround.
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Re: Merkel's Hegemon Hacking Greek Tax & Banks!

Postby Nikitas » Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:58 pm


Patriotism does NOT mean clutching at any straw to excuse Greek incompetence for the mess we are in.

We all knew that it was too good to be true, and we should have suspected something was wrong way back. Me too. When banks called me up to offer me unsecured credit cards it should have been an alarm bell. When the Post Office Savings Bank offered me a 35 year mortgage when I was 55, it should have set off major alarms.

We knew, but said nothing. Easy credit from the EU was used locally to create unsustainable banking "products" and dubious management tactics allowed these to be sold on to the public. The public KNEW this was not kosher, but said nothing and took the vacation loans, car loans, home repair loans, credit cards. The national debt went from 40 per cent of GDP to 120 per cent in less than a decade.

Blaming anyone else is bullshit patriotism. The responsibility is ours. Recognising that simple fact is the first step out of the mess. Denying reality is a sure way to total bankruptcy.
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