According to ARABIC mythology, the almighty was in the process of creating the first man from a mixture of "Clay" and not being really sure about how long the clay should be fired in the kiln, withdrew the first attempt far too early and thus created the "White Man".
His second attempt was left to bake for far too long and resulted in the creation of the "Black Man", he decided to release both of his errors and destroyed neither of them.
His third attempt was watched over more carefully and the resulting "Man" was of the perfect skin colour of the "Arab" superior race, it was after these three experiments that the "Female" was fashioned and the course of human development began, a "Female" for both of his previous failures was quickly cobbled together and their progress from that day forth was of little interest since they were considered faulty and TIME has proven his judgement correct.
Just then, there was a loud knocking at the door and my concentration was abruptly interrupted, I could see through my window that there was a Police Vehicle and three or more [both Uniformed and Plain Clothed] persons mingling outside and it crossed my mind that maybe old "Lick Arse" or one of his Yankee and Zionist- loving counterparts had managed to convince the authorities that "I" was representative of some danger to their warped sense of security and had managed to waste their time by spurring them into action.
However, my consternation was short lived since the intrusion was of a rather more "Close to Home" nature and my official guests were investigating a rather brutal crime which had taken place earlier in the day, it would appear that a gang of "Thugs" [2 Black and 1 White] had stormed into the home of two old age pensioners, demanded cash and valuables, ransacked their home and violently attacked both of them.
I was asked for assistance in supplying any information I might have but unfortunately was unable to be of any help, other than to invite both of my unfortunate neighbours to take up residence in my home [after hospital treatment] whilst theirs was put back in some semblance of good order.
Now, had the Almighty destroyed his two failures, none of these daily occurrences [in so many parts of our so called civilized world] would be taking place, there would be peace upon the earth and the "ARABS" would have been able to continue with their quests for the advancement of the scientific knowledge which they were first to develop all those years ago.