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20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

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20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:59 pm

May all Cypriots enjoy this historic day. Long live Cyprus and all Cypriots.
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Re: 20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:37 pm

Your thread reminds of Soutzou street in the 80s… we’d walk past and take a peek in the house to see if we liked the goods and then ask…

“Bosa bais?” (how much do you go for?) :)
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Re: 20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby Sotos » Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:20 pm

20th of July is another day in the long list of Turkish crimes against humanity that includes among other things genocides of millions and ethnic cleansing. The Turks are the cancer of Cyprus.
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Re: 20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:30 pm

Sotos wrote:20th of July is another day in the long list of Turkish crimes against humanity that includes among other things genocides of millions and ethnic cleansing. The Turks are the cancer of Cyprus.

ungrateful CUNT. Turkey liberated Cyprus. Saved it from being a Greek island. You should celebrate this day as the most important day in Cyprus history.
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Re: 20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:53 pm

Sotos wrote:20th of July is another day in the long list of Turkish crimes against humanity that includes among other things genocides of millions and ethnic cleansing. The Turks are the cancer of Cyprus.

you mean as many as the yanks did against native americans 36 million odd or as perhaps many as the germans or even stalin. what about the greeks how many people did they kill you ignorant little shit.
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Re: 20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby Nikitas » Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:20 pm

Greek island? Wasn't Lawrence Durrel who wrote "Cyprus is the most Greek of all Greek islands" way before any of this erupted? An independent Cyprus is Greek plus, while Cyprus post Enosis would be Greek minus.

Perhaps he perceived something that is eluding you? Just like the kitsch turkification of the north is obviously going unnoticed.

Remember Lambousa, a most important event in Cypriot history. Do not underestimate the survival instincts of Cypriots. They survived many more repressive empires than the Ottomans.
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Re: 20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby Maximus » Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:04 pm

another troll thread from this brainless commenter praising Turkish crimes against humanity.....
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Re: 20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby MR-from-NG » Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:29 pm

Maximus wrote:another troll thread from this brainless commenter praising Turkish crimes against humanity.....

Rubbish, what crime are you talking about? That day is the day my country was saved from extinction. How quickly you forget, hd it not been for Turkey Cyprus would have been gifted to Greece. Ungrateful bastards.
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Re: 20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:54 pm

...your country was saved by the brave people who did not join the efforts of the coupists: other Cypriots. Two days after the coup began, it fell. Surely you don't deny that the measures taken against Cypriots, because they were Greek, by the Turkish Army, were not well founded? The greatest Cypriots, those who stayed in their homes were rounded up, evicted, or made to disappear. What makes the "Turks" heroes, they are, and were, no better than the "Greeks". What makes '74 so right, if '63 was so wrong?

Cyprus exists because of the will of its people. In spite of Turkey, its "Turks", (and Greece, and other interlocutors as well,) "Cypriots" remains an identity Cypriots identify with.
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Re: 20th July. The day Cyprus was saved from extinction.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:47 pm

This poster is disgusting to the core - a representative of the foreign Turkish invaders that conduct racist apartheid segregation of a European country - keeping the native Greeks from their homes and destroying cultural relics of thousands of years. No single civilized person can support such a person and his demon brother Turks.

Terrorist bombings in Turkey today killing scores of people - concentrate on that! Symbolic. No more European tourists for Turkey on grounds of inhumane record - in Cyprus, Greece and all over the middle east! Scourge of humanity.
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