Selmer Bringsjord, who ran the test, said that after passing many tests of this kind, over time robots will amass a repertoire of human-like abilities that eventually become useful when combined
Selmer Bringsjord, who ran the test, said that after passing many tests of this kind, over time robots will amass a repertoire of human-like abilities that eventually become useful when combined
Cap wrote:Artificial Intelligence fascinates me.
Cap wrote:Artificial Intelligence fascinates me.
Cap wrote:Artificial Intelligence fascinates me.
Oceanside50 wrote:but isn't it the same way a human learns and understands by building on top of what he already knows like you said (apple) (red apple) etc. therefore isn't the code on the right track when they get this robot to do what it did? Now imagine a robot that can do 1 trillion calculations per second or a quadrillion per second which approaches the human brain, wouldn't a robot be able to think and act like a human?..
It’s called artificial because the microprocessor is given lots and lots of pre-declared “lookup tables” full of “knowledge” via the software
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