Oceanside50 wrote:can a robot be taught to write its own software? for instance if a robot comes up to a big ditch, but doesn't have the code in telling it how to climb down the ditch and then up, if its aware of its capabilities could it teach itself to go down and then up the ditch to the other side, by writing its own code ? isn't that what a human would do?...
Yes, a human will attempt several things to overcome the ditch even with no experience of dealing with ditches but a software program will be clueless.
The robot's pseudocode will look something like this...
if (You_Find_a_stone) BEGIN Call_Deal_With_Stone_Procedure END ELSE
if (You_Find_a_Lake) BEGIN Call_Deal_With_Lake_Procedure END ELSE
if (You_Find_a_Tree) BEGIN Call_Deal_With_Tree_Procedure END ELSE
A ditch will end up in here and is thus undetermined
The Robot is stuck and will just stand there motionless in this little pseudocode.
I could attempt to write a procedure which makes the robot try to deal with all other unknown elements it may encounter but it'll be very generic and won't work. At best I'd make the robot rotate 180deg and walk away.