Sotos wrote:It’s called artificial because the microprocessor is given lots and lots of pre-declared “lookup tables” full of “knowledge” via the software
Actually it is not like that anymore. It is not merely a ton of pre-programmed "if this then that" statements. It is a very complicated field but it is advancing fast. Advanced AI today can actually learn like a child learns but within more limited worlds. So the Intelligence is true... not faking it. They are just far from human level intelligence, but they are advancing FAST. It took biology billions of years of evolution to get to the point where brains were as intelligent as what we have. It will take just decades to get technology to the same level ... and then we are screwed, because AI will then evolve itself in lightning speed and we will be to them as stupid as insects are to us
Microprocessors are just binary number processors and nothing more. In the binary world there are only two states… ON/OPEN and OFF/CLOSED.
There’s nothing else so I cannot see how we can ever replicate the human brain which has billions of neurons that undergo billions of complex chemical reactions with just the two dumb states! (on/off)
Furthermore, the human brain handles completely unknown (to computers) complex conditions such as emotion and that can NEVER be quantified on a binary scale!
Perhaps in the future when we master FLESH and NEURONS + electric current, instead of stupid transistors… but not with our current electro-mechanical technology!