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Do you know the Cypriot language?

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Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:21 am

"The nightmare" in the Cypriot language.

Can you read and understand it? :wink:

Ο εφιάλτης

Ήσουν νάκκον άρρωστη. Πριν να ππέσεις, εδώκαμε σου καλπόλ. Λιλά, ποτζείνο που σου αρέσκει. Ο πυρετός έκατσε λλίο τζαι είπες μας το παραμύθι του ποντικού που ήθελε να παντρέψει την κόρη του με τον ήλιο. Άκουσα έναν περίεργο θόρυβο στο δωμάτιο σου, λλίο μετά τες έντεκα τη νύχτα. Επετάχτηκα τζαι εβρέθηκα που πάνω σου χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη.
Όπως το ψάρι έξω που το νερό, έτρεμες τζαι ανοιγόκλεινες το στόμα σου. Άναψα το φως τζαι εφώναζα σου «Άντρεα, Άντρεα». Τα μάθκια σου γουρλωμένα. Τα μάθκια σου χαμένα.

Τα επόμενα 10 λεπτά έν’ θολά μες στον νου μου. Τα σιειρόττερα 10 λεπτά της ζωής μου. Θυμούμαι τα όσον απελπιστικά αργά τα έζησα. Τη μάνα σου να σε κρατά μες τον διάδρομο τζαι να φωνάζει «Το μωρό! Το μωρό! Κάμε κάτι!». Εσένα, χωρίς κανένα έλεγχο του σώματος σου. Τα μάθκια σου όφκιαιρα, το πρόσωπο σου σβησμένο, η αναπνοή σου σχεδόν ανύπαρκτη. Σαν να τζαι μια αόρατη δύναμη ετράβησε την ψυσιή σου, την ύπαρξη σου τζαι εκωλώσυρνε την να την πάρει μαζί της αφήνοντας το σώμα σου κενό. Ο νους μου ένα χάος. Επροσπαθούσα να μαζέψω κομμάθκια λογικής που επετούσαν μακριά μου σαν τα πουλιά. Κομμάθκια παζλ, έβαλλα το ένα, έλειπε το άλλο. Πανικός, απελπισία. «Θυμήθου, θυμήθου. Ξέρεις πρώτες βοήθειες. Ηρέμησε. Βάλ’ την στο πάτωμα. Φώναξε βοήθεια. Πίασε άμπουλα».
Ήσουν μπροστά μου ξαπλωμένη. Το σπίτι ανοιχτό, γείτονες να προσπαθούν να βοηθήσουν. Η μάμμα να πιάνει το 112 τζαι να μεν απαντά. Εσύ ακόμα αλλού. Εγώ να σου φωνάζω.

Σαν το βραστό το αερούι του καλοτζιαιρκού, εμφανίστηκες απότομα. Σαν να τζαι επήες επίσκεψη κάπου τζαι εστράφης. Είδες το σπίτι γεμάτο κόσμο, εμάς κλαμουρισμένους τζαι αντί να πανικοβληθείς άρκεψες να μας λαλείς για το σχολείο τζαι την φίλη σου τη Μαριλένη που θέλεις να την καλέσεις στα γενέθλια σου.

Ελάλες τραούθκια του νοσοκόμου τζαι εκουβέγκιαζες με τους γιατρούς. Με τζείνη την απίστευτα απλή τζαι χρωματιστή σου λογική. «Παπά μεν στεναχωριέσαι τζαι είμαι καλά. Βάλλει μου η μάμμα πετσετούλα με νερό τζαι έννα γιάνω.»
Τρεις νύχτες στο νοσοκομείο. Τρεις νύχτες που ελαοτζοιμήθηκα δίπλα σου. Τρεις μέρες με υπόθετα, σιρόπια τζαι θερμόμετρα. Δίπλα που πίνακες που δείχνουν αν είσαι καλά, αν θα γίνεις καλά, πότε έννα γίνεις καλά. Δίπλα που ξεφτισμένες αναπαυτικές, ποτισμένες με δρώματα τζαι δάκρυα, αμέτρητων γονιών πριν που εμένα. Δίπλα που μισοτελειωμένα κουλλουράκια τζαι τσάντες πλαστικές με ρούχα. Ένιωσα ότι για δέκα λεπτά εκλέψαν μου το πιο πολύτιμο πράμα της ζωής μου. Ακόμα τζαι τωρά χάννω τα πόθκια μου τζαι νεκαλιούμαι, μόνο που το σκέφτουμαι. Τες νύχτες ακόμα σηκώννουμαι τζαι βουρώ να δω αν είσαι καλά με το παραμικρό. Τζαι εσύ τζοιμάσαι σαν τον άγγελο.

Μέσα που τον πόνο, τον συγκρατημένο εφιάλτη ενός νοσοκομείου μωρών, εκράτησε με δυνατό τζαι λογικό ένα πράμα. Εσύ. Οι κουβέντες σου, το γέλιο σου, τα φιλιά σου, τα χάδια σου. Θαυμάζω σε που είσαι γενναία. Ευχαριστώ που είσαι γενναία για ούλλους μας. Ευχαριστώ που είσαι δαμέ, Ρέα.
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Re: Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:37 am

Pavlos Liassides, is perhaps the heavyweight of Cypriot language authors. A famous folk poet with an absolute use of the Cypriot language that quickly separates the men from the boys!

His writings are completely unintelligible to Greeks and even half baked Greeks who claim Cypriotness.

I hope to introduce you to some of his writings here… I’ll see if I can find anything online.
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Re: Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby Cap » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:40 am

Can you read and understand it?

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Re: Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby Sotos » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:51 am

Apart from 3 words that maybe are unique to Cyprus without a Greek root and another 2 words which are basically English words written with Greek letters, everything else is Greek. For example "ππέσεις" is just "πέσεις", with some greater emphasis on the initial "π". Does this make it a different language? This kind of differences are not even unique to Cyprus.

Geminate consonants. Most Modern Greek varieties have lost the distinctively long (geminate) consonants found in Ancient Greek. However, the dialects of the south-eastern islands, including Cyprus, have preserved them, and even extended them to new environments such as word-initial positions. Thus, the word <ναι> 'yes' is pronounced with a distinctively long initial [nː] in Cypriot, and there are minimal pairs such as <φύλλο> [ˈfilːo] 'leaf' vs. <φύλο> [ˈfilo] 'gender', which are pronounced exactly the same in other dialects but distinguished by consonant length in Cypriot.

Of course maybe the above quote is too scientific for some peasants here to even understand what it says ;)
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Re: Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby CBBB » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:08 pm

I find it a lot easier to read that then proper Greek!
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Re: Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:10 pm

Sotos wrote:Apart from 3 words that maybe are unique to Cyprus without a Greek root and another 2 words which are basically English words written with Greek letters, everything else is Greek. For example "ππέσεις" is just "πέσεις", with some greater emphasis on the initial "π". Does this make it a different language? This kind of differences are not even unique to Cyprus.

Geminate consonants. Most Modern Greek varieties have lost the distinctively long (geminate) consonants found in Ancient Greek. However, the dialects of the south-eastern islands, including Cyprus, have preserved them, and even extended them to new environments such as word-initial positions. Thus, the word <ναι> 'yes' is pronounced with a distinctively long initial [nː] in Cypriot, and there are minimal pairs such as <φύλλο> [ˈfilːo] 'leaf' vs. <φύλο> [ˈfilo] 'gender', which are pronounced exactly the same in other dialects but distinguished by consonant length in Cypriot.

Of course maybe the above quote is too scientific for some peasants here to even understand what it says ;)

Nah mate, it’s the other way round. Everything originates from Cyprus.

In the case of Pavlos Lisassides’ writings you won’t find a single word in use today in Greece which is a shame really because Cypriot is the origin of Greek and many other languages.
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Re: Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby Sotos » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:18 pm

And by the way, the above text is not in perfect Cypriot dialect. For example it should be "εδώκαμεν" with a final "ν" (which is Ancient Greek and in Cyprus some will even drop the "δ" and say "εώκαμεν".

Final /n/. Most Modern Greek varieties have lost word-final -n, once a part of many inflectional suffixes of Ancient Greek, in all but very few grammatical words. The south-eastern islands have preserved it in many words (e.g. [ˈipen] vs. standard [ˈipe] he said; [tiˈrin] vs. standard [tiˈri] 'cheese').

Medial fricative deletion. Some dialects of the Aegean Islands, especially in the Dodecanese, have a tendency of deleting intervocalic voiced fricatives /v/, /ð/, /ɣ/ (e.g. [meˈalo] vs. standard [meˈɣalo] 'big')
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Re: Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby Sotos » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:27 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Sotos wrote:Apart from 3 words that maybe are unique to Cyprus without a Greek root and another 2 words which are basically English words written with Greek letters, everything else is Greek. For example "ππέσεις" is just "πέσεις", with some greater emphasis on the initial "π". Does this make it a different language? This kind of differences are not even unique to Cyprus.

Geminate consonants. Most Modern Greek varieties have lost the distinctively long (geminate) consonants found in Ancient Greek. However, the dialects of the south-eastern islands, including Cyprus, have preserved them, and even extended them to new environments such as word-initial positions. Thus, the word <ναι> 'yes' is pronounced with a distinctively long initial [nː] in Cypriot, and there are minimal pairs such as <φύλλο> [ˈfilːo] 'leaf' vs. <φύλο> [ˈfilo] 'gender', which are pronounced exactly the same in other dialects but distinguished by consonant length in Cypriot.

Of course maybe the above quote is too scientific for some peasants here to even understand what it says ;)

Nah mate, it’s the other way round. Everything originates from Cyprus.

In the case of Pavlos Lisassides’ writings you won’t find a single word in use today in Greece which is a shame really because Cypriot is the origin of Greek and many other languages.

:roll: Most of the words are used EXACTLY the same in Greece, the remaining are specific kind of differences most of which are not even unique to Cyprus (Geminate consonants, Medial fricative deletion, final "n" etc), some ancient Greek words not used anymore in Greece, a few words which result by combining Greek words, a couple of English words written with Greek letters and 3 words that are MAYBE unique to Cyprus without a Greek root. Some sentences don't even have a single word which is not in 100% standard Greek.
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Re: Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby DT. » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:34 pm

Half-arsed attempt to write in Cypriot...half of it steers back to kalamaristika. eg.... μεν στεναχωριεσε should be μεν στεναχωρκεσε. No self respecting Cypriot would say ξαπλωμενη....they'd say απλουμενη
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Re: Do you know the Cypriot language?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:41 pm

I think we’re all aware by now Sotos of your Greek Junta education… you probably see “21st April” and jump to attention!

Ah you poor thing… :(
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