Get Real! wrote:Sotos wrote:Get Real! wrote:Nikitas wrote:Fact is that the words you listed are linguistically cognate with other languages. Can you give us some examples of words, and their phonetics, from the pre Hellenic period of Cyprus?
Sorry mate but I don't believe in a "hellenic period" in Cyprus.
Here's what is FACT. All European languages originate from
Phoenician, and Phoenicia INCLUDED Cyprus!
Do you see how it all comes back home to Cyprus?

You are again confusing alphabet with language!! Phoenician was a Semitic language, nothing to do with the Indo-European languages of Europe. And by the way, the Phoenicians came to Cyprus AFTER the Greeks and they inhabited just the eastern part of the island.
The TANGIBLE Amarna tablets (currently available at the British museum) prove beyond any reasonable doubt that there were no Greeks in Cyprus and that Cyprus was an independent entity circa 1500BC.
The bible also contains plenty of evidence of Cypriots TEACHING Greeks (and others) about the word of God at around 50AD and making a clear distinction between two different peoples.
So, I really have no idea when you’re imagining that “Greeks” were here!
How about we start by you giving us a DATE? Let’s start with that and I’ll investigate.
You will investigate?

Dude, you are BLIND to anything that doesn't suit your position. You are so blind that even in the sources that YOU give you only read what you want to read and you are BLIND to everything that doesn't suit you. Earlier you posted this link: island of Cyprus has been a focus of cross-cultural interaction for many millenia. Its name stems from the root as the English (as well as Latin and Greek) word 'copper'. However, Cyprus's ancient non-Greek, non-alphabetic inscriptions are of tremendous importance. While the earliest examples dating from as early as 1500 BCE cannot be read, comparisons clearly show that the Cypriot syllabary seemed to have derived from Linear A, and therefore is like a sibling to Linear B. For this reason, sometimes the script at this very early stage is called Cypro-Minoan, to distinguish it from the Cypriot script used for writing Greek after the 12th century BCE.

When the the Greek alphabet was invented in 8th century BC it replaced the Cypriot script and that is what we have been using ever since to write our language which is GREEK, and not any Semitic language.
And those Cypriots that were doing the teaching according the Bible were NOT Greeks but Jews (who became Christians)
According to Acts 4:36 Barnabas was a Cypriot Jew. had a large Jewish minority in those times but it was destroyed some time later:
Under the leadership of one Artemion, the Cyprian Jews participated in the great uprising against the Romans under Trajan (117), and they are reported to have massacred 240,000 Greeks (Dio Cassius, lxviii. 32). Thisinsurrection was finally quelled after considerable bloodshed (perhaps by Q. Marcius Turbo, who suppressed the uprising in Cyrene and Egypt), with the result that the Jews of Cyprus were almost entirely extirpated.