I think it’s time we came clean guys… I mean Tsukoui has exposed the great CF conspiracy so there’s no point in pretending anymore!
Ok here goes:
Oracle: A 5 star general of the Israeli military and sister of Tzipi Livni.
Bill C: A Mossad double agent based in Teheran.
Paphitis: A homeless busker outside the Opera House.
Erol: MIT agent now on loan to Chetingaya.
Miltiades: A Broadmoor Hospital patient given a laptop for Xmas.
Sotos: Head of the Greek secret service about to be dismissed for lack of funds.
Yialoser: Some kid we found outside crying and brought him in.
GR: An ISIS agent infiltrating the West
Kurupet: Gay and Lesbian rights agent who thinks “rotating presidency” means taking each other in turns.
Nikitas: The most dangerous criminal to be let out of Koridallos. Grand architect of many Latin coups.
Lordo: Talat’s taxi driver based in Brixton.
There’s more… lot’s more.